Arena Standard - Nissa's Apparatus

28 29
2 30 4 24
Control Combo

The deck currently is built around Mindsplice Apparatusimage to make the Sorceries and instants cheaper so you can get insane things like Massive card draw from Silver Scrutinyimage or a ton of Forests and creatures from Awaken the Woodsimage

The Titania's Commandimage are a good way to either ramp further, get some board pressence, or even gain life. 

Added in Jace, the Perfected Mindimage As a way to Mill/draw and also add more fuel to the opponent's grave for when you use the Titania's Command. 

The Play lines are obviously to try to get to 4 Land and protect your self long enough for the apparatus to hit the field.  Using Fading Hopeimage or Blast Zoneimage to keep any threats to your life off the board and apparatus.  You can also use Awaken to provide chump blockers when necessary.  Witness the Futureimage is to provide deck recursion.  And Syncopateimage is used for obvious protecting your self and your board from threats.  Even if it means stopping an enemy control deck from drawing more cards to refresh their hand.  

You have Proliferate options and card draw/Ramp from Joint Explorationimage & Experimental Auguryimage.  And since witness is in the deck,  you don't have to worry about dropping non-land cards into the grave from Thirst.  

Since we don't have more copies of Titania's, the Rise of the Ants at least provides Creatures and Life, which can be discounted with the apparatus, and flashed back.  

Also added in 1x Copy of Shigeki, Jukai Visionaryimage & Colossal Skyturtleimage as a way to further bring things back from the grave or to even use Shigeki as an early game blocker vs aggro stratigies.  

And Finally Nissa, Ascended Animistimage Can provide with needed removal of enemy Apparatus, or other artifact and enchantment threats on the board, as well as provide support with her +1 to make creatures.  And with Awaken the Woods creating FORESTS,  you can go "Plus Ultra" And -7 Nissa To make all your Dryad Tokens super pumped!  For a Nuclear Strike! 


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Last Updated: 03 Mar 2023
Created: 27 Feb 2023
178 64 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (19 distinct)

Creature (2)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (30)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (4)

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