Traditional Historic - Casual Basic Land Check Red

4 22 9 25
Control Jank


Do you too get fed up with these greedy Zoomers who think it's fine to just play 1 basic in their tournament netdecked pile? Do they truly believe that just because Blood Moonimage isn't in Historic they're allowed to get away with such poor deck building? Well, friend, if you share my contempt, have I got just the deck for you~

Basic Land Checks:

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Powered by Sunken Citadelimage we can easily Turn 2 test what degree of environmental awareness our leming of an opponent has.

Board Control:

Single Target:

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Bonecrusher and Night pull double duty as they transition into some of the threats we'll use to close out the game.


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What you pick for these 4 slots is up to you based on the meta you don't want to die to.



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  • 4x Chandra, Torch of Defianceimage: Still the best Red planeswalker and it isn't particularly close. Protects herself while pressuring the opponent in all the ways we want.
  • 3x Chandra, Awakened Infernoimage / Chandra, Hope's Beaconimage: The exact number of each of these you want is completely up in the air, but I really like having at least 3x Infernos somewhere in the 75.
  • 2x Sarkhan, Wanderer to Shivimage: Imma be honest, DragonBro's here mostly because I think he's amusing as hell. And not to take away from him, coming down and Lightning Boltimageing anything is great and 0-loyalty'ing for a stream of Shivan Dragonimages is a blast but he'd be the first on the chopping block if you wanted to "get more serious".

Random Creatures:

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  • 4x Fable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-Jikiimage: Card's cracked. To the point it's annoying that you kinda have to play it since there's nothing better. I'd honestly be quite happy if they banned this mistake.
  • 4x Bonecrusher Giantimage: Turns out curving 2-drop creature removal into a 3-drop 4/3 body has its uses. Who knew?
  • 3-4x Den of the Bugbearimage: We definitely want creature lands to complement our otherwise restrictive spell slots and Buggie here is the one that produces Red mana so it gets the nod.


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It's a bit annoying that Sunken Citadelimage comes into play tapped, but we have more than enough utility/creature lands that the otherwise free extra 1 mana will feel quite good. Turn 2 Field of Ruinimageing certain decks almost certainly makes their pilot's blood run cold.

For those of you who haven't played with Mind Stoneimage just know that there's a reason why WotC made The Irencragimage Legendary. That it cycles after you've got use out of it is just silly.


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  • 4x Rampaging Ferocidonimage: Samwise combo, Amalia combo, Yawgmoth, Soul Sisters. There's enough incidental lifegain running around the ladder that preventing their life total from going up is quite the useful effect to have access to.
  • 3x Unlicensed Hearseimage: For anything graveyard focused.
    • Tons of options here, but you don't want less than 3x GY Hater.
  • 3x Fryimage: Anti-Control but happens to tag Samwise and Amalia quite nicely (leave this out for the Izzet matchups).
  • 1x Chandra, Awakened Infernoimage: Like I said, I like having 3x of my gal somewhere in the 75. Mostly for the Counterspellimage matchups but will serve as bad 3-damage sweeper should you really-really need that effect.
  • 2x Pithing Needleimage: I always seem to play 2x of this in just about every deck I come up with. It's just such a good catch all though, so sorry, not sorry.
  • 2x By Forceimage: When you just want to Plague Windimage Affinity or need to tag random bits and bobs like Palantír of Orthancimage.
    • Could easily be Abradeimage but I prefer my sideboard slots dedicated to cards that'll break opposition backs should they be cast.

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Last Updated: 28 Dec 2023
Created: 26 Dec 2023
247 72 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (17 distinct)

Creature (4)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (22)
Land (25)
Planeswalker (9)

Sideboard - 15 cards (6 distinct)


Maybeboard - 8 cards (4 distinct)


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