Arena Standard - Super Draw - Keruga, Sublime, Gargaroth

38 21
21 15 0 24
Midrange Jank

So basically the idea in this one boys is to have as many Elder Gargarothimages on the field as possible. We do that by play four copies of each of the following:

image  image  image

We use some tricks to make even better versions of Gargaroth like mutating with Sea-Dasher Ocotpus and fighting creatures when we cast Mythos of Illunaimage with a red source. Each of the copies of creatures with these abilities will come into play with those abilities.

You have incredible draw/damage potential with a Sea-Dasher + Gargaroth, but we need a way to get there and fast. So the ramp package is three of Cultivateimage, and four copies of Llanowar Visionaryimage and Midnight Clockimage. The clock ensures we won't deck ourselves and will have plenty of opportunities for fun times with Elder Gargarothimage

To turn the drawing output up to ELEVEN, we add a Copy of Keruga, the Macrosageimage to the mainboard and companion slot to draw two, three, four or MORE cards when he ETBs. (And yes, the tokens have a CMC of zero, but Glasspool Mimicimage will have a CMC of the card it copies) You can make copies of Keruga if you need to plow through the deck for more threats. We also have two copies of The Great Hengeimage because every green deck runs this card and also more draw and life gain shenanigans are exactly what this deck wants. 

To round out the deck I threw in 4x Brazen Borrowerimage so we have something to do on turn two, otherwise, we have to hope we don't die by turn 4 in which case we usually can catch the opponent off guard with all of our big creatures.

Anyway, I hope you find the deck enjoyable. It's not the most competitive thing in the world, but you will have a good time. I assure you that. Until next time travelers


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Last Updated: 28 Dec 2020
Created: 28 Dec 2020
157 205 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (19 distinct)

Creature (21)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (15)
Land (24)

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