True Love's Kiss
1.0 This set has enough targets for this that you can main deck it sometimes. It gives you a 2-for-1 when you have a target, which is pretty nice. It is probably still better out of your sideboard, though.
Locthwain Gargoyle
1.0 A one mana 0/3 can block sort of decently in the early going, and this isn’t a terrible mana sink in the late game, when the Gargoyle can start threatening the opponent in the air. This format also has some artifact synergy going around, especially in UW, so having one of these in that deck seems fine. Still, I don’t think you play this unless you’re in desperation mode for early creature or artifacts.
Garenbrig Carver
3.5 This often ends up netting you a 2-for-1. The Trick Adventure helps you run over a blocker, and then you get a 3/2 in play who can trade. This is a very good Common.
Thrill of Possibility
2.0 This is an always alright but also always replaceable card. It gets a little better in this format because it lets you trigger “draw 2” payoffs on your opponents’ turn.
Didn't Say Please
1.5 I’m never a big fan of Cancel variants, unless they bring something big to the table. The good news for Didn’t Say Please is that there is a legit mill deck in this format, so its effect is actually kind of useful. The problem with a 3 mana counter spell is that you find yourself having to leave up a considerably percentage of your mana to be able to use it. I think sometimes people make the mistake of thinking of a counterspell like a removal spell, but in a lot of ways, they are worse, at least in Limited. This is because you have a smaller window to use this card where it will actually get rid of something -- you HAVE to have the mana up when they play whatever it is you want to get rid of. With removal spells, it doesn’t matter when you cast it, so you have a much wider window to use them. This means that top-decking removal tends to be way better, for example. You’ll play this in your controlling mill decks, but not anywhere else.
Bloodhaze Wolverine
2.5 A two-mana 2/1 isn’t so good these days, but it is the kind of card you’ll run when you really need a two-drop. But this does something extra – gaining +1/+1 and First Strike is no joke, it makes the Wolverine go from an easy card to block, to being a creature that it is hard to block profitably in any way. If you have something like Opt, you can even do it at Instant speed, making for a pretty nasty trick.
2.5 This is a very conditional removal spell. Not only does the creature have to be attacking or blocking, you also have to have enough creatures in play to kill it. That will not always be a possibility. This can also be interfered with relatively easily, namely by killing one of your creatures, so that the damage this does drops to the point it doesn’t kill your target anymore And sure, it does only cost a single White mana, and it will probably feel nice when you’re the beat down, but with all the conditions it requires, it isn’t the kind of removal spell you take very early at all.
Malevolent Noble
2.5 This guy is a serious underperformer. He isn’t BAD per se, but looking at him at first, I thought he would be a pretty powerful common. Being able to sacrifice your food or creatures to make him bigger seemed nice! And he starts out as a two-mana 2/2, so that’s not too bad! Problem is, having the mana and resources around to use his ability a lot just doesn’t happen much. He’s still fine, but he isn’t even close to one of Black’s best commons.
Garenbrig Paladin
2.0 A 5-mana 4/4 that can’t be blocked by small dudes is kind of ok. The more Green your deck is though, the better this gets.
2.0 Opt is pretty much the definition of a fine but easily cuttable Limited card. It gives you some card selection, but doesn’t impact the board or give you card advantage. This set doesn’t really have a spell theme, or it would be a little better.
Enchanted Carriage
2.0 This seems decent to me. It gets around one of the big downsides that vehicles have – and that’s that they aren’t very good on boards that don’t have much going on, because it needs to be crewed to actually do anything. The fact that this makes you a couple of creatures who can crew it all on their own is pretty nice. Now, you’re still not getting a great deal or anything on this – it is 5 mana for two 1/1s and a conditional 4/4.
Claim the Firstborn
0.5 This is cheaper than most Threaten effects we see – usually they cost 3 – but it is also not as flexible, since it can only target small creatures. I’m never overjoyed with effects like this one, unless I have two things going on – 1) I’m an aggro deck, and 2) I have creatures who can sacrifice other creatures. If you can steal your opponent’s dude and then kill it, that’s pretty great. Problem is, those two things don’t come together often enough for this to be very good, especially because it can only steal smaller creatures.
Order of Midnight
4.0 A two mana 2/2 flyer that can’t Block is great in aggressive decks, and the fact that this lets you get a creature back from your graveyard is incredible. This is basically gravedigger, who gives up the ability to Block to gain Flying, and that’s a pretty good trade. Especially because the Adventure mechanic makes things even better than all that because of the added flexibility.
Lochmere Serpent
5.0 This thing is just loaded up with useful abilities. Making a 7/7 unblockable is no joke, and neither is drawing cards in exchange for excess lands. I think what really makes this a bomb though is that it doesn’t always stay dead, provided your opponent gets enough creatures into their graveyard. That means that this isn’t just a bomb that says “You better answer this, or you die.” It also says “Even if you answer it, I’m coming back!” That makes this an easy A, despite being gold, I think you first pick it every time you see it.
Pack 1 Pick 2: Grumgully, the Generous
Ardenvale Paladin
2.0 Honestly a 4-mana ⅖ does pretty well on the Vanilla test, and will be capable of blocking the vast majority of the creatures in this format and surviving. If you throw in Adamant, which will give you a 4-mana 3/6 a decent chunk of the time -- or, you know -- all the time, if you happen to be in mono-white -- and you have a much more attractive card.
2.5 A one mana 1/1 with Haste is usually not anything special, but this one can also make itself unblockable, which means it stays relevant late. It can also sacrifice to gain you life, and counts as Food. I think all of that makes this a reasonable inclusion in your deck, especially if you’re aggressive and have ways to make him bigger.
Return to Nature
1.5 This is reasonably mainboardable in this format, as it often has a target. Still an easy cut, though, and better in your sideboard.
Crashing Drawbridge
1.5 I never like walls that try to do aggressive things, and that’s what this is. You’ll play it in some aggro decks, but the fact that you’re playing a creature who can’t attack in your aggro deck is annoying.
Wolf's Quarry
0.5 This is just too expensive for what it does. The Boars might give you food, but that doesn’t help this card out very much.
Weaselback Redcap
1.5 I’m not usually interested in cards like this. Sure, it is a one mana 1/1 with upside, but the upside it has isn’t especially good. People often overrate cards like this – but what makes it not so good is that literally any creature blocking it kills it, and you might think you can trade up with this, but in most cases, the total mana you spend on your Weaselback Redcap to take down a creature with more than one toughness will almost always be more than your opponent spent on that creature, so really – in most scenarios you’re coming out behind.
Shining Armor
1.5 This is an equipment with Flash that attaches itself to Knights for free when it comes down, but the bonus it gives isn’t anything special. Good combat tricks pump your creatures power, so that it can take down creatures in combat it couldn’t before – this one doesn’t. And sure, it does stick around and give your guy Vigilance, and that’s ok I guess – but once you have to start paying 3 mana to put this on stuff, it is really going to hurt.
Wishful Merfolk
2.0 One mana to Scry 2 isn’t the worst deal ever, Scrying 2 is pretty close to drawing a card – and then, the fact that you can sacrifice it later in the game to draw 2 cards is nice. Sometimes, you’ll pay 5 mana for this and Scry 2 and then draw 2 cards right away – and that’s not a bad place to be, really.
Locthwain Paladin
2.0 4-mana for a 3/2 with Menace isn’t a great rate but is almost passable. Obviousy, though, this comes with additional upside thanks to Adamant – and a 4-mana 4/3 with Menace is some serious business.
Giant's Skewer
2.0 This Equipment gives a fairly efficient boost, and the fact that it can give you Food is pretty nice. While that’s not quite lifelink, it does feel that way sometimes.
Kenrith's Transformation
3.0 This is an interesting card. Making something into a vanilla 3/3 can have multiple uses -- you can shut down some super powerful creature they have, or you can make one of yours bigger. Normally an effect like that isn’t awesome though, because it really isn’t THAT great at either of those things -- making your 1/1 into a 3/3 won’t have a huge impact most of the time, and sure, turning your opponents scary dragon into a 3/3 is going to be a relief, but you’re still letting your opponent have a decent sized creature. The cantrip effect pushes this over the edge, though, into being a pretty good playable.
Mystical Dispute
1.5 A 3-mana Mana Leak is close to unplayable in Limited. Having to leave up 3 mana for a counterspell is a big ask, especially when your counter isn’t a hard counter. The later the game goes, the weaker something like this gets, and it is way easier to play around this type of counterspell than a hard counter. Still, I think you can get away with mainboarding this, because a one-mana Mana Leak is pretty solid, and that’s what it will be sometimes. I think in an ideal world it starts in your sideboard, though.
Grumgully, the Generous
4.0 It isn’t that hard to end up in a RG deck where Grumgully just pumps most of your creatures, and when you do, she is a pretty awesome value engine.
Pack 1 Pick 3: Oakhame Adversary
Fierce Witchstalker
3.5 A 4-mana 4/4 with Trample is a great rate in Limited. Then, this makes Food too, something that is heavily supported in this format -- especially in BG, and you have a very good Common.
So Tiny
1.0 // 2.5 This isn’t a great removal spell, and is pretty close to unplayable if you’re not a mill deck. -2/-0 just isn’t enough to deal with most creatures, so you end up spending a card just to downgrade one. If you can consistently get it to -6/-0, like you can in the mill deck, it gets better – but you are still downgrading a creature, not removing it.
Embereth Paladin
1.5 A 4-mana 4/1 with Haste isn’t anything special these days – you have to find the right opening for it to do something significant, or risk it just being traded with by a much cheaper creature. Even when you add Adamant to the mix, you’re getting a 5/2 with Haste for 4, which if that’s what this was 100% of the time would be solid, but it just won’t be.
Idyllic Grange
2.0 If your deck has 10+ Plains it, you’ll run this for the upside of getting a +1/+1 counter.
Ardenvale Tactician
3.0 If Ardenvale Tactician was only the Adventure part of the card it would be kind of a passable card for a really aggressive deck. Taking away the ability to both attack and block for a whole round has its uses. Then, we look at the creature half – 3 mana for a 2/3 with flying is pretty nice. That’s just above rate for more list Limited formats. Then when we put it all together – a total investment of 5 mana to tap a couple things down and play a 2/3 flyer seems nice. Then, you factor in the flexibility – that it can come into play as a creature without going on an Adventure – and sometimes you’ll certainly want to do that – for example if you’re just trying to curve out – and I think we’re looking at a pretty good Common.
Redcap Raiders
2.5 Frequently you won’t have an untapped non-human creature for the buff, and even if you do, it isn’t like it makes this creature into a world beater. A 4/3 with trample is nice, but not a major problem.
Merchant of the Vale
2.0 Both halves of this card are pretty underwhelming. Rummaging can be nice in the late game, when you have some excess lands, so the fact he can do that over and over again as a mana sink when he is a creature isn’t too bad, especially since it is a reasonable 2/3 for 3. One mana to discard card a card and rummage would be a pretty bad card honestly, since you’re actually going down two cards. This does get around that sort of by the fact that it is a creature later on, but still – the Adventure half here isn’t very good.
