Standard - UB Control

34 25
7 27 0 26

Throne of Eldraine has given lots of new toys for control decks. Namely, Drown in the Lochimage, Into the Storyimage, Murderous Riderimage, Vantress Gargoyleimage. This deck uses mill to utilize those new powerful cards. Decking your opponent is a viable win condition in a long games, but it is not a mill deck, it is a classic draw-go control deck.

About card selection:

Murderous Riderimage, Disfigureimage and Drown in the Lochimage are quite obvious.

Vantress Gargoyleimage - this card doesn't need much to turn into Tarmogoyfimage with wings. Remember that some green decks side in Lovestruck Beastimage to fight fast agro? Now this deck has 4 of similar roadblocks maindeck for a cheaper price. Gargoyle holds off aggression during early game and beats opponent fast later. Treat it as removal most of times: 1U for killing a Questing Beastimage is a nice price to pay. Keeping 4 cards in hand can be tricky - sometimes it means skipping a landdrop. But usually you need gargoyle on guard only for first 2-3 turns. Natural enemy of Vantress Gargoyleimage is Wicked Wolfimage, so watch out for those and try to intercept them with counterspells.

Overwhelmed Apprenticeimage is a small buddy who fills few roles: he serves as an Optimage digging you for the certain cards; he fills opponent's graveyard to activate your Drown in the Lochimage and he slows down fast agro. Merfolk Secretkeeperimage and Wall of Lost Thoughtsimage are just bad. If 60 cards is like 20 life, then milling 4 cards is like pinging for 1. Do you really want to play 0/4 deal 1 damage to opponent for 2 mana in your deck? Merfolk does nothing expect for mill 4, and this deck should be able to activate Drown in the Lochimage and Into the Storyimage without sacrificing a whole card to it.

Best way to do this are Didn't Say Pleaseimage and Thought Collapseimage. These counterspells put 4 cards in a graveyard without wasting a card and still relevant on any stage of the game. Maybe later this deck will move to 5+ such counterspells, but currently meta is aggressive, so I prefer having full set of Disfigureimage.

Into the Storyimage is one of the best drawing engines in years. It is even better than Fact of Fiction. But with only 4 copies of it as card drawing engine you often will run out of cards. That's why there are additional Bond of Insightimage. In a deck with lots of instant and sorceries Bond of Insightimage is a more reliable Drawn from Dreamsimage, which also contributes to milling the opponent. The fact that it returns spells from the graveyard instead of drawing them means that against Fires decks you have access to 14 counterspells, against temur Reclamation you have 8 discard spells maindeck, against gruuls - 8 Enter the God-Eternalsimage.

Enter the God-Eternalsimage suprisingly works fine as the main wincon. Especially given the fact you can return it with Bond of Insightimage. Add one from the sideboard vs decks with Questing Beastimage.

Noxious Graspimage is still in the maindeck because it hits two major targets - Teferi, Time Ravelerimage and Domri, Anarch of Bolasimage who otherwise will blank your counterspells. Having just 4 Murderous Riderimage is not enough for negating same number of threats because that means in 50% of cases your opponent will draw more Teferis than you had drawn Riders. Plus Noxious Graspimage can be reused with Bond of Insightimage.

In the sideboard Cry of the Carnariumimage comes vs mardu knights and adventure decks; Thought Distortionimage and Narset, Parter of Veilsimage are cards vs other control decks like UW or temur Rec and Esper Stax, temur reclamation is a hard matchup; Noxious Graspimage is for bant ramp, Epic Downfallimage for Cavaliers.

 Thought Erasureimage here is worse than in esper control because of lack of Teferi, Time Ravelerimage. But you still need it vs Hydroid Krasisimage.

1BB and 1UU demand 18 colored sources = 12 'duals' + 6 basics of each color. That's why deck has to play both Dismal Backwaterimage and Dimir Guildgateimage.


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Last Updated: 17 Dec 2019
Created: 15 Nov 2019
7624 1068 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (19 distinct)

Creature (7)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (27)
Land (26)

Sideboard - 15 cards (7 distinct)


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