Arena Standard - Mill?

49 17 8
25 5 6 24

Always loved mill, took landfall event expecting a bit more jank playing so my jank mill wen just ok for me and had a blast playing.
You either mill opponent or yourself depending if you have Jace in hand. As everyone is drawing a lot of cards makes this deck work faster, with Quasiduplicate on Wall of Lost Thoughts with Yarok or Reef for card draw.
Won 2 games against Cavalcade just by dropping Yarok and healing through it.
Maybe I've got lucky, but had fun and won my 6th with Jace milling myself so that was great finish on it's own. All wins were by mill (usually opponent), so that was achievement too


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Last Updated: 26 Aug 2019
Created: 26 Aug 2019
73 74 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (21 distinct)

Creature (25)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (5)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (6)

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20 12 24 4 0
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