Traditional Historic - Abzanimator

14 31 12
15 23 0 22

Historic Reanimator in the Abzan colors of White, Black, and Green. 

Goal is simple, load the graveyard with as many big payoffs as possible in the form of Toxrill, Sheoldred, Elesh Norn, and Serra Emissary. There are two Sheoldreds because it can be a lightning rod for exile based removal and we want easy-mode/recurring reanimation on our upkeep. 

The rest of the deck is set up to fill the graveyard. Stitcher's Supplier, Raffine's Informant, and Old Rutstein help accomplish that while staying on board to provide blocking ability. Stitcher's Supplier can mill up to six cards, the Informant can do one each ETB, and Old Rusty is milling once on ETB and each upkeep. Cemetery Tampering will fill the graveyard to twenty easily with our strategy and we can consistently play a card for free if this hits the board. 

The Command is super versatile and can be a maindeck answer to graveyard hate cards that are running around under 2 mana value (that's a lot of them too!), a way to mill and return land, drain/gain, or to kill creatures that are x/1's. 
Cling to Dust is great too because we are milling ourselves so much so to escape this again a few times throughout the game can help hate on graveyards, with the bonus of card draw or life gain. Thoughtseize for hand disruption, or to discard something out of our hands we want in the graveyard. Bone Shards for spot removal with the added bonus of removing big creatures from our hands. 

Reanimation is done through Unburial Rites and Sheoldred. 

Sideboard is still a work in progress, but cards that help fight the graveyard hate, go-wide strategies, enchantment strategies, and mono-colored strategies. Knight of Autumn is a very versatile card too in that it can do many things we want, die and then be reanimated with Sheoldred or Unburial rites. 

I will gladly take any feedback and keep a changelog here in the description as the deck evolves. Thank you! Hope you have fun with this deck and bring back many creatures!

-2 Blex, Vexing Pest; +2 Cemetery Tampering. 
-1 Tapping at the Window; +1 Cling to Dust
-2 Go Blank; +2 Path of Peril (Sideboard)


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Last Updated: 13 Aug 2022
Created: 12 Aug 2022
85 49 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (28 distinct)

Creature (15)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (23)
Land (22)

Sideboard - 15 cards (9 distinct)


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