Festive Funeral
2.0 This is a conditional removal spell that will almost never be efficient. But hey, it IS still removal.
Witching Well
2.0 One mana to Scry 2 isn’t the worst deal ever, Scrying 2 is pretty close to drawing a card – and then, the fact that you can sacrifice it later in the game to draw 2 cards is nice. Sometimes, you’ll pay 5 mana for this and Scry 2 and then draw 2 cards right away – and that’s not a bad place to be, really.
Oakhame Adversary
2.5 Even if we take the line away about your opponent having Green permanents, this would have been a nice card. A 4-mana 2/3 with Deathtouch that can draw you a card when it hits your opponent is going to be good enough to make the cut in most Green decks anyway. Those two effects combined is always pretty potent, because your opponent is put in a difficult situation, especially if the only blockers they have are large. And, you know, death touch means it can trade with anything anyway.
Claim the Firstborn
0.5 This is cheaper than most Threaten effects we see – usually they cost 3 – but it is also not as flexible, since it can only target small creatures. I’m never overjoyed with effects like this one, unless I have two things going on – 1) I’m an aggro deck, and 2) I have creatures who can sacrifice other creatures. If you can steal your opponent’s dude and then kill it, that’s pretty great. Problem is, those two things don’t come together often enough for this to be very good, especially because it can only steal smaller creatures.
2.5 too – it isn’t like Rabid Bites and other cards we’ve recently seen. Two mana to fight at Sorcery speed is not something that impressive, but it is certainly good enough to have a copy or two in your deck. One of the problems that Fight effects have is that it will only be good with your larger creatures. This helps mitigate against that a bit, since it makes your Knight larger too, so a larger percentage of your deck will be good with this than normal. It also has all the downsides cards like this have – your opponent can kill your creature in response to you targeting it, blowing you out, so you have to be careful. I think this is a going to be fine in a typical Red deck – which will have enough larger creatures and Knights without trying real hard.
Pack 1 Pick 4: Archon of Absolution
Didn't Say Please
1.5 I’m never a big fan of Cancel variants, unless they bring something big to the table. The good news for Didn’t Say Please is that there is a legit mill deck in this format, so its effect is actually kind of useful. The problem with a 3 mana counter spell is that you find yourself having to leave up a considerably percentage of your mana to be able to use it. I think sometimes people make the mistake of thinking of a counterspell like a removal spell, but in a lot of ways, they are worse, at least in Limited. This is because you have a smaller window to use this card where it will actually get rid of something -- you HAVE to have the mana up when they play whatever it is you want to get rid of. With removal spells, it doesn’t matter when you cast it, so you have a much wider window to use them. This means that top-decking removal tends to be way better, for example. You’ll play this in your controlling mill decks, but not anywhere else.
Witching Well
2.0 One mana to Scry 2 isn’t the worst deal ever, Scrying 2 is pretty close to drawing a card – and then, the fact that you can sacrifice it later in the game to draw 2 cards is nice. Sometimes, you’ll pay 5 mana for this and Scry 2 and then draw 2 cards right away – and that’s not a bad place to be, really.
2.5 This is a very conditional removal spell. Not only does the creature have to be attacking or blocking, you also have to have enough creatures in play to kill it. That will not always be a possibility. This can also be interfered with relatively easily, namely by killing one of your creatures, so that the damage this does drops to the point it doesn’t kill your target anymore And sure, it does only cost a single White mana, and it will probably feel nice when you’re the beat down, but with all the conditions it requires, it isn’t the kind of removal spell you take very early at all.
Ogre Errant
2.0 This is harder to get going than you might think, and even when it does, it finds itself on boards where it still doesn’t have a good attack.
Reaper of Night
2.0 This can be a decent discard spell early, and then a very real threat late. It isn’t super good at being either of those things, but it isn’t too shabby.
3.0 This is a strictly better Hunt the Weak, and that’s not a bad place to be. Hunt the Weak is always a solid removal spell -- but not premium. It isn’t premium because of how clunky it is at 4 mana and Sorcery speed, and because Fight effects are removal spells that are really easy to interact with, since killing the creature in response to the removal spell, or pumping their creature in response to it, results in a pretty savage blow out. If you can consistently trigger Adamant with this, it gets really scary, because you can now attack your opponent with it without being worried about the creature dying.
Trapped in the Tower
4.0 It is a little annoying that this can’t hit flyers, but the fact that it both Pacifies and Arrests a ground creature helps me get over that. This is premium removal.
Reave Soul
3.0 This is always a nice removal spell when we see it. Two mana to kill something is a good deal, and because this looks at power, it won’t be that hard to trade up with it either. I think it is in the lower range of “premium” removal.
Tempting Witch
2.5 She seems alright to me. A 3-mana ⅓ is pretty abyssmal on the vanilla test, but since she also gives you Food, AND is a food payoff, I can let that slide. She can give your deck some nice reach in the late game if you have food laying around, and she represents a nice clock for Food decks.
Tournament Grounds
1.0 This is alright fixing in the Knight decks, but those decks often have enough cards that this can’t pay for, and you’ll find yourself not even running it in those decks most of the time.
Archon of Absolution
3.5 A 4-mana 3/2 with Flying is already a decent rate and a fine playable, but this comes protection from White, and a Ghostly Prison type effect, both of which raise the power level here significantly. The prison effect can make it very hard for your opponent to continue to develop their board AND attack, so you start making them have to choose one or the other, and that’s a great way to get ahead. Meanwhile, it is immune to 20% of the cards in the set, give or take, and that’s pretty nice too.
Pack 1 Pick 5: Flutterfox
Corridor Monitor
1.5 A two mana ¼ blocks fairly well early, and this one lets you untap a dude or artifact when you play it, which is some ok upside. However, it isn’t exactly impactful – even in the late game untapping something doesn’t always come with significant value.
3.0 This is a nice two drop. 2-mana 2/2s are nothing special these days, but the fact that this can gain flying -- and do it relatively easily in this format -- makes it a two drop that is relevant all game long.
Idyllic Grange
2.0 If your deck has 10+ Plains it, you’ll run this for the upside of getting a +1/+1 counter.
So Tiny
1.0 // 2.5 This isn’t a great removal spell, and is pretty close to unplayable if you’re not a mill deck. -2/-0 just isn’t enough to deal with most creatures, so you end up spending a card just to downgrade one. If you can consistently get it to -6/-0, like you can in the mill deck, it gets better – but you are still downgrading a creature, not removing it.
Reaper of Night
2.0 This can be a decent discard spell early, and then a very real threat late. It isn’t super good at being either of those things, but it isn’t too shabby.
Redcap Raiders
2.5 Frequently you won’t have an untapped non-human creature for the buff, and even if you do, it isn’t like it makes this creature into a world beater. A 4/3 with trample is nice, but not a major problem.
Sporecap Spider
1.5 Aggressive Green decks won’t really want this, but all the other Green decks should feel fine about playing the first of these. They are good at blocking flyers.
Youthful Knight
3.0 Two mana 2/1 first strikers tend to play really well in aggressive decks -- but they really aren’t bad in less aggressive ones, as they are great blockers against smaller creatures. There is a lot of Equipment in this set too, and obviously it plays well with a creature with first strike. Definitely matters that this has a useful creature type too!
Spinning Wheel
3.5 Having a card that helps you fix your mana and ramp that can ALSO do something in the game once that stuff doesn’t really matter is pretty nice. It is no Icy Manipulator, since 5 mana is a ton -- but you could do worse for a mana sink, and it is certainly an effect that your opponent has to respect every turn -- well, provided you have the mana to do it, at least.
Revenge of Ravens
2.5 This card is kind of weird. It is good against a lot of the field in this format, as gaining all that life and damaging them makes it pretty impossible for them to race you. HOWEVER, there are two decks in this format that can basically ignore Revenge of Ravens. The food deck, because it can gain a ton of life, and the mill deck, which doesn’t really plan on attacking you anyway.
Pack 1 Pick 6: Revenge of Ravens
Run Away Together
1.0 This kind of weird symmetrical bounce effect is mostly not worth it. Bouncing something your opponent doesn’t want to be bounced and something of yours that you DO want to bounce can be good, but that is a little too situational.
Beloved Princess
1.5 A one mana 1/1 with lifelink that is kind of evasive doesn’t really do it for me. Sure, big creatures can’t block it, but it is small and dies to basically any blocker. And if you pump her things might get interesting, but mostly it doesn’t seem worth it.
Raging Redcap
2.0 So, a 3-mana ½ with Double Strike is an ok deal. This set also has a pretty heavy theme of auras and equipment, and he is a good place to put those.
Foreboding Fruit
2.0 Black card draw spells like this are pretty much always a reasonable inclusion as a one-of. The card on the face of it is a two-for-one, but you do have to be careful since it doesn’t impact the board at all, and sometimes doing this early can be dangerous when you could be playing a creature that will help you survive. The Adamant here is a nice bonus, but it doesn’t add a ton to the card – though it will be nice gaining life back after you cast this.
Prophet of the Peak
1.5 This isn’t great, but if you need top curve, you could do worse.
Wolf's Quarry
0.5 This is just too expensive for what it does. The Boars might give you food, but that doesn’t help this card out very much.
Lost Legion
2.5 I always like this kind of creature. Sure, it doesn’t do well on the vanilla test as a 3-mana ⅔ -- even being one that is kind of hard to cast, BUT Scry 2 is some serious value, and goes a long way towards ensuring your draws are better for a little while. And, it is also has a useful creature type. I think all of this combines to make it a solid playable for Black decks.
Barrow Witches
1.5 Getting back a Knight is nice, but the Witches are overall inefficient, and if you don’t have anything going on in your graveyard they are pretty miserable.
Revenge of Ravens
2.5 This card is kind of weird. It is good against a lot of the field in this format, as gaining all that life and damaging them makes it pretty impossible for them to race you. HOWEVER, there are two decks in this format that can basically ignore Revenge of Ravens. The food deck, because it can gain a ton of life, and the mill deck, which doesn’t really plan on attacking you anyway.
Pack 1 Pick 7: Outmuscle
Return to Nature
1.5 This is reasonably mainboardable in this format, as it often has a target. Still an easy cut, though, and better in your sideboard.
Silverflame Ritual
1.5 If you have like 6 White cards in your deck, you’re not going to be getting the adamant part here. That said, this card on its own, without Adamant would already be kind of playable. Sure, you need some set up, and you have to be going wide, but that seems doable in this set. Giving Vigilance with Adamant is very real upside, because it means that you can attack with everyone, and still leave blockers behind – turns like that can really turn the tide in games. But yeah, it is a little clunky at 4 mana, and it won’t always be giving your guys Vigilance unless you’re mono-colored.
Locthwain Gargoyle
1.0 A one mana 0/3 can block sort of decently in the early going, and this isn’t a terrible mana sink in the late game, when the Gargoyle can start threatening the opponent in the air. This format also has some artifact synergy going around, especially in UW, so having one of these in that deck seems fine. Still, I don’t think you play this unless you’re in desperation mode for early creature or artifacts.
Shining Armor
1.5 This is an equipment with Flash that attaches itself to Knights for free when it comes down, but the bonus it gives isn’t anything special. Good combat tricks pump your creatures power, so that it can take down creatures in combat it couldn’t before – this one doesn’t. And sure, it does stick around and give your guy Vigilance, and that’s ok I guess – but once you have to start paying 3 mana to put this on stuff, it is really going to hurt.
