Arena Standard - Neoform's God-Eternals & Tramplers [WAR]

15 38
20 14 2 24
Midrange Combo

I'm nuttier than a squirrel turd and this is my first brew I place on Aetherhub. I could use some feedback because I haven't tested this deck yet and I am relatively new to the game.

Neoform combo


A neoform+incubationdruid combo to grant approximate 5 to 7 spendable mana on turn 3. My noobness believes the neoform-turn3-combo should be:

turn 1 : Arboreal Grazer, place a 2nd land tapped;
turn 2 : Neoform and play incubation druid with a counter;
turn 2 : If 3rd land in your hand play together with Commune with Dinosaurs. That way you can always get a 5 or 6drop dino of your choice for a succesfull combo at turn 3, else fetch a 4th land.
turn 3 : Play 4th land and/or summon a 5 till 7drop combo of your choosing. If you have finale of devistation you can fetch God eternal Kefnet (My favorite)

Next to that you can sacrifice a God-Eternal with neoform later on in the game to summon a larger manacost creature and place a +1/+1 counter on it. Who the frack needs Vannifar anyway! A Gods-Eternal will reincarnate within 3 turns, so this gimmick grants us the option of summoning creatures without paying manacost.

God-Eternal Kefnet + Murmuring Mystic


When God Eternal Kefnet is on the board you can cast 1 copy of instant and sorceryspells for 2 less mana. In this deck this should mean casting copies of all our instants and sorceryspells is free of charge! The two copies of Murmuring Mystic creates 1/1 flying creatures when an instant or sorceryspell is cast which could help defend our airspace.

Double damage with God-Eternal Rhonas


Who does not like double damage with trample creatures? If you sacrifice God-Eternal Rhonas with Neoform to summon another creature, you have another double damage turn soon if not the same turn, depending on your hand and draw.

Roalesk, Apex Hybrid


Roalesk, Apex Hybrid is a 5 drop trample fillercard, nothing else. We needed a fillercard so that if we could use Neoform on God-Eternal Kefnet to summon a larger creature without using any mana. Roalesk seemed the best available option.

Pelakka Wurm


A Pelakka Wurm grants us +7 life and 1 carddraw. Our wurms also have trample which combines well with God-Eternal Rhonas double damage ability. Twice +7 lifegain hopefully helps us survive against monored +/-50% of the time to kill them was the thoughtproces here.

Mirror Image


I like the versatility that 2 Mirror Image creatures offer against whatever the opponent is throwing at me. I hope and assume it does not frack up my curve too much, because now and then you want to hold on to this card until the midgame.... But sometimes you simply gotta role the hard six!

Planeswalkers and Draw


Both Planeswalkers draw cards and give creatures special abilities which is what I want. Vivien's Grizzly is a manasink to grant alot of draw mid/lategame.

Legendary cards in general

I do not like more then 1 copy of each legendary card in a deck. Because it feels very shitty when I draw the same legendary card that is already on the table. Frack that,  I wanna go go go (song Golden Earing).


The curve seems descent in MTG On Curve Calculator: 89% for 1drops and 97% for all the other cards. The creaturecurve is flat, but incubation druid could hopefully make it playable.

Instant & Sorcery spells

I present to you standard removal stuff and fetch cards which are all 2 drops. This way, casting a copy is hopefully free of manacost.


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Last Updated: 27 Apr 2019
Created: 27 Apr 2019
786 188 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (23 distinct)

Creature (20)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (14)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (2)

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