Arena Standard - Turn 3 Sligh

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Turn 3 Sligh, is a turn 3 win really possible?, ofcourse it is, even if it is in an ideal hand... here is how

You take the Play

Turn 1 = cast Scorch Spitterimage... does no damage..YET, very typical play, especially in turn 1, I dread to think of the amounts of times this happens, it's almost boring right?

Opposition drops a multicoloured land like temple of mastery or Breeding Poolimage tapped as is typical for the current meta, pretty much 3 out of 5 top tier decks and doing this as automatic plays.

Turn 2 = cast double Fervent Championimage and push all out for 6 damage, easy, I have done this more often than I care to mention or for example, use a Furor the bitten, Either way, its 5-6 damage

Opposition does some janky ramp crap noone cares about like casting Growth Spiralimage or Paradise Druidimage or has to drop a shock land like Breeding Poolimage (oh I love it when they do this) to cast the spiral anyway or make some janky play with an enchantment (don't say it doesn't happen because we all know it does) we are now on anywhere between 5 and 8 damage through right?

Turn 3, Well you know you can cause 5-6 damage already because they have done nothing to stop you and are tapped out twiddling their thumbs still trying to ramp out for some big epic play, so to push here without casting anything would be easy, you will have caused roughly 10-12 damage at the end of turn 3, quite easilly, just off a reasonable opening hand, so now you only need to push roughly 8-10 more damage for the game... but this is how things get fun..

lets say you have a Shockimage in hand along with Infuriateimage and Skewer the Criticsimage, you play the Shockimage, Infuriateimage the Scorch Spitterimage and once the damage has gone through and resolved you cast Skewer, 2+3+3=8...

Ideal hands you say?, lucky plays you say?, what about Double Infuriateimage and Skewer the Criticsimage, thats 9 damage off 3 mana, what about an extra champion instead of the other Infuriateimage, what about an extra Shockimage or Furor of the Bittenimage, we started off with 7 cards, this is turn 3, we had 2 extra draws... we run 4 of each of all of the cards mentioned... 0+6+14=20

Yes, turn 3 wins are possible in standard and if you think that is fun..look at the options for turn 4...

lets say your opponent killed one of your creatures and you are still say 5-6 damage behind, or they have a blocker, you missed out on a land-drop or whatever.. can you do an extra 5-6 damage off 3-4 mana?...

Cast Bolt Houndimage, that is 3 mana, pushes for 2 and buffs your Spitter and your remaining champion by 1 each, that's 6 damage all in all.. without other buffs

What about squeezing extra damage from a card I havent even mentioned yet? like Heartfireimage, Ember Haulerimage or Robber the Rich

Turn 4 wins are easy right? ;) Enjoy


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Last Updated: 02 Jul 2020
Created: 02 Jul 2020
588 219 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (12 distinct)

Creature (20)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (20)
Land (20)

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