Mistford River Turtle
1.0 This guy has mediocre stats and a mediocre ability. Even as a 1/5, you’ll find it hard to want to attack with this just to make something else you have unblockable. Sometimes it works out, but it is actually a pretty real cost to have to attack with the Turtle too, especially if they can just block it with three 2/2s.
Embereth Paladin
1.5 A 4-mana 4/1 with Haste isn’t anything special these days – you have to find the right opening for it to do something significant, or risk it just being traded with by a much cheaper creature. Even when you add Adamant to the mix, you’re getting a 5/2 with Haste for 4, which if that’s what this was 100% of the time would be solid, but it just won’t be.
Henge Walker
1.0 This won’t be a 3/3 often enough to be worth it in most decks, unless you’re close to monocolored.
3.0 This is a strictly better Hunt the Weak, and that’s not a bad place to be. Hunt the Weak is always a solid removal spell -- but not premium. It isn’t premium because of how clunky it is at 4 mana and Sorcery speed, and because Fight effects are removal spells that are really easy to interact with, since killing the creature in response to the removal spell, or pumping their creature in response to it, results in a pretty savage blow out. If you can consistently trigger Adamant with this, it gets really scary, because you can now attack your opponent with it without being worried about the creature dying.
Pack 1 Pick 8: So Tiny
Wishful Merfolk
2.0 One mana to Scry 2 isn’t the worst deal ever, Scrying 2 is pretty close to drawing a card – and then, the fact that you can sacrifice it later in the game to draw 2 cards is nice. Sometimes, you’ll pay 5 mana for this and Scry 2 and then draw 2 cards right away – and that’s not a bad place to be, really.
Idyllic Grange
2.0 If your deck has 10+ Plains it, you’ll run this for the upside of getting a +1/+1 counter.
Trapped in the Tower
4.0 It is a little annoying that this can’t hit flyers, but the fact that it both Pacifies and Arrests a ground creature helps me get over that. This is premium removal.
Fell the Pheasant
0.5 This is mostly just sideboard hate to bring in against someone who has a lot of flyers.
Prized Griffin
2.5 5-mana ¾ flyers have played pretty well lately. Obviously it isn’t a great rate for those stats, but we have seen several of these lately, and they have always been reasonable 5-drops.
So Tiny
1.0 // 2.5 This isn’t a great removal spell, and is pretty close to unplayable if you’re not a mill deck. -2/-0 just isn’t enough to deal with most creatures, so you end up spending a card just to downgrade one. If you can consistently get it to -6/-0, like you can in the mill deck, it gets better – but you are still downgrading a creature, not removing it.
Beloved Princess
1.5 A one mana 1/1 with lifelink that is kind of evasive doesn’t really do it for me. Sure, big creatures can’t block it, but it is small and dies to basically any blocker. And if you pump her things might get interesting, but mostly it doesn’t seem worth it.
Pack 1 Pick 9: Outflank
True Love's Kiss
1.0 This set has enough targets for this that you can main deck it sometimes. It gives you a 2-for-1 when you have a target, which is pretty nice. It is probably still better out of your sideboard, though.
Thrill of Possibility
2.0 This is an always alright but also always replaceable card. It gets a little better in this format because it lets you trigger “draw 2” payoffs on your opponents’ turn.
Bloodhaze Wolverine
2.5 A two-mana 2/1 isn’t so good these days, but it is the kind of card you’ll run when you really need a two-drop. But this does something extra – gaining +1/+1 and First Strike is no joke, it makes the Wolverine go from an easy card to block, to being a creature that it is hard to block profitably in any way. If you have something like Opt, you can even do it at Instant speed, making for a pretty nasty trick.
2.5 This is a very conditional removal spell. Not only does the creature have to be attacking or blocking, you also have to have enough creatures in play to kill it. That will not always be a possibility. This can also be interfered with relatively easily, namely by killing one of your creatures, so that the damage this does drops to the point it doesn’t kill your target anymore And sure, it does only cost a single White mana, and it will probably feel nice when you’re the beat down, but with all the conditions it requires, it isn’t the kind of removal spell you take very early at all.
Malevolent Noble
2.5 This guy is a serious underperformer. He isn’t BAD per se, but looking at him at first, I thought he would be a pretty powerful common. Being able to sacrifice your food or creatures to make him bigger seemed nice! And he starts out as a two-mana 2/2, so that’s not too bad! Problem is, having the mana and resources around to use his ability a lot just doesn’t happen much. He’s still fine, but he isn’t even close to one of Black’s best commons.
2.0 Opt is pretty much the definition of a fine but easily cuttable Limited card. It gives you some card selection, but doesn’t impact the board or give you card advantage. This set doesn’t really have a spell theme, or it would be a little better.
Pack 1 Pick 10: Gingerbrute
Ardenvale Paladin
2.0 Honestly a 4-mana ⅖ does pretty well on the Vanilla test, and will be capable of blocking the vast majority of the creatures in this format and surviving. If you throw in Adamant, which will give you a 4-mana 3/6 a decent chunk of the time -- or, you know -- all the time, if you happen to be in mono-white -- and you have a much more attractive card.
2.5 A one mana 1/1 with Haste is usually not anything special, but this one can also make itself unblockable, which means it stays relevant late. It can also sacrifice to gain you life, and counts as Food. I think all of that makes this a reasonable inclusion in your deck, especially if you’re aggressive and have ways to make him bigger.
Wolf's Quarry
0.5 This is just too expensive for what it does. The Boars might give you food, but that doesn’t help this card out very much.
Shining Armor
1.5 This is an equipment with Flash that attaches itself to Knights for free when it comes down, but the bonus it gives isn’t anything special. Good combat tricks pump your creatures power, so that it can take down creatures in combat it couldn’t before – this one doesn’t. And sure, it does stick around and give your guy Vigilance, and that’s ok I guess – but once you have to start paying 3 mana to put this on stuff, it is really going to hurt.
Mystical Dispute
1.5 A 3-mana Mana Leak is close to unplayable in Limited. Having to leave up 3 mana for a counterspell is a big ask, especially when your counter isn’t a hard counter. The later the game goes, the weaker something like this gets, and it is way easier to play around this type of counterspell than a hard counter. Still, I think you can get away with mainboarding this, because a one-mana Mana Leak is pretty solid, and that’s what it will be sometimes. I think in an ideal world it starts in your sideboard, though.
Pack 1 Pick 11: Idyllic Grange
Embereth Paladin
1.5 A 4-mana 4/1 with Haste isn’t anything special these days – you have to find the right opening for it to do something significant, or risk it just being traded with by a much cheaper creature. Even when you add Adamant to the mix, you’re getting a 5/2 with Haste for 4, which if that’s what this was 100% of the time would be solid, but it just won’t be.
Idyllic Grange
2.0 If your deck has 10+ Plains it, you’ll run this for the upside of getting a +1/+1 counter.
Redcap Raiders
2.5 Frequently you won’t have an untapped non-human creature for the buff, and even if you do, it isn’t like it makes this creature into a world beater. A 4/3 with trample is nice, but not a major problem.
Festive Funeral
2.0 This is a conditional removal spell that will almost never be efficient. But hey, it IS still removal.
Pack 1 Pick 12: Outflank
2.5 This is a very conditional removal spell. Not only does the creature have to be attacking or blocking, you also have to have enough creatures in play to kill it. That will not always be a possibility. This can also be interfered with relatively easily, namely by killing one of your creatures, so that the damage this does drops to the point it doesn’t kill your target anymore And sure, it does only cost a single White mana, and it will probably feel nice when you’re the beat down, but with all the conditions it requires, it isn’t the kind of removal spell you take very early at all.
Ogre Errant
2.0 This is harder to get going than you might think, and even when it does, it finds itself on boards where it still doesn’t have a good attack.
Reaper of Night
2.0 This can be a decent discard spell early, and then a very real threat late. It isn’t super good at being either of those things, but it isn’t too shabby.
Pack 1 Pick 13: Idyllic Grange
Reaper of Night
2.0 This can be a decent discard spell early, and then a very real threat late. It isn’t super good at being either of those things, but it isn’t too shabby.
Idyllic Grange
2.0 If your deck has 10+ Plains it, you’ll run this for the upside of getting a +1/+1 counter.
Pack 1 Pick 14: Beloved Princess
Beloved Princess
1.5 A one mana 1/1 with lifelink that is kind of evasive doesn’t really do it for me. Sure, big creatures can’t block it, but it is small and dies to basically any blocker. And if you pump her things might get interesting, but mostly it doesn’t seem worth it.
Pack 2 Pick 1: Lonesome Unicorn
Lonesome Unicorn
3.0 Neither half of this card is particularly efficient. A sorcery that was 3 mana for a 2/2 token with Vigilance isn’t something you’d play and neither, and a 5-mana 3/3 with Vigilance.. BUT -- this card can do both of those things, and that’s the beauty of Adventures. Becuase it can make both of those things happen, and that can allow for a 2-for-1 without too much effort. Ideally you want to be doing both halves of this, and sometimes you will just need to cast the 3/3 Unicorn, which won’t feel too good, but I still think this is a really nice common for White.
Idyllic Grange
2.0 If your deck has 10+ Plains it, you’ll run this for the upside of getting a +1/+1 counter.
Searing Barrage
2.5 This is solid removal for Red, but like to Reduce to Ashes and command the Storm before that, it isn’t premium. Costing 5 is a ton, and most of the time it is going to feel a little clunky. It will frequently cost more mana than whatever you kill with it, and that does put you behind the eight ball a little bit.
3.0 This is a strictly better Hunt the Weak, and that’s not a bad place to be. Hunt the Weak is always a solid removal spell -- but not premium. It isn’t premium because of how clunky it is at 4 mana and Sorcery speed, and because Fight effects are removal spells that are really easy to interact with, since killing the creature in response to the removal spell, or pumping their creature in response to it, results in a pretty savage blow out. If you can consistently trigger Adamant with this, it gets really scary, because you can now attack your opponent with it without being worried about the creature dying.
2.0 Opt is pretty much the definition of a fine but easily cuttable Limited card. It gives you some card selection, but doesn’t impact the board or give you card advantage. This set doesn’t really have a spell theme, or it would be a little better.
Gingerbread Cabin
2.5 If your deck has 10+ Forests in it, you’ll run this for the upside of getting Food, which might actually synergize more broadly with your deck.
Henge Walker
1.0 This won’t be a 3/3 often enough to be worth it in most decks, unless you’re close to monocolored.
Festive Funeral
2.0 This is a conditional removal spell that will almost never be efficient. But hey, it IS still removal.
Barrow Witches
1.5 Getting back a Knight is nice, but the Witches are overall inefficient, and if you don’t have anything going on in your graveyard they are pretty miserable.
Maraleaf Pixie
3.5 Everything this does, it does super efficiently. Two mana 2/2 flyer is good, two mana mana dork also good – it can win you games attacking in the air, or by helping you ramp out fatties.
Overwhelmed Apprentice
2.5 This sort of reminds me of Thraben Inspector, in that it is a one mana ½ that brings considerably additional value. It smooths out your draws and also mills your opponent, and that feels pretty good all game long.
