Arena Standard - Nyx Folio - turn 4/5 win with mono blue!

16 52
19 14 1 26

This is a highly focused Nyx Lotusimage deck. It uses Manfold Key and Corridor Monitorimage to untap the Lotus giving huge amounts of mana for Gadwick, the Wizenedimage or Folio of Fanciesimage to draw more cards and continue the loop.

We can usually draw our whole deck in one big turn, winning with Thassa's Oracleimage. It's possible to win on turn 4!


Ideal game

Turn 1: Island

Turn 2: Island, Renowned Weaponsmith

Turn 3: Island, Nyx Lotus, Manifold Key

Turn 4: Island, Arcanist's Owl (may get a monitor or another key to combo off this turn)

Turn 5: We have at least 14 mana available (5 from lotus, use weaponsmith to untap it with the key for another 5 + 4 lands). If our Owl found another Owl we have 18. This should be enough to start the draw loop with either Gadwick or Folio.

When drawing - always leave 2 mana unused. With 2 mana you can play and use a key or drop a monitor to untap the lotus. If you have a monitor in play - leave 3 mana so you can unsummon the monitor and re-play it.


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Last Updated: 03 Apr 2020
Created: 03 Apr 2020
54 83 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (12 distinct)

Creature (19)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (14)
Land (26)
Planeswalker (1)

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