Arena Standard - Rotation Proof DIAMOND - The Black Death

7 26 3 24
Control Combo

I based this deck on TOTALmtg's rotation proof mono black control, but I replaced some of it's cards to make it more competitive. If you've played enough ranked games you've probably seen this deck, but the premise is simple - Detroy and Discard your opponent's spells until you smash the Peer into the Abyss combo or Ugin. I added Liliana as an aditional win con. Also, nothing beats the pleasure of exiling Uro from your opponent's hand. Aaah, sweet removal...

SIDEBOARD: I find that sometimes Pestilent Haze and Kaervek can be replaced for 4x Enforcers, which practically destroys Solitaire players and reanimators and also gives us an edge against aggro decks. If you're feeling adventurous, you can replace 1 Gary with Necromentia!


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Nice!! I try it hard but i think had Castle of lochtwain. I don't have Kaerverk and Liliana so i play with 4x Enforcers.
Add me for fight with me! D4rem0#60254 and show me the best way for this deck ^^
Last Updated: 10 Sep 2020
Created: 05 Sep 2020
542 291 1

Mainboard - 60 cards (19 distinct)

Creature (7)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (26)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (3)

Sideboard - 5 cards (2 distinct)


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