Arena Standard - Mardu Knights

28 8 10
30 8 0 22

Sideboard strategies

Against small creature agro: in Venerated Loxodonimage - out Conclave Tribunalimage

Against green stompy: in Desparkimage, Justice Strikeimage, Embereth Shieldbreakerimage - out 1x Icon of Ancestory, 4x Skynight Vanguard, 1x Corpse Knightimage (how many of each goes in depends on their particular stompy setup)

Against control: out Acclaimed Contenderimage, Conclave Tribunalimage, or Skynight Vanguard - In Midnight Reaperimage, Embereth Shieldbreakerimage, Desparkimage (exactly how many and what depends on their particular control)

RDW: in 1-2 Justice Strikeimage - out 1-2 Icon of Ancestory

Simic Flash: in Justice Strikeimage - out Acclaimed Contenderimage

Mirror: in The Circle of Loyaltyimage - out Icon of Ancestory

Against anything that plays The Great Hengeimage or artifacts Embereth Shieldbreakerimage goes in.



Mana base: every knight in the deck only cost 1 colored mana. 14 of all sources. This does a pretty good job of handling mana problems. Knights costing the same color twice are avoided (looking at you, Murderous Riderimage)

The Circle of Loyaltyimage : just worse than Icon of Ancestory almost always. Icon draws better knights, is easier to get out (believe it or not the double white really hurts often), and can be played in multiples. Most importantly can be played to restock when you're out of gas against control. The one downside is that Icon doesn’t buff your tokens.

Play style: first and foremost, you’re an agro deck that goes wide. Your goal is to pressure life totals quickly. This plays a lot like the old white weenie, only with some reload in your 3 drops.

Cards I’m not sure on: Skyknight Vanguardimage. If I was gonna replace a card, he’s the one. Feel free to play with this slot.


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Last Updated: 29 Sep 2019
Created: 29 Sep 2019
6 71 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (17 distinct)

Creature (30)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (8)
Land (22)

Sideboard - 15 cards (6 distinct)


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