Standard - [Stompy] Gruul dinos

8 44
25 12 0 23
Midrange Combo

This deck has a surprisingly high winrate in MTGA so far. I kind of made it on a goof after seeing somebody forerunner/polyraptor in a jank deck, but it keeps surprising me by winning matches, to the point where it's actually even my favorite deck to play right now. It's gotta be at 65% winrate on ladder, which makes just no sense to me but whatever! (:


Play things that help you ramp to dinos like Drover of the Mightyimage, and Ranging Raptorsimage. Adventurous Impulseimage turn one should basically always grab a Drover of the Mightyimage if you don't have one in hand.

Get out a Forerunner of the Empireimage out if you can, then start playing enrage dinos!

Ripjaw Rapotor stalls board state. It's also a great target for Savage Stompimage to stomp out threats like Emara, Soul of the Accord, Leonin Warleaderimage, or Nicol Bolas, the Ravager // Nicol Bolas, the Arisenimage.

Carnage Tyrantimage makes sure you can beat out control decks, and as soon as you're playing a deck like that you should definitely sideboard in the extra for the full 4-of. It's a perfect target for the slightly bigger threats you need to Savage Stompimage like Doom Whispererimage.

Any bigger than that (you're playing against a mono-green ramp deck) and you'll need to bring out a couple Gigantosaurusimage or Ghalta, Primal Hungerimage. I've definitely played Ghalta>stomp for 3 mana then stomped an opponent's Ghalta with it. Pretty solid stuff for 3 mana.

For sideboarding someone going super wide early means you should maybe drop the Carnage Tyrantimages for Ancient Animusimage to stomp more of their key peices. If they're going super-tall, say in a mono-green ramp deck, dropping the Carnage Tyrantimages for a couple Gigantosaurusimage and another Ghalta, Primal Hungerimage probably makes more sense.

Verdant Sun's Avatarimage gives you a ton of life gain with all these beefy dinos, if you find yourself stalling out against someone throw it in.

The draw from Ripjaw Raptorimage and the tutors from Forerunner of the Empireimage help you not run out of steam, as well as making sure you get the right answer to a given board.


The crowned jewel, as far as this deck is concerned, is Polyraptorimage. Forerunner of the Empireimage on board + Polyraptorimage = shenanigans.

If you're willing to kill the forerunner (which is usually worth it, even if you kill all your creatures, and especially if you can kill all your opponent's) a single Polyraptorimage play can net you 8 5/5s. 2^3 (2x2x2) is 8, as long as you decline your forerunner triggers until the one on the last polyraptor spawn that's what you'll get. Obviously that rule of not triggering forerunner until the last polyraptor to spawn always applies, but it's fairly uncommon games go more than a turn after you get this combo out.

If you've got Verdant Sun's Avatarimage out all those polyraptors give you nigh on infinite health. In the last day I've ended more than a few games with 100+ life, one with 200.



Try it out. I did not intend at all to really run this deck, but it kept surprising me.


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Last Updated: 06 Oct 2018
Created: 04 Oct 2018
970 127 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (14 distinct)

Creature (25)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12)
Land (23)

Sideboard - 15 cards (7 distinct)


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