Hypnotic Sprite
3.5 I’m not normally a big counterspell fan, just because they are easy to play around, and if your opponent does that it can be pretty devastating. This counterspell can only stop cheap spells, which means you aren’t really going to be coming out mana-wise with it. But that’s probably ok – you can have this in your deck, and you can cast the counterspell half of it if the opportunity appears, and you can also just play a two mana 2/1 flyer if that is what you need to be doing on turn 2. That flexibility means that this is a counterspell I will actually play – but yeah, I’m not going to be shy about just casting it as a creature and never using the counter.
Castle Embereth
3.5 So, an upgraded Mountain is pretty nice. Something that can just produce mana when you need it, and then be a place to put mana late feels pretty nice. It is also an effect that can sneak in lethal or really mess with combat.
Pack 2 Pick 2: Archon of Absolution
Searing Barrage
2.5 This is solid removal for Red, but like to Reduce to Ashes and command the Storm before that, it isn’t premium. Costing 5 is a ton, and most of the time it is going to feel a little clunky. It will frequently cost more mana than whatever you kill with it, and that does put you behind the eight ball a little bit.
Rosethorn Acolyte
2.5 So, the Acolyte’s Adventure effect is one of the more underwhelming ones around, essentially just letting you filter mana. But hey, sometimes that does matter. Most of the time though you’re going to get value out of it being a creature, as a 3-mana 2/3 that fixes and ramps for you is a pretty nice thing to have around.
Festive Funeral
2.0 This is a conditional removal spell that will almost never be efficient. But hey, it IS still removal.
Prophet of the Peak
1.5 This isn’t great, but if you need top curve, you could do worse.
1.5 We see this a lot, and it doesn’t tend to be great without a super sacrifice sub-theme in a set.
Lash of Thorns
1.0 This is an alright trick, but this format has lots of tricks attached to creatures thanks to Adventures, and that’s way better than a card that is JUST a trick. For that reason, the Lash isn’t something you play very often.
Trapped in the Tower
4.0 It is a little annoying that this can’t hit flyers, but the fact that it both Pacifies and Arrests a ground creature helps me get over that. This is premium removal.
Henge Walker
1.0 This won’t be a 3/3 often enough to be worth it in most decks, unless you’re close to monocolored.
Run Away Together
1.0 This kind of weird symmetrical bounce effect is mostly not worth it. Bouncing something your opponent doesn’t want to be bounced and something of yours that you DO want to bounce can be good, but that is a little too situational.
2.5 too – it isn’t like Rabid Bites and other cards we’ve recently seen. Two mana to fight at Sorcery speed is not something that impressive, but it is certainly good enough to have a copy or two in your deck. One of the problems that Fight effects have is that it will only be good with your larger creatures. This helps mitigate against that a bit, since it makes your Knight larger too, so a larger percentage of your deck will be good with this than normal. It also has all the downsides cards like this have – your opponent can kill your creature in response to you targeting it, blowing you out, so you have to be careful. I think this is a going to be fine in a typical Red deck – which will have enough larger creatures and Knights without trying real hard.
Kenrith's Transformation
3.0 This is an interesting card. Making something into a vanilla 3/3 can have multiple uses -- you can shut down some super powerful creature they have, or you can make one of yours bigger. Normally an effect like that isn’t awesome though, because it really isn’t THAT great at either of those things -- making your 1/1 into a 3/3 won’t have a huge impact most of the time, and sure, turning your opponents scary dragon into a 3/3 is going to be a relief, but you’re still letting your opponent have a decent sized creature. The cantrip effect pushes this over the edge, though, into being a pretty good playable.
Archon of Absolution
3.5 A 4-mana 3/2 with Flying is already a decent rate and a fine playable, but this comes protection from White, and a Ghostly Prison type effect, both of which raise the power level here significantly. The prison effect can make it very hard for your opponent to continue to develop their board AND attack, so you start making them have to choose one or the other, and that’s a great way to get ahead. Meanwhile, it is immune to 20% of the cards in the set, give or take, and that’s pretty nice too.
Pack 2 Pick 3: Trapped in the Tower
1.5 We see this a lot, and it doesn’t tend to be great without a super sacrifice sub-theme in a set.
Charmed Sleep
3.0 This is a nice removal spell for Blue decks. This has all the problems Aura-based removal tends to have of course -- bounce spells and sacrifice effects make it look pretty bad, and it doesn’t turn off static abilities.
Trapped in the Tower
4.0 It is a little annoying that this can’t hit flyers, but the fact that it both Pacifies and Arrests a ground creature helps me get over that. This is premium removal.
Crashing Drawbridge
1.5 I never like walls that try to do aggressive things, and that’s what this is. You’ll play it in some aggro decks, but the fact that you’re playing a creature who can’t attack in your aggro deck is annoying.
True Love's Kiss
1.0 This set has enough targets for this that you can main deck it sometimes. It gives you a 2-for-1 when you have a target, which is pretty nice. It is probably still better out of your sideboard, though.
Lonesome Unicorn
3.0 Neither half of this card is particularly efficient. A sorcery that was 3 mana for a 2/2 token with Vigilance isn’t something you’d play and neither, and a 5-mana 3/3 with Vigilance.. BUT -- this card can do both of those things, and that’s the beauty of Adventures. Becuase it can make both of those things happen, and that can allow for a 2-for-1 without too much effort. Ideally you want to be doing both halves of this, and sometimes you will just need to cast the 3/3 Unicorn, which won’t feel too good, but I still think this is a really nice common for White.
Mistford River Turtle
1.0 This guy has mediocre stats and a mediocre ability. Even as a 1/5, you’ll find it hard to want to attack with this just to make something else you have unblockable. Sometimes it works out, but it is actually a pretty real cost to have to attack with the Turtle too, especially if they can just block it with three 2/2s.
Locthwain Paladin
2.0 4-mana for a 3/2 with Menace isn’t a great rate but is almost passable. Obviousy, though, this comes with additional upside thanks to Adamant – and a 4-mana 4/3 with Menace is some serious business.
Rosethorn Halberd
2.0 I think this seems decent. One mana for +2/+1 stats boost, provided you have a non-human in play – is a pretty nice rate. BUT your deck has to have enough non-humans around for this to be worth it, and man – after that first creature, the Equip cost is super steep.
Gingerbread Cabin
2.5 If your deck has 10+ Forests in it, you’ll run this for the upside of getting Food, which might actually synergize more broadly with your deck.
Beanstalk Giant
4.0 In the early game, this is a reasonable ramp and fixing spell, and in the late game it is a big ol’ giant who can help you close out the game.
Enchanted Carriage
2.0 This seems decent to me. It gets around one of the big downsides that vehicles have – and that’s that they aren’t very good on boards that don’t have much going on, because it needs to be crewed to actually do anything. The fact that this makes you a couple of creatures who can crew it all on their own is pretty nice. Now, you’re still not getting a great deal or anything on this – it is 5 mana for two 1/1s and a conditional 4/4.
Pack 2 Pick 4: Faerie Guidemother
Barrow Witches
1.5 Getting back a Knight is nice, but the Witches are overall inefficient, and if you don’t have anything going on in your graveyard they are pretty miserable.
Mantle of Tides
1.0 I don’t think I like this very much. Sure, equipping it to stuff for free, especially at Instant speed seems nice. But that “ideal” situation isn’t going to come up as often as we would like – you need to have creatures of the right size, and instant speed ways to draw an extra card.
Idyllic Grange
2.0 If your deck has 10+ Plains it, you’ll run this for the upside of getting a +1/+1 counter.
Gingerbread Cabin
2.5 If your deck has 10+ Forests in it, you’ll run this for the upside of getting Food, which might actually synergize more broadly with your deck.
Garenbrig Paladin
2.0 A 5-mana 4/4 that can’t be blocked by small dudes is kind of ok. The more Green your deck is though, the better this gets.
Faerie Guidemother
3.5 The Adventure side of this lets you get in for some damage in the air, something that can be pretty nice early, and something that can close out games late. Then, it can come down as a 1/1 flyer itself. The whole package here ends up being pretty good in aggro decks.
Knight of the Keep
1.0 A vanilla 3 mana 3/2 just isn’t really what you want to be doing. There are just so many better things you can do with 3 mana. You’ll only play it begrudgingly, if you need a 3 drop, or more knights in your deck, or you are way too short on creatures in your deck.
Unexplained Vision
2.0 This is the kind of card that Blue control decks will be interested in having one of. After they manage to stabilize the board, casting something like this allows them to really pull ahead -- one card getting them three cards is no joke, and would already be an okayish card if that’s all it was. If you can get Adamant with this and add Scry 3 you’re really doing something interesting, as you’re seeing up to 6 cards in your deck, which is a huge number in Limited.
Bartered Cow
1.0 4-mana 3/3s are not very good, so how much should we value the fact that this can give you Food? I mean, it is a little valuable, especially because there are food payoffs. It is also interesting that you can discard this and still get Food. I think those two things combined make this better – but you’ll still almost never play this.
All That Glitters
1.0 The UW deck in this format is focused on having artifacts and enchantments which is nice and all, but this doesn’t seem like the payoff you want. It has the downside of most auras, in that it opens you up to a bad 2-for-1, and in addition to that, it isn’t going to be very good in the early game, even if you ARE an artifact/enchantment deck. Sometimes Auras that are ultra aggressive early can be good, because they make your creature do so much extra damage that it doesn’t matter when you get 2-for-1’d. This won’t be one of those most of the time.
Foulmire Knight
3.5 3-mana to draw one and lose one life isn’t very good – however, a one mana 1/1 with Deathtouch is playable in every format, and pretty much guarantees you’re going to get to 2-for-1 your opponent if you went on an Adventure first.
Pack 2 Pick 5: Prophet of the Peak
Return to Nature
1.5 This is reasonably mainboardable in this format, as it often has a target. Still an easy cut, though, and better in your sideboard.
Prophet of the Peak
1.5 This isn’t great, but if you need top curve, you could do worse.
Roving Keep
1.0 I mean, if you really need a finisher in your defensive control deck, I guess this does the job? You really need to find something better, though.
True Love's Kiss
1.0 This set has enough targets for this that you can main deck it sometimes. It gives you a 2-for-1 when you have a target, which is pretty nice. It is probably still better out of your sideboard, though.
Forever Young
2.0 This is kind of like a Black Anticipate. For two mana you aren’t really gaining card advantage, but you will be improving your future draws, and you will draw one of the cards you put on top right away. Sometimes it will feel amazing because of cards in your graveyard, other times it won’t do much – but hey, you get to draw the card either way so the fail case could be worse. This is the kind of effect people frequently overrate, because their mind immediately goes to the scenario where you put your bomb back on top of your deck – but there will certainly be times you have this and nothing in your graveyard is worth putting on top.
Run Away Together
1.0 This kind of weird symmetrical bounce effect is mostly not worth it. Bouncing something your opponent doesn’t want to be bounced and something of yours that you DO want to bounce can be good, but that is a little too situational.
