Standard - Azorius Teferi Mill

20 52
9 32 4 35
Control Jank

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Mill, mill, and mill...

The main objective consists of milling our opponents, in order to do that we will be running two mill engines Drowned Secretsimage and Teferi’s Tutelage. Let’s check the decklist...


  • Barrin, Tolarian Archmageimage It’s a very versatile creature because we can blink one creature or planeswalker from the board, this means we can delay our opponent or in the case we blink one of ours permanents we can draw a card which is awesome to trigger our main mill engine Teferi’s Tutelage
  • Brazen Borrowerimage The fact we can blink any permanent at instant speed by paying symbol:1symbol:U is just priceless, as a plus, it grants us a flier on the board.
  • Dream Trawlerimage An awesome creature for late the game, nice body with evasion and lifelink. More important it has a nice draw synergy with Teferi’s Tutelage.
  • Niambi, Esteemed Speakerimage Basically because she synergizes very well with our cards (we can blink back to our hand, Barrin, Brazen, and Yorion) and at the same time she can trigger Teferi’s Tutelage because we have a good amount of legendary cards in this deck.
  • Yorion, Sky Nomadimage With one in the companion slot, it’s a nice body with Flying. It’s ability that blinks our permanents like (Omen of the sea, Elspeth, Barrin, etc) is just awesome.
  • Banishing Lightimage Very good to remove any threat. I prefer Banishing Lightimage over Glass Casketimage for example because in late game/top deck situations Banishing Lightimage is way more useful to us.
  • Drowned Secretsimage Although this is an Azorius build we have a lot of blue cards and we don’t want to depend only on Teferi’s Tutelage to mill our opponent.
  • Elspeth Conquers Deathimage This is an awesome card, really good to deal with Uro, Ugin, Nissa you name it! We also want take advantage of its third ability and return, Yorion, Dream Trawler or both Teferi we have a lot of options to return to the battlefield.
  • Omen of the Seaimage This card fits perfectly in this deck, it can help you search what you need, triggers both Teferi’s Tutelage and Drowned Secret, it can be blinked by Yorion (which triggers teferi’s tutelage and itself).
  • The last and the most important Teferi’s Tutelage, this is our main mill engine. First, because every time you draw a card (and you draw one each turn) your opponent mill two cards, then there’s the combo with Thirst for Meaningimage that it’s completely insane, our main goal with this deck is to hold on until we get this babe on the board and start milling to the victory.
    Regarding the planeswalkers, we are running only two, and guess who are they? Yup both Teferi!
  • Teferi Master of Time, which is fantastic to trigger Teferi’s Tutelage since it’s first ability can be triggered at instant speed and then there’s the second ability which grants us nice removal.
  • Teferi, Time Ravelerimage He’s perfect to gain some tempo and draw at same time while preventing the opponent to play at instant.
    For sorceries we only need the best board clear in town and I think that with four of them we are pretty secure.
  • Shatter the Skyimage
    In instants, we have:
  • Absorbimage To counter threats and have some life gain which is important against aggro builds.
  • Neutralizeimage Because besides it’s counter ability it allows us to trigger Teferi’s Tutelage by cycling it.
  • Optimage An weak version of Omen of the Seaimage but a cheap one.
  • Finally the drawing beast Thirst for Meaningimage, this card allows us to draw three cards at instant speed and since we have a lot of enchantments depending the board state we can even discard one enchantment instead of two cards, really powerful.

Sideboard choices

  • Let's start with Artifacts, we are running Sorcerous Spyglassimage to remove threats.
  • Tormod’s crypt for graveyard hate.
    In creatures we have Yoron as companion and:
  • Ghostly Pilfererimage which allows us to draw a card when we’re facing decks that casts spells from the graveyard, library or event outside the game.
  • For the enchantments Omen of the Sunimage for those games we require more bodies and lifegain.
  • Aether Gustimage and Devout Decreeimage to helps us survive against aggro builds and other strategies in the green, red and black color pie.
  • Finally more two planeswalkers Ashiok, Dream Renderimage which grant us graveyard hate and at the same time more mill and Narset, Parter of Veilsimage especially for those games where the opponent loves to draw (Izzet Builds, Uro builds, etc).

I hope you enjoy this deck if you have any suggestions to improve it please let me know I'm looking forward to hear your feedback!


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strictlyjess glad you liked it!
Awesome deck, thank you!
Last Updated: 04 Aug 2020
Created: 02 Aug 2020
2257 429 2

Mainboard - 80 cards (21 distinct)

Creature (9)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (32)
Land (35)
Planeswalker (4)

Sideboard - 15 cards (8 distinct)


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