Standard - Selesnya Tokens [Bo1]

41 16
21 16 2 21
Aggro Midrange

 S E L E S N Y A   T O K E N S 


The most successful version of my Selesnya deck tailored mainly for Bo1.  With the release of RNA, this deck underwent drastic changes and almost ended up becoming a midrange deck, but I've reverted back to the tokens theme.
This deck is somewhat special to me, as it was the main deck that I used to climb to Diamond 1 on the ladder.


03/02/2019 - 7-2 run - CE 7-2 ICRs
- Took a break from playing this deck from 21/01 to 03/02. -
20/01/2019 - 7-1 run - CE 7-1 ICRs
19/01/2019 - 7-2 run - CE 7-2 ICRs
18/01/2019 - 7-2 run - CE 7-2 ICRs
16/01/2019 - 7-1 run - CE 7-1 ICRs
15/01/2019 - 7-2 run - CE 7-2 ICRs
13/01/2019 - 7-1 run - CE 7-1 ICRs
13/01/2019 - 7-2 run - CE 7-2 ICRs
08/01/2019 - 7-2 run - CE 7-2 ICRs
07/01/2019 - 7-1 run - CE 7-1 ICRs




26/01/2019 - Removed 1x Pride of Conquerorsimage, and 1x Settle the WreckageimageAdded 2x Unbreakable Formationimage.  Another strong addition from RNA that allows Tokens decks to fight creature destruction, burn, and aggro without relying on narrow cards like Settle.  Basically replaces Pride while being an answer to more situations.
- Removed 3x Thorn LieutenantimageAdded 3x Tithe Takerimage.  Lieutenant is mostly in the deck to provide a stronger wall for the mono red matchup, but Taker basically fulfills the same role while providing a fairly useful passive ability on top.
- Removed 1x Incubation Druidimage, and 1x Dawn of HopeimageAdded 2x Ajani, Adversary of Tyrantsimage.  It seems that drawing multiple Druids in the early game is quite crippling against most decks.  Dawn only really overperfoms in control match-ups, and you need quite a lot of land on the field in order to make optimal use of it.  Ajani synergizes well with Druid and helps pump creatures out of range of certain burn and degeneration spells.
- Removed 3x Adanto Vanguardimage, 1x Lyra Dawnbringerimage, and 1x Pride of ConquerorsimageAdded 4x Incubation Druidimage and 1x Emmara, Soul of the Accordimage.  Vanguard has been super underwhelming as of late, and Druid's synergy with March of the Multitudesimage is hard to ignore.  The removal of Emmara in earlier iterations was probably a mistake as well.
- Removed 3x Saproling Migrationimage and 1x Emmara, Soul of the AccordimageAdded 4x Growth-Chamber Guardianimage.  Guardian seems like too good of a card to ignore in any aggro deck that can properly make use of it.  The fact that it's a solid 2/2 body for 2 that can become a 4/4 seems fairly impactful, especially considering that it synergizes with Venerated Loxodonimage.  Cutting Migration seems to make sense in an environment where Goblin Chainwhirlerimage is running rampant as well.  Emmara has been fairly underwhelming recently, especially considering the amount of mono red in the current environment.
- Removed 1x Thorn LieutenantimageAdded 1x Plainsimage and tweaked the mana-base to favor white a little more heavily.  Lieutenant is a solid card, but having more than one on the board is somewhat redundant, as the buff activation cost is quite hefty.  The deck has consistently struggled to land the 5th land on curve or even close to curve.
- Removed 1x Saproling MigrationimageAdded 1x Lyra Dawnbringerimage.  Been running into too many aggro and burn decks to ignore Lyra.  Decided to experiment with a one of and hope it doesn't mess with consistency and end up as a dead card.
- Removed 4x Snubhorn SentryimageAdded 4x Hunted Witnessimage.  Sentry was performing well, but Hunted Witness seemed to get far more value against strong 1 toughness creatures such as Adanto Vanguardimage, while still having presence vs burn.  May switch back and forth for further testing.
- Removed 1x Divine Visitationimage.  Added 1x Pride of Conquerorsimage.  Visitation seemed strong in certain situations, but definitely was messing with the consistency of the deck.  Pride should synergize much better.
12/01/2019 - Removed 4x Hunted WitnessimageAdded 4x Snubhorn Sentryimage.  Witness was performing quite poorly in most matchups, and Snubhorn seemed just as effective at keeping mono red at bay.  The fact that it survives Shockimage and Goblin Chainwhirlerimage is a big plus.
- Removed 1x Shalai, Voice of PlentyimageAdded 1x Adanto Vanguardimage.  Shalai was too slow and sometimes a dead card in opening hand, and ramping to 6 mana in order to make full use of her often proved difficult.
06/01/2019 - Removed 1x Pride of ConquerorsimageAdded 1x Saproling Migrationimage.  Pride often felt like a dead card in situations where more threats and creatures to Convoke with could have been more useful.


06/01/2019 - Having multiple copies of Adanto Vanguardimage in hand and even in play sometimes feels less optimal compared to having a balanced hand with a strong curve.  May revert past changes and go back down to 3x Vanguard.
06/01/2019 - Removal of 1x Pride of Conquerorsimage might have lowered the deck's potential to push surprise lethal.  Flourish can provide similar results, but cannot catch the opponent off guard since it can only be played at Sorcery speed.  May revert change and try to include 1-2x Pride.
06/01/2019 - Currently experimenting with a one of Divine Visitationimage.  So far the card has proved to be extremely powerful and has even been the wild card for winning semingly unwinnable games, but the card may mess with consistency of the deck.


I've noticed that a lot of Selesnya decks don't run Thorn Lieutenantimage, but the card has been working out well for me, especially in the mono red matchup, and has even net me a number of wins versus control by way of attacking with only the Lieutenant (playing around Settle the Wreckageimage) and using its self buff).


After having played with both Settle the Wreckageimage and Cleansing Novaimage, I've found that Settle the Wreckageimage comes in more useful as an out against aggro decks that are on the play and have curved better.  Cleansing Novaimage is especially questionable in a build that runs Conclave Tribunalimage, as the enchantment and artifact destruction portion of the card becomes counter-productive.


A one of Dawn of Hopeimage is pretty easy to make use of as a card draw engine since Selesnya naturally produces Lifelinkers.  It may mess up the consistency of the deck, but it has proven useful in the Dimir Control matchup specifically.  Also synergizes well with Divine Visitationimage.  Still messing with the inclusion.

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Last Updated: 21 Feb 2019
Created: 05 Jan 2019
9463 307 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (19 distinct)

Creature (21)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (16)
Land (21)
Planeswalker (2)

Sideboard - 15 cards (6 distinct)


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