Locthwain Gargoyle
1.0 A one mana 0/3 can block sort of decently in the early going, and this isn’t a terrible mana sink in the late game, when the Gargoyle can start threatening the opponent in the air. This format also has some artifact synergy going around, especially in UW, so having one of these in that deck seems fine. Still, I don’t think you play this unless you’re in desperation mode for early creature or artifacts.
Blow Your House Down
1.0 This is the kind of effect hyper aggressive decks will be able to end the game with. The problem with a card like this, though, is that it is only good in a specific situation – one where you can deal lethal, basically, and mediocre at all other times. It is sort of nice it can blow up Walls – there are a few playable ones in this format (we’re about to see one shortly, actually), but still, this is the kind of corner-case cards that only the most aggro decks around will want to play.
2.5 This is a very conditional removal spell. Not only does the creature have to be attacking or blocking, you also have to have enough creatures in play to kill it. That will not always be a possibility. This can also be interfered with relatively easily, namely by killing one of your creatures, so that the damage this does drops to the point it doesn’t kill your target anymore And sure, it does only cost a single White mana, and it will probably feel nice when you’re the beat down, but with all the conditions it requires, it isn’t the kind of removal spell you take very early at all.
The Magic Mirror
2.0 This card is worse than it looks. Drawing a lot of cards sounds nice, and it is – but if you can’t win the game in a hurry, you’ll quickly find your own Magic Mirror milling you out. It is almost TOO GOOD at drawing cards, which is not something I ever thought I would say.
Pack 2 Pick 6: Scalding Cauldron
Festive Funeral
2.0 This is a conditional removal spell that will almost never be efficient. But hey, it IS still removal.
Fortifying Provisions
1.0 Adding toughness to your creatures is a lot worse than adding power in most cases, and also getting Food out of the deal doesn’t make this seem any better to me. It is nice that it us a card that gives you both an artifact and enchantment, making it a bit more interesting in a UW deck that cares about having both of those in play.
1.5 We see this a lot, and it doesn’t tend to be great without a super sacrifice sub-theme in a set.
Prophet of the Peak
1.5 This isn’t great, but if you need top curve, you could do worse.
Mistford River Turtle
1.0 This guy has mediocre stats and a mediocre ability. Even as a 1/5, you’ll find it hard to want to attack with this just to make something else you have unblockable. Sometimes it works out, but it is actually a pretty real cost to have to attack with the Turtle too, especially if they can just block it with three 2/2s.
Scalding Cauldron
1.0 You’ll only play this if you have artifact synergies and/or you are short on removal. It just isn’t efficient at all.
Roving Keep
1.0 I mean, if you really need a finisher in your defensive control deck, I guess this does the job? You really need to find something better, though.
Claim the Firstborn
0.5 This is cheaper than most Threaten effects we see – usually they cost 3 – but it is also not as flexible, since it can only target small creatures. I’m never overjoyed with effects like this one, unless I have two things going on – 1) I’m an aggro deck, and 2) I have creatures who can sacrifice other creatures. If you can steal your opponent’s dude and then kill it, that’s pretty great. Problem is, those two things don’t come together often enough for this to be very good, especially because it can only steal smaller creatures.
Kenrith's Transformation
3.0 This is an interesting card. Making something into a vanilla 3/3 can have multiple uses -- you can shut down some super powerful creature they have, or you can make one of yours bigger. Normally an effect like that isn’t awesome though, because it really isn’t THAT great at either of those things -- making your 1/1 into a 3/3 won’t have a huge impact most of the time, and sure, turning your opponents scary dragon into a 3/3 is going to be a relief, but you’re still letting your opponent have a decent sized creature. The cantrip effect pushes this over the edge, though, into being a pretty good playable.
Pack 2 Pick 7: Resolute Rider
Run Away Together
1.0 This kind of weird symmetrical bounce effect is mostly not worth it. Bouncing something your opponent doesn’t want to be bounced and something of yours that you DO want to bounce can be good, but that is a little too situational.
Crashing Drawbridge
1.5 I never like walls that try to do aggressive things, and that’s what this is. You’ll play it in some aggro decks, but the fact that you’re playing a creature who can’t attack in your aggro deck is annoying.
Shining Armor
1.5 This is an equipment with Flash that attaches itself to Knights for free when it comes down, but the bonus it gives isn’t anything special. Good combat tricks pump your creatures power, so that it can take down creatures in combat it couldn’t before – this one doesn’t. And sure, it does stick around and give your guy Vigilance, and that’s ok I guess – but once you have to start paying 3 mana to put this on stuff, it is really going to hurt.
Wicked Guardian
2.0 So, a 4-mana 4/2 that damages one of your guys and draws you a card is sort of an interesting design. Sure, it might kill your guy, but I think a 4-mana 4/2 that sacrifices a creature and draws you a card would be a solid card, and this is better than that, because sometimes it won’t actually kill your creature at all, in which case you’re just netting a straight-up 2-for-1.
Embereth Paladin
1.5 A 4-mana 4/1 with Haste isn’t anything special these days – you have to find the right opening for it to do something significant, or risk it just being traded with by a much cheaper creature. Even when you add Adamant to the mix, you’re getting a 5/2 with Haste for 4, which if that’s what this was 100% of the time would be solid, but it just won’t be.
Return to Nature
1.5 This is reasonably mainboardable in this format, as it often has a target. Still an easy cut, though, and better in your sideboard.
Lash of Thorns
1.0 This is an alright trick, but this format has lots of tricks attached to creatures thanks to Adventures, and that’s way better than a card that is JUST a trick. For that reason, the Lash isn’t something you play very often.
Resolute Rider
3.5 This has good activated abilities that make it very difficult to block. Most of the time, you’ll just be interested in threatening the activation, but being able to pump all the mana to make it indestructible and give it lifelink also isn’t a bad way to win a race.
Pack 2 Pick 8: Flutterfox
Prized Griffin
2.5 5-mana ¾ flyers have played pretty well lately. Obviously it isn’t a great rate for those stats, but we have seen several of these lately, and they have always been reasonable 5-drops.
Mystic Sanctuary
2.5 If your deck has 10+ Islands in it, you’ll run this so that you can put removal back on top of your library.
3.0 This is a nice two drop. 2-mana 2/2s are nothing special these days, but the fact that this can gain flying -- and do it relatively easily in this format -- makes it a two drop that is relevant all game long.
Corridor Monitor
1.5 A two mana ¼ blocks fairly well early, and this one lets you untap a dude or artifact when you play it, which is some ok upside. However, it isn’t exactly impactful – even in the late game untapping something doesn’t always come with significant value.
Fell the Pheasant
0.5 This is mostly just sideboard hate to bring in against someone who has a lot of flyers.
Sporecap Spider
1.5 Aggressive Green decks won’t really want this, but all the other Green decks should feel fine about playing the first of these. They are good at blocking flyers.
Youthful Knight
3.0 Two mana 2/1 first strikers tend to play really well in aggressive decks -- but they really aren’t bad in less aggressive ones, as they are great blockers against smaller creatures. There is a lot of Equipment in this set too, and obviously it plays well with a creature with first strike. Definitely matters that this has a useful creature type too!
Pack 2 Pick 9: Signpost Scarecrow
Searing Barrage
2.5 This is solid removal for Red, but like to Reduce to Ashes and command the Storm before that, it isn’t premium. Costing 5 is a ton, and most of the time it is going to feel a little clunky. It will frequently cost more mana than whatever you kill with it, and that does put you behind the eight ball a little bit.
Festive Funeral
2.0 This is a conditional removal spell that will almost never be efficient. But hey, it IS still removal.
Maraleaf Pixie
3.5 Everything this does, it does super efficiently. Two mana 2/2 flyer is good, two mana mana dork also good – it can win you games attacking in the air, or by helping you ramp out fatties.
Hypnotic Sprite
3.5 I’m not normally a big counterspell fan, just because they are easy to play around, and if your opponent does that it can be pretty devastating. This counterspell can only stop cheap spells, which means you aren’t really going to be coming out mana-wise with it. But that’s probably ok – you can have this in your deck, and you can cast the counterspell half of it if the opportunity appears, and you can also just play a two mana 2/1 flyer if that is what you need to be doing on turn 2. That flexibility means that this is a counterspell I will actually play – but yeah, I’m not going to be shy about just casting it as a creature and never using the counter.
Idyllic Grange
2.0 If your deck has 10+ Plains it, you’ll run this for the upside of getting a +1/+1 counter.
Pack 2 Pick 10: Prophet of the Peak
Festive Funeral
2.0 This is a conditional removal spell that will almost never be efficient. But hey, it IS still removal.
Prophet of the Peak
1.5 This isn’t great, but if you need top curve, you could do worse.
2.5 too – it isn’t like Rabid Bites and other cards we’ve recently seen. Two mana to fight at Sorcery speed is not something that impressive, but it is certainly good enough to have a copy or two in your deck. One of the problems that Fight effects have is that it will only be good with your larger creatures. This helps mitigate against that a bit, since it makes your Knight larger too, so a larger percentage of your deck will be good with this than normal. It also has all the downsides cards like this have – your opponent can kill your creature in response to you targeting it, blowing you out, so you have to be careful. I think this is a going to be fine in a typical Red deck – which will have enough larger creatures and Knights without trying real hard.
Kenrith's Transformation
3.0 This is an interesting card. Making something into a vanilla 3/3 can have multiple uses -- you can shut down some super powerful creature they have, or you can make one of yours bigger. Normally an effect like that isn’t awesome though, because it really isn’t THAT great at either of those things -- making your 1/1 into a 3/3 won’t have a huge impact most of the time, and sure, turning your opponents scary dragon into a 3/3 is going to be a relief, but you’re still letting your opponent have a decent sized creature. The cantrip effect pushes this over the edge, though, into being a pretty good playable.
Pack 2 Pick 11: Crashing Drawbridge
1.5 We see this a lot, and it doesn’t tend to be great without a super sacrifice sub-theme in a set.
Crashing Drawbridge
1.5 I never like walls that try to do aggressive things, and that’s what this is. You’ll play it in some aggro decks, but the fact that you’re playing a creature who can’t attack in your aggro deck is annoying.
Mistford River Turtle
1.0 This guy has mediocre stats and a mediocre ability. Even as a 1/5, you’ll find it hard to want to attack with this just to make something else you have unblockable. Sometimes it works out, but it is actually a pretty real cost to have to attack with the Turtle too, especially if they can just block it with three 2/2s.
Rosethorn Halberd
2.0 I think this seems decent. One mana for +2/+1 stats boost, provided you have a non-human in play – is a pretty nice rate. BUT your deck has to have enough non-humans around for this to be worth it, and man – after that first creature, the Equip cost is super steep.
Pack 2 Pick 12: Knight of the Keep
Knight of the Keep
1.0 A vanilla 3 mana 3/2 just isn’t really what you want to be doing. There are just so many better things you can do with 3 mana. You’ll only play it begrudgingly, if you need a 3 drop, or more knights in your deck, or you are way too short on creatures in your deck.
Bartered Cow
1.0 4-mana 3/3s are not very good, so how much should we value the fact that this can give you Food? I mean, it is a little valuable, especially because there are food payoffs. It is also interesting that you can discard this and still get Food. I think those two things combined make this better – but you’ll still almost never play this.
