Standard - Green/Black Singleton!

14 31
20 11 5 24

5-7 wins on average

looking to possibly put more black cards in but am undecided


Wow, 300 views im actually surprised so many people looked at my deck. going to make a more detailed guide on it now didnt think it'd get this many.


Early game/cards to look to keep: I'm always looking for at least 2 lands i most of the time never keep double swamp hands becuase they're super weak, only having two early game black cards. I would keep a 2 swamp one forest though if i'm second. Drover of the MightyimageGlint-Sleeve SiphonerimageLlanowar ElvesimageMerfolk BranchwalkerimageNaga VitalistimageServant of the ConduitimageSeekers' SquireimageAttune with Aetherimage Are all cards you should be looking for in an opening hand. 

Mid to late game:Board swarm, with cards like Vraska, Relic SeekerimageLiliana, Death's MajestyimageKarn, Scion of UrzaimageTendershoot Dryadimage All provide you with creature production and combo'd with Path of Discoveryimage Can curve your draws out and help you dig for any card you need, and buff all your 2/2s becuase i've ran into lots of Golden DemiseimageYahenni's Expertiseimage[[Demon of Dark Schemes

Removal : Vraska, Relic SeekerimageVivien ReidimageLiliana, Death's MajestyimageVraska's ContemptimageThe Eldest RebornimageNature's WayimageNaturalizeimageThrashing Brontodonimage

Im going to focus on making a Maybe board as i go through my collection of cards i own, Im always looking to make changes whenever i can to improove! 

Small side note; I'll fix this walkthrough up as i adjusted a lot of the deck, but here's the improoved version I feel.


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Last Updated: 22 Sep 2018
Created: 14 Aug 2018
610 81 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (43 distinct)

Creature (20)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (11)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (5)

Maybeboard - 31 cards (31 distinct)


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