Average Picked At: 1.38
Total Times Picked: 21
Average Last Seen At: 2.28
Total Times Seen 32
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: So, up until you complete the Tomb of Annihilation, this is basically a 3 mana spell that says “Venture into a dungeon” that you can cast every turn. If that’s all this was, this would be a decent card. Think of it like having a mana sink that lets you Venture, and you can see how nice that can be in the later part of the game to grind out value. Then, once you do complete the dungeon, you get a 5/5 who will either make your opponent sacrifice a creature or give you a Zombie when it attacks. So, the tricky thing here is that you’re basically never going to play Acererak on turn three, like one wants to do. Tomb of Annihilation is the easiest of the Dungeons to complete, since one can do it in three Ventures. However, it is also definitely the trickiest of the dungeons to take advantage of, as a result of the fact that its effects are either symmetrical bad things, or just bad things that happen to you., up until you reach the last room. But, with all that mind, Acererak still seems really good. He lets you venture, which there is all sorts of synergy for in this set, and he is a large, scary threat at most stages of the game. I don’t quite thing Acererak will be a bomb, because the set up cost is significant, but its close