Idyllic Grange
2.0 If your deck has 10+ Plains it, you’ll run this for the upside of getting a +1/+1 counter.
Pack 2 Pick 13: True Love's Kiss
True Love's Kiss
1.0 This set has enough targets for this that you can main deck it sometimes. It gives you a 2-for-1 when you have a target, which is pretty nice. It is probably still better out of your sideboard, though.
Blow Your House Down
1.0 This is the kind of effect hyper aggressive decks will be able to end the game with. The problem with a card like this, though, is that it is only good in a specific situation – one where you can deal lethal, basically, and mediocre at all other times. It is sort of nice it can blow up Walls – there are a few playable ones in this format (we’re about to see one shortly, actually), but still, this is the kind of corner-case cards that only the most aggro decks around will want to play.
Pack 2 Pick 14: Fortifying Provisions
Fortifying Provisions
1.0 Adding toughness to your creatures is a lot worse than adding power in most cases, and also getting Food out of the deal doesn’t make this seem any better to me. It is nice that it us a card that gives you both an artifact and enchantment, making it a bit more interesting in a UW deck that cares about having both of those in play.
Pack 3 Pick 1: Heraldic Banner
Ogre Errant
2.0 This is harder to get going than you might think, and even when it does, it finds itself on boards where it still doesn’t have a good attack.
Rimrock Knight
3.0 This is a huge overperformer. The Adventure side of the card often becomes a burn spell to the opponents’ face, and sometimes it can even help a creature win combat. Then, you get a nice efficient, aggressive creature that also happens to be a knight!
Witch's Cottage
2.5 If your deck has 10+ Swamps, you’ll run this so you can get back powerful creatures from your graveyard.
Dwarven Mine
2.0 If your deck has 10+ Mountains in it, you’ll run this for the upside of getting a 1/1 token.
Queen of Ice
2.5 This is no Frost Lynx, but it can do a pretty good impression. Like with all ADventures, you have lots of different ways you can use this. You can cast each half on separate turns, or -- if you get it later in the game, you can play this as a 5-mana ⅔ that taps down one of your opponent’s creatures for a turn. That’s not awesome, but it is nice that it can work that way late. She also makes sure to give you some value, even when she chump blocks, since she’ll lock that creature down for a turn at least.
Tuinvale Treefolk
2.5 Like a lot of these adventure cards at common, if we look at each part of the card and imagine it as JUST that, neither half is very good. But, like all of these, it has the potential to do both of those things, and that’s not a bad way to be spending your mana. Getting a full two cards worth of value out of this single card seems very doable, and I think this will be a nice big boy to have at the top of your curve, since it can make your guys bigger too.
Youthful Knight
3.0 Two mana 2/1 first strikers tend to play really well in aggressive decks -- but they really aren’t bad in less aggressive ones, as they are great blockers against smaller creatures. There is a lot of Equipment in this set too, and obviously it plays well with a creature with first strike. Definitely matters that this has a useful creature type too!
Forever Young
2.0 This is kind of like a Black Anticipate. For two mana you aren’t really gaining card advantage, but you will be improving your future draws, and you will draw one of the cards you put on top right away. Sometimes it will feel amazing because of cards in your graveyard, other times it won’t do much – but hey, you get to draw the card either way so the fail case could be worse. This is the kind of effect people frequently overrate, because their mind immediately goes to the scenario where you put your bomb back on top of your deck – but there will certainly be times you have this and nothing in your graveyard is worth putting on top.
Tome Raider
2.5 This card overperforms in this format. Netting you a card right away is great, and then it can also attack in the air reasonably well.
Scorching Dragonfire
4.0 We see two mana to do 3 a lot, and it is always a premium removal spell. It is cheap enough and kills big enough creatures that you usually are going to break even or come out ahead with your opponent in terms of mana. It is also an Instant, so you’ll be able to get some blowouts to happen in a world of combat tricks and Auras. Exiling stuff it kills is nice additional upside.
Heraldic Banner
2.0 So, this is an alright mana rock. It does something most don’t do – it affects the board right away, and there is every possibility that playing this thing make syou have attacks available that just weren’t before. Now, it is sort of annoying you have to choose a color with it and stick with that forever, because that means it isn’t going to be the most reliable way to splash – but it can still get it done, there just may be times where you’re forced to name a non-splash color in your deck. Overall I think I like this – ramps, helps you splash, and gives you a minor boost on your board state.
All That Glitters
1.0 The UW deck in this format is focused on having artifacts and enchantments which is nice and all, but this doesn’t seem like the payoff you want. It has the downside of most auras, in that it opens you up to a bad 2-for-1, and in addition to that, it isn’t going to be very good in the early game, even if you ARE an artifact/enchantment deck. Sometimes Auras that are ultra aggressive early can be good, because they make your creature do so much extra damage that it doesn’t matter when you get 2-for-1’d. This won’t be one of those most of the time.
Flaxen Intruder
1.5 I am not super impressed by this card, as both halves seem rather underwhelming. 7 mana for 3 2/2 Bears isn’t a great deal, and a ½ that can Naturalize stuff when she hits the opponent isn’t either. Now, it is cool that Adventure might allow you to do both of these things with the one card, but paying 8 mana for three 2/2 bears and the ½ still doesn’t feel that good to me. I don’t really see myself wanting to play this in most situations.
Fabled Passage
3.0 This provides great fixing, even if you’re just two colors, and that shouldn’t be underestimated.
Pack 3 Pick 2: Faerie Guidemother
Faerie Guidemother
3.5 The Adventure side of this lets you get in for some damage in the air, something that can be pretty nice early, and something that can close out games late. Then, it can come down as a 1/1 flyer itself. The whole package here ends up being pretty good in aggro decks.
3.0 This is a strictly better Hunt the Weak, and that’s not a bad place to be. Hunt the Weak is always a solid removal spell -- but not premium. It isn’t premium because of how clunky it is at 4 mana and Sorcery speed, and because Fight effects are removal spells that are really easy to interact with, since killing the creature in response to the removal spell, or pumping their creature in response to it, results in a pretty savage blow out. If you can consistently trigger Adamant with this, it gets really scary, because you can now attack your opponent with it without being worried about the creature dying.
Tempting Witch
2.5 She seems alright to me. A 3-mana ⅓ is pretty abyssmal on the vanilla test, but since she also gives you Food, AND is a food payoff, I can let that slide. She can give your deck some nice reach in the late game if you have food laying around, and she represents a nice clock for Food decks.
Garenbrig Paladin
2.0 A 5-mana 4/4 that can’t be blocked by small dudes is kind of ok. The more Green your deck is though, the better this gets.
Crystal Slipper
1.5 The initial cost of the card – 2 to play and 1 to equip is pretty steep. That said, being able to sort of pay a kicker on your creatures of one mana to give them +1/+0 and Haste seems alright. I think you probably play one of these in aggro decks sometimes, but I feel like you’ll cut it pretty regularly too.
Sporecap Spider
1.5 Aggressive Green decks won’t really want this, but all the other Green decks should feel fine about playing the first of these. They are good at blocking flyers.
2.0 Opt is pretty much the definition of a fine but easily cuttable Limited card. It gives you some card selection, but doesn’t impact the board or give you card advantage. This set doesn’t really have a spell theme, or it would be a little better.
Henge Walker
1.0 This won’t be a 3/3 often enough to be worth it in most decks, unless you’re close to monocolored.
Prized Griffin
2.5 5-mana ¾ flyers have played pretty well lately. Obviously it isn’t a great rate for those stats, but we have seen several of these lately, and they have always been reasonable 5-drops.
Crashing Drawbridge
1.5 I never like walls that try to do aggressive things, and that’s what this is. You’ll play it in some aggro decks, but the fact that you’re playing a creature who can’t attack in your aggro deck is annoying.
Bog Naughty
3.5 Even if you just have one or two ways to make food, you’ll play this. And most of the time, I think you end up with 3+ ways to do it without trying too hard. If you end up with a lot of food, this becomes one of the very best cards in your deck, capable of machine gunning your opponent’s creatures and making combat a nightmare.
Order of Midnight
4.0 A two mana 2/2 flyer that can’t Block is great in aggressive decks, and the fact that this lets you get a creature back from your graveyard is incredible. This is basically gravedigger, who gives up the ability to Block to gain Flying, and that’s a pretty good trade. Especially because the Adventure mechanic makes things even better than all that because of the added flexibility.
Trail of Crumbs
0.0 This is a sweet food build around. In super grindy games, this drawing you extra cards is going to be some pretty serious value -- especially because it even gives you some selection over what you draw! It will be hard to wiff on two cards in Limited -- most of what’s in your deck is permanents -- but the fact it can’t draw you most removal is a bit annoying. You can use this just sacrificing food normally -- at which point you are paying 3 to gain 3 life and draw a card -- not too shabby -- but I thinkt his will be the most impressive in decks that can sacrifice food to other permanents without any mana cost, because it will be a lot easier to just pay one mana to draw the card here. I think this card definitely needs a build around grade because of that fact -- any old card that makes Food will work with it, but it won’t be at their best with them.
Pack 3 Pick 3: Wandermare
Silverflame Ritual
1.5 If you have like 6 White cards in your deck, you’re not going to be getting the adamant part here. That said, this card on its own, without Adamant would already be kind of playable. Sure, you need some set up, and you have to be going wide, but that seems doable in this set. Giving Vigilance with Adamant is very real upside, because it means that you can attack with everyone, and still leave blockers behind – turns like that can really turn the tide in games. But yeah, it is a little clunky at 4 mana, and it won’t always be giving your guys Vigilance unless you’re mono-colored.
Malevolent Noble
2.5 This guy is a serious underperformer. He isn’t BAD per se, but looking at him at first, I thought he would be a pretty powerful common. Being able to sacrifice your food or creatures to make him bigger seemed nice! And he starts out as a two-mana 2/2, so that’s not too bad! Problem is, having the mana and resources around to use his ability a lot just doesn’t happen much. He’s still fine, but he isn’t even close to one of Black’s best commons.
Wildwood Tracker
2.0 In the early game, this can be a nice attacker. I the later parts of the game it just won’t matter much that it becomes a 2/2.
Moonlit Scavengers
2.5 I am always a fan of Man-O’-Wars, and this is a pretty beefy one. Bouncing opponent’s creatures with your own creature tends to feel pretty great in Limited, because you simultaneously add to your board while taking something away from your opponent. This does have some hoops to jump through to make that happen – but it isn’t that difficult on turn 6 to have an Artifact or Enchantment in this format. I mean, sure, if your deck has very little in the way of those types of permanents, you can’t really play this – but keep in mind Food counts towards that.
Mistford River Turtle
1.0 This guy has mediocre stats and a mediocre ability. Even as a 1/5, you’ll find it hard to want to attack with this just to make something else you have unblockable. Sometimes it works out, but it is actually a pretty real cost to have to attack with the Turtle too, especially if they can just block it with three 2/2s.
Crashing Drawbridge
1.5 I never like walls that try to do aggressive things, and that’s what this is. You’ll play it in some aggro decks, but the fact that you’re playing a creature who can’t attack in your aggro deck is annoying.
