Standard - Mono-Blue

10 28 0 22

This is a Standard Deck I built for a customer on Fiverr. The deck scales with each week to include more uncommon and rares. If you want a deck built around your budget and ideas, you can find me on Fiverr as genoslugcs.

Week One Deck


The list you see above is the week one deck. So, six Uncommon Cards and No More than four Rares in your deck (Main and Side) - I used the maximum of each rarity. Let me review the general strategy and briefly touch on some individual cards afterward.

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These are the two threats the deck is built around - Both cards care about having instants and\or sorceries in your graveyard. Haughty Djinnimage is a beast of a card at three mana, and the card all four rare slots are dedicated to for week one. First, the four toughness will dodge most, if not all, of the week one damage-based removal. Next, its power scales as the game progresses and can be very aggressive and a game-ending threat early.

The deck is naturally full of instants and sorceries, and the Djinn supports itself by making them cost less. Once this is on the field, it makes your opponent's lives hard on all subsequent turns. Lastly, it has flying that will help block opposing flyers and push in for damage.

Tolarian Terrorimage can also come out early, has good power and toughness, and can protect itself via ward. Given that Haughty Djinnimage reduces the casting cost of your spells, it can help accelerate you into an early Tolarian Terror. That said, the deck can be fast but don't be afraid to play a longer game.

Understand that these are key pieces to victory that get stronger the more spells you cast. Depending on the match-up, don't be scared to delay casting a Haughty Djinnimage for a turn if it means being able to hold up protection for it. You can find videos of pros piloting a similar version here -

The Spells

Having your wincons care about instants and sorceries is great. It means we get to simply play a critical mass of removal, counterspells, and card draw and reap the benefits of it. The deck has so many answers, that you won't have to race the faster decks, you'll tempo them out. If you've never played a deck like this, do check out the video because it's a subtle art... I have faith in you as a pilot though. Now, onto the spells.


There are a total of 10 counterspells in the deck. While this may seem like a lot, remember that they fuel your offense too, not just defense. The week one counters are:

  • Assimilate Essenceimage - Keeps opponents off of early threats and advances your board
  • Essence Scatterimage - Also keeps opponents from early threats. You don't even have to be overly selective with this... Anything you counter turn two will simply set up a Djinn next turn and tempo the opponent out
  • Make Disappearimage - Can stop both creature and noncreature spells, so long as your opponent pay. Keep in mind if you play a Haughty Djinnimage turn four, you can hold this up as protection since it'll only cost one mana.
  • Negateimage - Classic. Great for negating removal (no pun intended lol) and key noncreature spells from opponents (looking at you proliferation spells!)
  • Spell Pierceimage - This is one of the best cards in the deck when used right. For a well-timed blue mana you can ruin your opponent's day.

Card Advantage & Removal

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Considerimage is phenomenal card selection/card advantage. And it can put two cards into the graveyard on turn one, making for a beefy turn three Djinn. Fading Hopeimage is the majority of our uncommons since it so effectively cleans up the board of anything that happened to make it past the stack. Next, we have Flow of Knowledgeimage, Thisrt for Discovery, and Case the Jointimage, which all draw cards.


Week Two Deck

For week two we'll be swapping out all four Case the Jointimage to add three Thirst for Discoveryimage and one Flow of Knowledgeimage. Then swap both Academy Wallimage for two See Doubleimage.

Week Three Deck

We'll be taking out a single copy of Negateimage for one Blue Sun's Twilightimage. In the sideboard, we'll be replacing two one Negate and one Witness Protectionimage with two Change the Equationimage. While it may seem strange we don't add more rares for week three the week one and two decks are already almost a tier strategy for standard. So, you should do extremely well early and things will even up for the final round.





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Last Updated: 12 May 2023
Created: 12 May 2023
532 110 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (15 distinct)

Creature (10)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (28)
Land (22)

Sideboard - 15 cards (5 distinct)


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With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
50 6 4 0 0
15 0 0 0 0