Standard - Mono White Aggro

25 13 0 22

So everyone tells you go Big or Go Home! I am here to tell you there is hope for the little guys. Much like Ewoks fighting against AT-ATs if you overwhelm giants they fall down. So I am here to let the cat out of the bag with my mono-white cat monument deck. If you worship hard enough the angels will answer. 

Main Deck:

The idea here is to create a heavy advantage using Oketra's Monument, Legion Landing, and Mentor of the Meek to create a huge board state that goes around all the mono green decks and can threaten monsters of our own in the Ajani's Pridemates. Give the cats enough life and they get out of hand. And as for recursion we can recast alot of our cards with the plus side of 1/1 bodies once the monument is on line and this party rocks from Dusk//Dawn with advantage being gained at a much higher rate in the mornings. Enough for the plug time to state what the cards are, and how they play together.

Sacred Cat: A reoccuring lifelink 1/1 body that feed the early game synergies well, and gets more love later in game when it see the Regal Caracal. Meow baby Meow.

Leonin Vanguard: This 1/1 body hides a nasty secret, it more often than not is a 2/2 that feed you a life regardless if you attack or not. This is one of the best one drops in our deck being a toss up for me with Legion's Landing. Both very strong and unassuming threats. The more you play this card the more you will love it. Ajani's Pridemates BFF for sure.

Legion's Landing: This card is the nuts. As far as value goes it gives you a 1/1 lifelink Vampire, ramps your lands when you attack with 3 or more people and to top it off it makes 1/1 tokens for just 3 mana and a tap which can trigger your mentor. If that don't sell you then I can't really say you get it so we will move on to the last 1 drop.

Authority of the Counsels: Last of the one drops, but not least, this disruptor is just what the meta ordered. Yes it suffers against the UW control decks but 3 cards wont make or break that fight game one as you can tempo drop bodies like no ones business, and when you play anything else it is worth its weight in gold to make them stay out your little guys way and help you win the attrition battle as you much push into blocks and stay ahead of the numbers to win. And it so happens to hose all those flashing gearhulk people count on, bonus.

Adorned Pouncer: This guys value comes in the fact that it comes back from the graveyard very angry and ready to fight. I think that the added value here is that it only costs 1 with monumnet out and can be recycled with Dawn as well as eternalized.

Ajani's Pridemate: The 2/2 Cat that grows. This cat gets so high on life that all the haters try to snuff out his nine lives in one swoop. This is a better deal with it or lose card in that deck and if it survives its game over. Everything in the deck plays to this monster and I can't say how bad it is if they don't get rid of it. 

Seal Away: Remember that disruptor in the one drop block called Authority of the Counsels? Yeah makes this card even sicker than usual. A solid early game removal spell made better by making your opponent fear the loss of any creature it brings out. 

Otekra's Monument: This is the gas that makes the cats go into over drive. Along with Mentor of the Meek this is the card draw, body attrition machine that pushes the end game creating a very narrow clock for your opponent. 

Mentor of the Meek: The spirit of the deck, and the engine that could. This card will make your board state explode. I don't believe that this card is getting the love it deserves but that's ok because who doesn't want to route for the underdog. Put me in coach.

Dusk//Dawn: This card is perfect in this deck and gives us alot of play against the current meta and is relavent on both sides of the card. Zombies, Dinosaurs, and raging Dragons will see the sunset and the rebirth of the little man, or cat. Party doesn't stop with this card.

Regal Caracal: And when game looks close and the punch fest has cat hair all over the place here comes the boss cat. This guy swings advantages into end game, and gives you the turn around to rebalance out a bad board state. Trust in the King cat he is bonkers, but beware turning off your mentor. There's a right time and a wrong time to play this card you must balance it well. 

19 Plains, an Arch, and a couple Fields or Ruin later the journey begins. I personally love this deck and I will leave sideboard options to you but in mine I am transforming the monument deck into an Angel end game in order to get in the air and make them have to deal with more lifegaining threats. I also am a fan of a one of Aethersphere Tower, its a blow out that comes out of no where and ends games well. Enjoy this deck its a good one and I think is in contension for top tier. Tried to make the write up fun hope you enjoyed it leave comments for me I will read them and reply. Until next time, Jupiter!


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Last Updated: 31 Jul 2018
Created: 30 Jul 2018
970 146 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (15 distinct)

Creature (25)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (13)
Land (22)

Sideboard - 15 cards (7 distinct)


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