Standard - [RNA] Selesnya Tokens

44 16
17 20 2 21

We are almost a week into Ravnica Allegiance on MTGA and I've been having a blast with the new cards and mechanics, but now it's time to bring an update to my favorite deck: Selesnya Tokens.

The first thing that I wanted to try was to splash Black and add some of the new Orzhov cards, but after some testing, they have been a bit underwhelming on the tokens list. So I stayed with the pure Selesnya mana base.

The core of the deck it's still the same: generate a bunch of tokens with Legion's Landing // Adanto, the First Fortimage, Emmara, Soul of the Accordimage, History of Benaliaimage and March of the Multitudesimage, pump them up and hit our opponent for a million damage.

Leaving that aside, let's talk about the new additions of the deck:




The first card that drew my attention was Hero of Precinct Oneimage. On that spot usually we have Adanto Vanguardimage or Thorn Lieutenantimage, both of them are great cards, but they doesn't contribute to our gameplan: going wide. That's where Hero makes the cut, turning all our multicolored spells into tokens is amazing, also is worth noting that it triggers on cast, so the token is created even if the spell is countered, making him a high priority target for control decks. Also it opens an ideal line of T1 Landing, T2 Hero, T3 Emmara + Flower + Loxodon for a total of 17 power on board for turn 4.

Growth-Chamber Guardian is the second change on the deck. Cutting Saproling Migrationimage for it might seem a little odd, but my testing says otherwise. One thing that Selesnya usually lacks of is card draw and Guardian gives us that. Also, it can attack into 2/2 and 3/2 on turn 3 threatening the Adapt at instant speed and then play a 3 drop. Finally, it can also be activated with Venerated Loxodonimage, Ajani, Adversary of Tyrantsimage and our last addition: Unbreakable Formationimage.

Unbreakable Formation it's an easy inclusion, protects our tokens against board wipes and serves as a finisher, going up to 6 with Flower//Flourish, the vigilance is useful too as you can attack with your creatures and not leave you vulnerable if the opponent survives.

Finally, the sideboard:

Knight of Autumnimage is a flexible card dealing with heavy enchantment decks and having lifegain against burn.

Kraul Harpoonerimage, great against Mono Blue and Drakes.

Carnage Tyrantimage and Immortal Sun against control and planeswalker decks.

Seal Awayimage to deal with opponent creatures.

Finally, Shield Mareimage is a meta call because of the amount of Burn and Mono Red I'm facing, could be replaced for Tocatli Honor Guardimage to improve the matchup against Golgari.


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Last Updated: 22 Jan 2019
Created: 22 Jan 2019
315 127 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (17 distinct)

Creature (17)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (20)
Land (21)
Planeswalker (2)

Sideboard - 15 cards (6 distinct)


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