Arena Standard - Grull Stompy Surprise [IKO] Bo1

1 27 34
18 10 8 24

4/25:  This deck is designed to leverage Vivien and Lukka Planeswalker abilities to mana ramp and then quickly throw down big stompy creatures with trample and haste.  All creatures are either 2CMC for ramp or 7/8CMC for stomping (important for Lukka, Coppercoat Outcastimage and Vivien, Monsters' Advocateimage minus abilities).  It's janky but provides nice "Ahhh" feelings :)


1. Ramping with 2 CMC ramps (druids and caryatids) to get Vivien or Lukka out quickly.  Vivian then provides consistent creature creation (usually reach or vigilance 3/3 tokens) each turn, which in turn makes casting creatures from top card of library possible.  Lukka can sac a ramp card to pull a stompy on to the field with trample/haste or sac a 3/3 token to bring in another mana ramp creature.

2. Rhythm of the Wildimage gives ramps haste to inscrease ramp speed and +1 counter to Incubation Druid for even more mana the following turn, as well as adding additional +1 counters for the stompy guys.

3. The Great Hengeimage does what it does well.  Adds mana, life, counters, and draw.  Only costs GG to cast if initial stompy is out.

4. Yidaro, Wandering Monsterimage is good for cycling early on if in starting hand to help bring mana ramps early and putting it back into the library for retreival and not sitting in hand as a dead card early.

5. Storm's Wrathimage is effective in either the early game (slow play your hand if you have it to not kill your own ramps and planeswalkers) or in the late game because it can wipe out several of opp's creatures/planeswalkers without killing your stompy cards.  This was a later addition to the deck yet seems to be working well.

6. Chance for Gloryimage, while being odd man out due to need for white mana, doesn't sit dead in hand for long usually because of hasted caryatids and Paradise Druids.  I could splash in some white/Fabled Passages, although I am keeping with basic lands to keep the R/MR card count down for players with less wildcard options.  Feel free to experiment here if it brings any advantage to speeding the deck up.  This is a fun card to drop near the end of a turn after Lukka fires off, although it has to be weighed against the risk of your opponent's ability to eliminate your creature threat with open mana and any instant spells.  Having this card in a starting hand is not optimal, hence the rationale for it being a "1-of" card.


I have been finding with this deck the temptation is to use a mana ramp to play Lukka and then immediately sac the mana ramp for a stompy.  Too many times this results with the opponent at 1 life left and then they kill your stompy, have board control and their creatures take out Lukka.  If the opponent is heavy on removal or aggro (usually the case in Bo1) it may make sense to hold off a turn before dropping lukka or to use his +1 ability if he has reasonable chance to survive a turn before going off with his -2.


Good Luck and feel free to post any variations you try :)


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4/25 took out 4 Shadowspear and 2 Vivien's Arkbow to replace with 2 more Ilysian Caryatid and 4 Storm's Wrath.
4/23 took out 4 Footfall Crater (since stompy cards already have haste/trample) and replaced with 4 Shadowspear.
Creatures are either 2 CMC (ramping) or 7/8 CMC (trample/hasting), leveraging Lukka and Vivien. Rhythm of Wild pops a counter on Incubation druid to increase ramp. Use a Ramp creature to cast Lukka and then sac it to bring out a haste/trample stompy.
Last Updated: 26 Apr 2020
Created: 23 Apr 2020
490 182 3

Mainboard - 60 cards (13 distinct)

Creature (18)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (10)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (8)

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