Arena Standard - AntiAggroLantern

32 14
13 23 0 24

Most competition seems to be red or white aggro.

Rune & Meletis to get you to 4 lands.

Not a 'sexy' deck -- you try to stop aggro rush (defend with indestructible/Doomskar), then lantern them to death.


Early Game: Defense, be patient; get land in play.

 -- Meletis, Runes, Foretell

Note: A good early play can be Rune of Sustenance on Faceless Haven.


Mid Game: Doomskar, Poison, get life if you can, but get Lantern in play

 -- Banish, Heliod, Cosmos Elixir... (Use Lantern to transition from defense to offense)


End Game: Use Lantern

You're going to make them choose what to get rid of -- they'll start with the weakest they can.

Not uncommon to untap Lantern more than once

You can use Lantern on their turn.



 -- Play Lantern, before Tergrid (she's fun... but she just carries the lantern)

 -- Cosmos gains life, then draws cards (multiple in play is a good thing)

 -- Faceless haven is strong (can work around Doomskar)

 -- Decide how long to defend.



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Last Updated: 20 Mar 2021
Created: 13 Mar 2021
43 168 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (14 distinct)

Creature (13)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (23)
Land (24)

Maybeboard - 2 cards (1 distinct)


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