Ardenvale Paladin
2.0 Honestly a 4-mana ⅖ does pretty well on the Vanilla test, and will be capable of blocking the vast majority of the creatures in this format and surviving. If you throw in Adamant, which will give you a 4-mana 3/6 a decent chunk of the time -- or, you know -- all the time, if you happen to be in mono-white -- and you have a much more attractive card.
3.0 This is a strictly better Hunt the Weak, and that’s not a bad place to be. Hunt the Weak is always a solid removal spell -- but not premium. It isn’t premium because of how clunky it is at 4 mana and Sorcery speed, and because Fight effects are removal spells that are really easy to interact with, since killing the creature in response to the removal spell, or pumping their creature in response to it, results in a pretty savage blow out. If you can consistently trigger Adamant with this, it gets really scary, because you can now attack your opponent with it without being worried about the creature dying.
Didn't Say Please
1.5 I’m never a big fan of Cancel variants, unless they bring something big to the table. The good news for Didn’t Say Please is that there is a legit mill deck in this format, so its effect is actually kind of useful. The problem with a 3 mana counter spell is that you find yourself having to leave up a considerably percentage of your mana to be able to use it. I think sometimes people make the mistake of thinking of a counterspell like a removal spell, but in a lot of ways, they are worse, at least in Limited. This is because you have a smaller window to use this card where it will actually get rid of something -- you HAVE to have the mana up when they play whatever it is you want to get rid of. With removal spells, it doesn’t matter when you cast it, so you have a much wider window to use them. This means that top-decking removal tends to be way better, for example. You’ll play this in your controlling mill decks, but not anywhere else.
Barge In
2.0 This trick only works if you are attacking, which does hurt it a little bit, because losing the flexibility to save a creature from some removal spells, or using it when you’re blocking matters – but like 90% of the time you use a trick, you’re attacking anyway, so it isn’t a huge hit. And I think it mostly makes up for that problem with the fact that it can grant all your non-human creatures trample, which is a nice additional line of text to have.
3.5 A 3-mana 3/3 as a base level is already good, and if you can put even one +1/+1 counter on this, I think you’ll be pretty happy. Anything more than that and things get silly. Keep in mind, too, that like most Adventure build arounds in this set, it doesn’t matter whether or not the creature has gone on its Adventure to trigger this – you can just cast a creature that has an Adventure option, even if you never used the Adventure half, and Wandermare will be getting a +1/+1 counter. GW will have no problems getting cards with Adventure, I don’t think it is unreasonable to assume 5-7 is kind of a guarantee.
Deathless Knight
4.0 A 4-mana 4/2 with Haste isn’t anything special – but a creature like this with Haste and high power, is really a scary thing when it just won’t stay dead – and this Knight won’t be doing a whole lot of that. It reminds me a lot of Ovalchase Daredevil – a 4-mana 4/2 from Kaladesh who could return from the graveyard when you played an Artifact. Deathless Knight can come back any time you gain life – something that will be pretty easy thanks to Food tokens, and this is especially true in BG, the color pair that has the most ways to make and use Food to its advantage. A 4/2 is hard to kill without trading, and that’s what makes it coming back over and over again so good.
Pack 3 Pick 4: Scalding Cauldron
Run Away Together
1.0 This kind of weird symmetrical bounce effect is mostly not worth it. Bouncing something your opponent doesn’t want to be bounced and something of yours that you DO want to bounce can be good, but that is a little too situational.
Giant's Skewer
2.0 This Equipment gives a fairly efficient boost, and the fact that it can give you Food is pretty nice. While that’s not quite lifelink, it does feel that way sometimes.
Barrow Witches
1.5 Getting back a Knight is nice, but the Witches are overall inefficient, and if you don’t have anything going on in your graveyard they are pretty miserable.
Foreboding Fruit
2.0 Black card draw spells like this are pretty much always a reasonable inclusion as a one-of. The card on the face of it is a two-for-one, but you do have to be careful since it doesn’t impact the board at all, and sometimes doing this early can be dangerous when you could be playing a creature that will help you survive. The Adamant here is a nice bonus, but it doesn’t add a ton to the card – though it will be nice gaining life back after you cast this.
2.5 This is a very conditional removal spell. Not only does the creature have to be attacking or blocking, you also have to have enough creatures in play to kill it. That will not always be a possibility. This can also be interfered with relatively easily, namely by killing one of your creatures, so that the damage this does drops to the point it doesn’t kill your target anymore And sure, it does only cost a single White mana, and it will probably feel nice when you’re the beat down, but with all the conditions it requires, it isn’t the kind of removal spell you take very early at all.
Lash of Thorns
1.0 This is an alright trick, but this format has lots of tricks attached to creatures thanks to Adventures, and that’s way better than a card that is JUST a trick. For that reason, the Lash isn’t something you play very often.
Searing Barrage
2.5 This is solid removal for Red, but like to Reduce to Ashes and command the Storm before that, it isn’t premium. Costing 5 is a ton, and most of the time it is going to feel a little clunky. It will frequently cost more mana than whatever you kill with it, and that does put you behind the eight ball a little bit.
Scalding Cauldron
1.0 You’ll only play this if you have artifact synergies and/or you are short on removal. It just isn’t efficient at all.
Syr Konrad, the Grim
4.0 This feels like it should have been a rare, and not just because he is Legendary, but because he is so complex – and also pretty awesome. So a 5-mana 5/4 does alright on the vanilla test, and then this guy has an absolutely massive text box, which lets you damage the opponent any time a creature is put into the graveyard from someone’s hand or their library. Konrad is going to provide some nice late game reach for decks. His ability is pretty cheap, and gives you a chance to do between 0 and 2 damage every time you use it. If this format also has a graveyard deck, I think he will get better, since if you can take advantage of loading your own graveyard, you’re going to like him even more.
Hypnotic Sprite
3.5 I’m not normally a big counterspell fan, just because they are easy to play around, and if your opponent does that it can be pretty devastating. This counterspell can only stop cheap spells, which means you aren’t really going to be coming out mana-wise with it. But that’s probably ok – you can have this in your deck, and you can cast the counterspell half of it if the opportunity appears, and you can also just play a two mana 2/1 flyer if that is what you need to be doing on turn 2. That flexibility means that this is a counterspell I will actually play – but yeah, I’m not going to be shy about just casting it as a creature and never using the counter.
2.5 This kind of removal is nice because it blanks a creature, and sometimes that is just better than more traditional removal – but the fact that they still get to have a creature who can block after you play this is obnoxious, and that’s what keeps this from being premium removal.
Pack 3 Pick 5: Gingerbrute
Shining Armor
1.5 This is an equipment with Flash that attaches itself to Knights for free when it comes down, but the bonus it gives isn’t anything special. Good combat tricks pump your creatures power, so that it can take down creatures in combat it couldn’t before – this one doesn’t. And sure, it does stick around and give your guy Vigilance, and that’s ok I guess – but once you have to start paying 3 mana to put this on stuff, it is really going to hurt.
Thrill of Possibility
2.0 This is an always alright but also always replaceable card. It gets a little better in this format because it lets you trigger “draw 2” payoffs on your opponents’ turn.
Rimrock Knight
3.0 This is a huge overperformer. The Adventure side of the card often becomes a burn spell to the opponents’ face, and sometimes it can even help a creature win combat. Then, you get a nice efficient, aggressive creature that also happens to be a knight!
Rosethorn Acolyte
2.5 So, the Acolyte’s Adventure effect is one of the more underwhelming ones around, essentially just letting you filter mana. But hey, sometimes that does matter. Most of the time though you’re going to get value out of it being a creature, as a 3-mana 2/3 that fixes and ramps for you is a pretty nice thing to have around.
2.5 A one mana 1/1 with Haste is usually not anything special, but this one can also make itself unblockable, which means it stays relevant late. It can also sacrifice to gain you life, and counts as Food. I think all of that makes this a reasonable inclusion in your deck, especially if you’re aggressive and have ways to make him bigger.
Unexplained Vision
2.0 This is the kind of card that Blue control decks will be interested in having one of. After they manage to stabilize the board, casting something like this allows them to really pull ahead -- one card getting them three cards is no joke, and would already be an okayish card if that’s all it was. If you can get Adamant with this and add Scry 3 you’re really doing something interesting, as you’re seeing up to 6 cards in your deck, which is a huge number in Limited.
Ogre Errant
2.0 This is harder to get going than you might think, and even when it does, it finds itself on boards where it still doesn’t have a good attack.
Insatiable Appetite
0.5 This is an ok trick, but this set has Adventure creatures who are tricks at Common, and they are just way better.
Foreboding Fruit
2.0 Black card draw spells like this are pretty much always a reasonable inclusion as a one-of. The card on the face of it is a two-for-one, but you do have to be careful since it doesn’t impact the board at all, and sometimes doing this early can be dangerous when you could be playing a creature that will help you survive. The Adamant here is a nice bonus, but it doesn’t add a ton to the card – though it will be nice gaining life back after you cast this.
Hypnotic Sprite
3.5 I’m not normally a big counterspell fan, just because they are easy to play around, and if your opponent does that it can be pretty devastating. This counterspell can only stop cheap spells, which means you aren’t really going to be coming out mana-wise with it. But that’s probably ok – you can have this in your deck, and you can cast the counterspell half of it if the opportunity appears, and you can also just play a two mana 2/1 flyer if that is what you need to be doing on turn 2. That flexibility means that this is a counterspell I will actually play – but yeah, I’m not going to be shy about just casting it as a creature and never using the counter.
Pack 3 Pick 6: Burning-Yard Trainer
Roving Keep
1.0 I mean, if you really need a finisher in your defensive control deck, I guess this does the job? You really need to find something better, though.
Raging Redcap
2.0 So, a 3-mana ½ with Double Strike is an ok deal. This set also has a pretty heavy theme of auras and equipment, and he is a good place to put those.
Tempting Witch
2.5 She seems alright to me. A 3-mana ⅓ is pretty abyssmal on the vanilla test, but since she also gives you Food, AND is a food payoff, I can let that slide. She can give your deck some nice reach in the late game if you have food laying around, and she represents a nice clock for Food decks.
Wishful Merfolk
2.0 One mana to Scry 2 isn’t the worst deal ever, Scrying 2 is pretty close to drawing a card – and then, the fact that you can sacrifice it later in the game to draw 2 cards is nice. Sometimes, you’ll pay 5 mana for this and Scry 2 and then draw 2 cards right away – and that’s not a bad place to be, really.
2.5 This is a very conditional removal spell. Not only does the creature have to be attacking or blocking, you also have to have enough creatures in play to kill it. That will not always be a possibility. This can also be interfered with relatively easily, namely by killing one of your creatures, so that the damage this does drops to the point it doesn’t kill your target anymore And sure, it does only cost a single White mana, and it will probably feel nice when you’re the beat down, but with all the conditions it requires, it isn’t the kind of removal spell you take very early at all.
Locthwain Paladin
2.0 4-mana for a 3/2 with Menace isn’t a great rate but is almost passable. Obviousy, though, this comes with additional upside thanks to Adamant – and a 4-mana 4/3 with Menace is some serious business.
Mantle of Tides
1.0 I don’t think I like this very much. Sure, equipping it to stuff for free, especially at Instant speed seems nice. But that “ideal” situation isn’t going to come up as often as we would like – you need to have creatures of the right size, and instant speed ways to draw an extra card.
