Arena Standard - New Blite

9 28 7 8
4 33 0 23

Win conditions are:

1. Mill yourself and play Jace from your sideboard

2. Stack mana using Wilderness Reclamation and play Electrodominance from your sideboard

3. Clear the board with the Realm-Cloaked Giant, play the giant and go face

Adjust lands as you see fit, but 23 seems to work quite well, especially with the Gifts of Paradise in play.  You just want a good mix of colours. If you make it through 4-5 turns and are able to get a Wilderness Reclamation played you've basically won. 


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Last Updated: 17 Feb 2020
Created: 17 Feb 2020
22 101 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (25 distinct)

Creature (4)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (33)
Land (23)

Sideboard - 15 cards (12 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
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1 3 9 2 0