Standard - [ELD] Dimir controls the mill

38 23
17 18 0 25

With rotation comes new ideas. Especially for my beloved Dimir Deck, I did several “minor” changes since the last time:

  • focussing on a more control-based archetype
  • incorporating the nice new cards which profits from milling the Opponent
  • rediscover old beloved cards which support milling (e.g Thief of Sanityimage)

I will do some playtesting in my local game group and update the deck list. The Sideboard definitely needs some chances and adaptation on current meta. 

Have fun playing the deck!


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I‘m thinking of going to more control and leaving the midrange strategy. The hostage taker will be missing after the rotation, but maybe there‘ll be some interesting cards in dimir in the next set
Yeah, I have it in paper as well and it's doing quite okay there. Fortunately the local meta is not the same as the Arena meta. Otherwise it would be too frustrating with this deck.
Actually I play this deck only in paper. I agree with you, this deck is waaaaaay to slow compared to the current arena meta like Simic flash (which decapitate the early game strategy) and Esper Tempo (annoying Baby Teferi). But I really want that this decks work.
Interesting changes recently. I need to revisit my Dimir deck as well. Have been playing different decks lately as I felt the deck was too slow for the current Arena meta.
It felt in a few match ups that i‘m missing a powerful win condition. I tried to build in Liliana because I find it kind of sad to keep her in the shelf :-P
But thanks for your advices, i appreciate your work :)
Thought about Liliana myself, but I felt she's just "too cute" there as a top end and not really necessary. I'd consider her in a shell with a lower threat count. And even in this deck I would rather cut one Cast Down to fit in the Liliana instead of cutting a Discovery.
Last Updated: 25 Nov 2019
Created: 24 Jun 2019
8308 979 6

Mainboard - 60 cards (20 distinct)

Creature (17)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (18)
Land (25)

Sideboard - 15 cards (8 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
16 17 17 0 0
4 5 6 0 0