Standard - Dimir Tempo (Cheap)

39 25
24 13 0 23

Dimir Tempo


Before we start, this is my first Deck and i'd love it, if you'd thumbs up and/or leave a comment on it.

Without further ado lets get started.



You basically want to put +1/+1 counter on your Thoughtbound Phantasmimage and Dimir Spybugimage. Protect them as best as you can. Doom Whispererimage is your finisher. Sinister Sabotageimage, Unexplained Disappearanceimage and Dead Weightimage helps you control the Tempo.



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This helps you protect your important Creatures and keep early aggression.

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Your early defense against aggressive decks, it's also a big threat to your opponent.

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Flying and Menace makes this card the biggest early threat to your opponent.

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This helps you filter through your topcards and synergizes with Dimir Spybugimage and Thoughtbound Phantasmimage.

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Your most aggressive choice as a 3 drop. Flash makes this card synergize well with your Deck since you often have to keep your mana open to counter or bounce potential threats.

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Your Finisher, it synergizes extremly well with your early threats and even on it's own it's a big threat to your opponent.



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Removes smaller Creatures, but can also weaken medium Creatures.

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This keeps up your Tempo advantage. It can also Protect your important Creatures.

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Draw that helps you keep up the aggression.

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This counter is your biggest Temposwing.




This would be your ideal starting hand in most cases.

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In General you want to:


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swap with 2x Dead Weightimage against Controldecks.

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swap with 4x Unexplained Disappearanceimage against Controldecks or if you feel like Unexplained Disappearanceimage doesn't get you anywhere.

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swap with 2x Doom Whispererimage against Aggrodecks.

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swap with 2x Dead Weightimage against Bigcreature-based Decks or swap with 2x Sinister Sabotageimage against aggressive Decks.

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swap with Whisper Agentimage against Controldecks or Bigcreature-based Decks.

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swap with 1x Siren Stormtamerimage if you choose to run 4x Nightveil Predatorimage.


but sometimes you gotta make your own decisions.













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thanks for your discription!!
Last Updated: 15 Oct 2018
Created: 05 Oct 2018
904 129 1

Mainboard - 60 cards (14 distinct)

Creature (24)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (13)
Land (23)

Sideboard - 15 cards (6 distinct)


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4 10 0 0 0