Standard - Jeskai Planeswalkers

16 25 29
3 9 23 25

Rotation proof Jeskai Walkers. Generate tons of value with planeswalkers then turn them all into 4/4 dragons with Sarkhan the Masterlessimage and swing for the win. Plenty of spells to keep them safe while you assemble your board, Saheeli, Sublime Artificerimage makes blockers with each PW as well.

My previous list ran Lightning Strike, I replaced it with Prison Realmimage which is less effecient but better on later turns against large threats. There is Chandra's Triumphimage which may be an ok replacement, as well as Lava Coilimage, or there is Slaying Fireimage and Scorching Dragonfireimage coming up from Eldraine (that have been spoiled so far).

The deck has performed surprisingly well, Interplanar Beaconimage gains so much life that we can survive mono red burn without much issue. Esper running The Elderspellimage is our bad matchup. Bring as much counterspell as you can if it is prevelant in your meta.

Edited: Replaced Prison Realmimage with Deputy of Detentionimage, have been trying Dovin, Grand Arbiterimage and liking it as well. I may replace Chandra, Fire Artisanimage with more copies.


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Last Updated: 22 Oct 2019
Created: 11 Sep 2019
674 134 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (24 distinct)

Creature (3)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (9)
Land (25)
Planeswalker (23)

Sideboard - 15 cards (6 distinct)


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0 12 3 0 0