Arena Standard - The Ultimate Gyruda Combo Guide

13 21 6 16
25 9 0 26

The Ramp:

we are running 13 ramp cards for a consistent turn 4 Gyruda. 4 druids and 3 of each other spell make it so our ramp is flexible enough to not get denied. We only need to find 2 of these (except for double migration) to get a turn 4 Gyruda going.

image - The core ramping card of the deck. The only 4 of ramp because it can be pulled by Gyruda. The hexproof helps a lot for it to dodge targeted removal so don't attack with them until you've played Gyruda.

image - Secondary ramping spell. Its upside over druid and growth is that its not a creature (doesn't die to damage), doesn't need an extra land like Growth. Another upside is that it will instanly add an extra mana on an untapped land so you can play this and a 2 mana spell when u have access to 3 mana. The activated ability is kind of negligible.

image - the best ramping spell when u have a lot of scry lands in hand.

image - this one is a must have. It adds insane consistency to the deck by not forcing you not find a 4th land for a turn 4 Gyruda. With the recycling ability its also not a dead draw later in the game. Should be at least 2 of but i'm running 3.

The Combo:

image - pretty self-explanatory. Our build-around card.

image - the main reason we are in bant over simic or sultai. Can do some pretty insane tricks with Gyruda and our other etb cards. The Scry effect helps adding consistency to our ramp as well as let us find gas later on if we are getting denied. The healing can be clutch against aggro. The exile effect however is the coolest ability.

It's pretty much the same as Thassa's but the upside is that if Gyruda pulls out a prince at the end step (after a Thassa's or another Prince's trigger) than the effect will trigger at the OPPONENT'S endstep. This allows for some cool plays like hiding our Gyruda from removal for our opponent's entire turn and reboarding before our draw phase so everything that Gyruda pulls out will not have summoning sickness and be ready to smash face.

image - will retrigger Gyruda or any other etb creature every turn. It's very easy to make her a creature with just 2 Gyrudas on the board. The activated effect can come in clutch for a final face smash or stalling out. Also don't forget that if she is a creature you can copy her with Spark Double in case you need and invicible board or you are afraid of milling yourself out.

image - the centerpiece of the combo. Allows for multiple Gyrudas on the board which can eventually overwhelm your opponent. Can also be used on any of our other creatures depending on what we need at the point of the game. Just be vary that if you exile it with Prince/Thassa or it gets unsummoned by the opponent than it will need to have an actual creature on the board to copy. F.e. if your Gyruda dies and you only have 1 Spark doubled Gyruda on the board than it cannot be replayed anymore. So be very careful with how you use multiple endstep triggers and usually try to not let the real Gyruda die because it can often mess up your combo.

The Payoffs:

image - Great addition to the deck. Usually having 2 of in the deck is the perfect number because even tho she is not legendary having more of them on the board will not have her effect trigger multiple times because it respawns the actual creature from the graveyard.

First of all - she gives us protection against board wipes. Opponent letting us combo while holding a board wipe? Well fear no more if you get a Broodmoth on the board. Will respawn each one of our ground creatures as flyers after a wipe as well as retriggering their etb's which will pretty much mean gg for them the next turn. But again, be careful with triggers on spark doubles - if you don't get a real gyruda on the board first than all the spark doubles will die or trigger on the wrong creature. Same thing with princes - they should come on the board last to retrigger Gyruda. Also having Broodmoth on the board will make our opponent fear of ever killing Gyruda which will give us free attacks/blocks.

Secondly, Broodmoth will triple all of Gyruda's etb effects when a real Gyruda is played while having one on the board already since she is legendary (1st trigger - new Gyruda enters , 2nd trigger - one of the Gyrudas is sacrificed due to being legendary and respawns from Broodmoth, 3rd trigger - we sacrifice another ground Gyruda after the flying one entered and she is respawned again). This will allows us to quickly mill our opponent if we want to.

Finally, she can be hardcast on 4 mana as a 3/4 flyer if we are in dire need of board presence.


The sideboard plan is currently WIP since i'm testing different setups. At the moment our sideboard is built to help us deal with hard-counters: Grafdigger's Cageimage, Hushbringerimage and Kunoros, Hound of Athreosimage; help out the cat and flash/counter-spell matchups. The mono-red and fires matchups i feel are fine enough to get through just with our combo.

image - Best way of dealing with Grafdigger's. Can also destroy annoying stuff like Oven, Fires, Reclamation and ECD. The recycling ability is also great at making it a flexible draw.

image - mostly for the flash or heavy counter-spell matchups. I wouldn't run them if our opponent is only running Disputes since we can quickly ramp past it.

image - our only way of dealing with Hushbringer. Can also deal with Kunoros, help aggro matchups and is the best answer to a turn 2 Priest of the Forgotten Gods that has been a huge problem for me in the cat matchup.

image - currently testing a cheeky 2 of against the becoming ever so popular Yorion control decks. There is no such thing as having too much artifact/enchanment hate in this meta.

image - currently out of the list because i feel its only good against mono-red in the meta. 


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I like your deck! Good job. What about a sideboard guide?
Last Updated: 26 Apr 2020
Created: 26 Apr 2020
2263 305 1

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