Traditional Historic - Thran Shenanigans

12 14 23
14 19 2 25


we all secretly love to be the guy casting Armageddonimage right, well wizards are cowards and wont reprint it any time soon but they did print Fall of the Thranimage (silly yawgmoth.) combine this with Knight of the Reliquaryimage to go find our singleton Bojuka Bogimage and boom DIY armagedon. Thats it thats the whole point of the deck, we're not out here trying to win, just be annoying. otherwise its all just landfall stuff for advantage, removal and disruption to survive until we thran and 2 Nissa, Vital Forceimage to come down as a planeswalker assassin with the 5/5, she also gets our bog out of the bin if we played it pre thran. 

it might be worth swapping the Sarulf, Realm Eaterimage with everyones favourite frog boi The Gitrog Monsterimage the wolf grows when we thran the frog draws 6....... upto you 


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Last Updated: 26 May 2021
Created: 26 May 2021
70 87 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (22 distinct)

Creature (14)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (19)
Land (25)
Planeswalker (2)

Sideboard - 15 cards (8 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
1 2 50 2 0
2 2 11 0 0