Burning-Yard Trainer
3.0 A 5-mana 3/3 with Trample and Haste isn’t good. He can maybe come down and give you lethal right away thanks to Haste, but yeah – not that good. However, if he can come down and pump one of your other creatures and give it those keywords, you’re going to be in serious business. If you can do that, he adds 5 evasive power to the board that attacks right away, and that’s a good deal for 5 mana.
Pack 3 Pick 7: Lonesome Unicorn
Unexplained Vision
2.0 This is the kind of card that Blue control decks will be interested in having one of. After they manage to stabilize the board, casting something like this allows them to really pull ahead -- one card getting them three cards is no joke, and would already be an okayish card if that’s all it was. If you can get Adamant with this and add Scry 3 you’re really doing something interesting, as you’re seeing up to 6 cards in your deck, which is a huge number in Limited.
Lonesome Unicorn
3.0 Neither half of this card is particularly efficient. A sorcery that was 3 mana for a 2/2 token with Vigilance isn’t something you’d play and neither, and a 5-mana 3/3 with Vigilance.. BUT -- this card can do both of those things, and that’s the beauty of Adventures. Becuase it can make both of those things happen, and that can allow for a 2-for-1 without too much effort. Ideally you want to be doing both halves of this, and sometimes you will just need to cast the 3/3 Unicorn, which won’t feel too good, but I still think this is a really nice common for White.
Golden Egg
1.5 So, we’ve seen cards a lot like this before, and they’re always alright. Mana filtering that replaces itself isn’t a bad thing to have a round, since it can help you splash, and you don’t end up using a whole card for it since it draws you one. If you don’t need the fixing during your game, it can also gain you life I guess, but that isn’t so good. Note also that it is technically “Food” so any cards that interact with Food tokens will make this better. I think this is an easy-to-cut last card in your deck.
Redcap Raiders
2.5 Frequently you won’t have an untapped non-human creature for the buff, and even if you do, it isn’t like it makes this creature into a world beater. A 4/3 with trample is nice, but not a major problem.
Lash of Thorns
1.0 This is an alright trick, but this format has lots of tricks attached to creatures thanks to Adventures, and that’s way better than a card that is JUST a trick. For that reason, the Lash isn’t something you play very often.
Tall as a Beanstalk
0.0 Lately, they have been printing Auras that are actually playable because of their efficiency, or their ability to mitigate against a 2-for-1. But this isn’t either of those. 4 mana for +3/+3 and Reach really isn’t the most amazing deal in the world, and it leaves you wide open to 2-for-1s that will also get huge tempo on you because of the total mana you spend on the creature and this Aura. Don’t play this.
Ogre Errant
2.0 This is harder to get going than you might think, and even when it does, it finds itself on boards where it still doesn’t have a good attack.
2.5 This kind of removal is nice because it blanks a creature, and sometimes that is just better than more traditional removal – but the fact that they still get to have a creature who can block after you play this is obnoxious, and that’s what keeps this from being premium removal.
Pack 3 Pick 8: Beloved Princess
Eye Collector
1.5 In general, one mana 1/1 flyers that don’t do anything else – and this mostly doesn’t do anything else – aren’t that good. This is sort of reasonable in the mill deck, but that’s about it.
Tuinvale Treefolk
2.5 Like a lot of these adventure cards at common, if we look at each part of the card and imagine it as JUST that, neither half is very good. But, like all of these, it has the potential to do both of those things, and that’s not a bad way to be spending your mana. Getting a full two cards worth of value out of this single card seems very doable, and I think this will be a nice big boy to have at the top of your curve, since it can make your guys bigger too.
Bartered Cow
1.0 4-mana 3/3s are not very good, so how much should we value the fact that this can give you Food? I mean, it is a little valuable, especially because there are food payoffs. It is also interesting that you can discard this and still get Food. I think those two things combined make this better – but you’ll still almost never play this.
Prized Griffin
2.5 5-mana ¾ flyers have played pretty well lately. Obviously it isn’t a great rate for those stats, but we have seen several of these lately, and they have always been reasonable 5-drops.
Beloved Princess
1.5 A one mana 1/1 with lifelink that is kind of evasive doesn’t really do it for me. Sure, big creatures can’t block it, but it is small and dies to basically any blocker. And if you pump her things might get interesting, but mostly it doesn’t seem worth it.
Fierce Witchstalker
3.5 A 4-mana 4/4 with Trample is a great rate in Limited. Then, this makes Food too, something that is heavily supported in this format -- especially in BG, and you have a very good Common.
Drown in the Loch
2.5 Even with a mill deck in this format, you’ll find that this just doesn’t line up often enough to be a great card.
Pack 3 Pick 9: All That Glitters
Ogre Errant
2.0 This is harder to get going than you might think, and even when it does, it finds itself on boards where it still doesn’t have a good attack.
Witch's Cottage
2.5 If your deck has 10+ Swamps, you’ll run this so you can get back powerful creatures from your graveyard.
Dwarven Mine
2.0 If your deck has 10+ Mountains in it, you’ll run this for the upside of getting a 1/1 token.
Tuinvale Treefolk
2.5 Like a lot of these adventure cards at common, if we look at each part of the card and imagine it as JUST that, neither half is very good. But, like all of these, it has the potential to do both of those things, and that’s not a bad way to be spending your mana. Getting a full two cards worth of value out of this single card seems very doable, and I think this will be a nice big boy to have at the top of your curve, since it can make your guys bigger too.
All That Glitters
1.0 The UW deck in this format is focused on having artifacts and enchantments which is nice and all, but this doesn’t seem like the payoff you want. It has the downside of most auras, in that it opens you up to a bad 2-for-1, and in addition to that, it isn’t going to be very good in the early game, even if you ARE an artifact/enchantment deck. Sometimes Auras that are ultra aggressive early can be good, because they make your creature do so much extra damage that it doesn’t matter when you get 2-for-1’d. This won’t be one of those most of the time.
Flaxen Intruder
1.5 I am not super impressed by this card, as both halves seem rather underwhelming. 7 mana for 3 2/2 Bears isn’t a great deal, and a ½ that can Naturalize stuff when she hits the opponent isn’t either. Now, it is cool that Adventure might allow you to do both of these things with the one card, but paying 8 mana for three 2/2 bears and the ½ still doesn’t feel that good to me. I don’t really see myself wanting to play this in most situations.
Pack 3 Pick 10: Henge Walker
3.0 This is a strictly better Hunt the Weak, and that’s not a bad place to be. Hunt the Weak is always a solid removal spell -- but not premium. It isn’t premium because of how clunky it is at 4 mana and Sorcery speed, and because Fight effects are removal spells that are really easy to interact with, since killing the creature in response to the removal spell, or pumping their creature in response to it, results in a pretty savage blow out. If you can consistently trigger Adamant with this, it gets really scary, because you can now attack your opponent with it without being worried about the creature dying.
Garenbrig Paladin
2.0 A 5-mana 4/4 that can’t be blocked by small dudes is kind of ok. The more Green your deck is though, the better this gets.
Henge Walker
1.0 This won’t be a 3/3 often enough to be worth it in most decks, unless you’re close to monocolored.
Prized Griffin
2.5 5-mana ¾ flyers have played pretty well lately. Obviously it isn’t a great rate for those stats, but we have seen several of these lately, and they have always been reasonable 5-drops.
Trail of Crumbs
0.0 This is a sweet food build around. In super grindy games, this drawing you extra cards is going to be some pretty serious value -- especially because it even gives you some selection over what you draw! It will be hard to wiff on two cards in Limited -- most of what’s in your deck is permanents -- but the fact it can’t draw you most removal is a bit annoying. You can use this just sacrificing food normally -- at which point you are paying 3 to gain 3 life and draw a card -- not too shabby -- but I thinkt his will be the most impressive in decks that can sacrifice food to other permanents without any mana cost, because it will be a lot easier to just pay one mana to draw the card here. I think this card definitely needs a build around grade because of that fact -- any old card that makes Food will work with it, but it won’t be at their best with them.
Pack 3 Pick 11: Silverflame Ritual
Silverflame Ritual
1.5 If you have like 6 White cards in your deck, you’re not going to be getting the adamant part here. That said, this card on its own, without Adamant would already be kind of playable. Sure, you need some set up, and you have to be going wide, but that seems doable in this set. Giving Vigilance with Adamant is very real upside, because it means that you can attack with everyone, and still leave blockers behind – turns like that can really turn the tide in games. But yeah, it is a little clunky at 4 mana, and it won’t always be giving your guys Vigilance unless you’re mono-colored.
Malevolent Noble
2.5 This guy is a serious underperformer. He isn’t BAD per se, but looking at him at first, I thought he would be a pretty powerful common. Being able to sacrifice your food or creatures to make him bigger seemed nice! And he starts out as a two-mana 2/2, so that’s not too bad! Problem is, having the mana and resources around to use his ability a lot just doesn’t happen much. He’s still fine, but he isn’t even close to one of Black’s best commons.
Mistford River Turtle
1.0 This guy has mediocre stats and a mediocre ability. Even as a 1/5, you’ll find it hard to want to attack with this just to make something else you have unblockable. Sometimes it works out, but it is actually a pretty real cost to have to attack with the Turtle too, especially if they can just block it with three 2/2s.
Barge In
2.0 This trick only works if you are attacking, which does hurt it a little bit, because losing the flexibility to save a creature from some removal spells, or using it when you’re blocking matters – but like 90% of the time you use a trick, you’re attacking anyway, so it isn’t a huge hit. And I think it mostly makes up for that problem with the fact that it can grant all your non-human creatures trample, which is a nice additional line of text to have.
Pack 3 Pick 12: Outflank
Run Away Together
1.0 This kind of weird symmetrical bounce effect is mostly not worth it. Bouncing something your opponent doesn’t want to be bounced and something of yours that you DO want to bounce can be good, but that is a little too situational.
2.5 This is a very conditional removal spell. Not only does the creature have to be attacking or blocking, you also have to have enough creatures in play to kill it. That will not always be a possibility. This can also be interfered with relatively easily, namely by killing one of your creatures, so that the damage this does drops to the point it doesn’t kill your target anymore And sure, it does only cost a single White mana, and it will probably feel nice when you’re the beat down, but with all the conditions it requires, it isn’t the kind of removal spell you take very early at all.
Lash of Thorns
1.0 This is an alright trick, but this format has lots of tricks attached to creatures thanks to Adventures, and that’s way better than a card that is JUST a trick. For that reason, the Lash isn’t something you play very often.
Pack 3 Pick 13: Shining Armor
Shining Armor
1.5 This is an equipment with Flash that attaches itself to Knights for free when it comes down, but the bonus it gives isn’t anything special. Good combat tricks pump your creatures power, so that it can take down creatures in combat it couldn’t before – this one doesn’t. And sure, it does stick around and give your guy Vigilance, and that’s ok I guess – but once you have to start paying 3 mana to put this on stuff, it is really going to hurt.
Thrill of Possibility
2.0 This is an always alright but also always replaceable card. It gets a little better in this format because it lets you trigger “draw 2” payoffs on your opponents’ turn.