Arena Standard - Gimmick mono-white soldiers

29 7 0 24

So first I was going for Fleeting Spiritimage + Savior of Ollenbockimage shenanigans.  Fleeting Spirit trains the Savior twice with no risk, since if they block the Spirit you can discard.  Plus, you can discard any card with Spirit which Ollenbeck can get back from the graveyard.  Then with Meticulous Excavationimage you can return the Savior, resurrecting any card of yours.  I had visions in my head of infinite safe attacks by repeatedly exiling/resurrecting Rescue Retrieverimage.

But then I added Tocasia's Welcomeimage, and realized you can discard a card and draw for each Welcome you have, both on your turn and their turn.  Thus, Welcome + Spirit became the stars of the deck.

What I want to know is, though, why isn't Fleeting Spirit a Soldier? Just look at the hat!



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Last Updated: 29 Dec 2022
Created: 28 Dec 2022
76 59 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (11 distinct)

Creature (29)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (7)
Land (24)

Sideboard - 2 cards (2 distinct)


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