Arena Standard - Land go BOOM!

13 20 16 21
7 24 3 26

Without lands, thay can't hurt you.


Either ramp early into Fires, or wipe out any creature that lands until the late game. Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrathimage is the main wincon due to his built-in recursion, ramp and draw. He works as a tool for staying alive until you can kill all their lands, then he bashes face once you do. Don't worry about keeping Tamiyo, Collector of Talesimage on the board in most cases. Her main purpose is to bring back an Extinction Eventimage when needed, or Rubble Readingimage and Casualties of Warimagewhen you're drawing blanks. Even in the worst case, she's a must-kill and will absorb some damage for you while digging 4 deeper for what you need.


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Last Updated: 09 May 2020
Created: 09 May 2020
62 76 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (20 distinct)

Creature (7)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (24)
Land (26)
Planeswalker (3)

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