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Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Limited Quiz

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Half-Elf Monk
Average Picked At: 9.79
Total Times Picked: 285
Average Last Seen At: 8.26
Total Times Seen 2626
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: Mastery Decoy effects still tend to be pretty good in Limited. Tapping down your opponent’s best creature every turn often just feels like removal, and this has the minor added bonus of being able to attack and still use the ability. I say “minor” because it is only a ¼, so that’s not exactly incredible. Still, this is a pretty nice common for White.
Ebondeath, Dracolich
Average Picked At: 1.19
Total Times Picked: 27
Average Last Seen At: 1.66
Total Times Seen 29
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: A 4-mana 5/2 Flyer with Flash is already a great card, even coming into play tapped. That’s just a ton of damage in the air, and very efficient. So...the fact you can just keep casting Dracolith over and over again is a big deal. The limitation here is relevant, but as long as you have something die that isn’t named Dracolith, it will basically be in your hand again, ready to be cast, and that’s pretty insane. This is a bomb.
Dawnbringer Cleric
Average Picked At: 8.15
Total Times Picked: 240
Average Last Seen At: 6.74
Total Times Seen 2185
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: None of these effects are amazing, but the flexibility this card offers is quite nice. Mostly, you’ll gain 2 life with it, which will be okayish -- but when you have an Enchantment to destroy or a key card to remove from your opponent’s graveyard, it will feel especially good. Gaining life also matters some in this set, so there’s some synergy to be had. I think this is a solid playable.
Feign Death
Average Picked At: 10.18
Total Times Picked: 228
Average Last Seen At: 8.33
Total Times Seen 2619
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: Versions of this effect that are good tend to give the stats boost up front. That’s significantly better than this because it allows a smaller creature to win combat against something bigger, but this doesn’t do that. Sometimes you’ll just have to use it on a chump block, which won’t feel great. It is nice that it basically counters most removal, and it isn’t bad, just not like Supernatural Stamina or other cards we’ve seen that have been pretty solid. This just won’t do enough to make the cut super often.
Barrowin of Clan Undurr
Average Picked At: 5.25
Total Times Picked: 119
Average Last Seen At: 4.54
Total Times Seen 565
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: The ETB trigger here is nice on a 4-mana 3/3, but the real value comes from whether or not you have completed a dungeon, as Barrowin offers you an excellent attack trigger, one that will make it pretty easy for you to get some amazing value out of this card, especially because it Ventured! BW looks pretty good at completing Dungeons too, so I imagine this is in the lower range of first pickable
Icingdeath, Frost Tyrant
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: This is a stone cold bomb. It starts out life as a really problematic creature for your opponent - a 4-mana 4/3 with Flying and Vigilance will rapidly kill your opponent if they don’t do something, but what really pushes this into bomb range is that even if they can do something, you end up with a pretty good Equipment anyway -- the stats boost AND the ability to tap down blockers will put your opponent in a ton of trouble, and it is the kind of boost that makes any creature a threat
Loathsome Troll
Average Picked At: 7.39
Total Times Picked: 77
Average Last Seen At: 5.65
Total Times Seen 720
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: A 5-mana 6/2 is not very good, though it does make Pack Tactics get going all on its own, and that certainly is relevant int his format. Still, a 2-drop can block it and take it down! The good news is, if you have the time and the mana, it has a solid ability it can use from the graveyard. It going on top of your library is not super good, since you have to replace your draw to get it back, and there’s a reasonable chance what you were going to draw was going to be better, but when it returns to your hand it will feel pretty good, and obviously that’s true when it goes to the battlefield as well. Still, this doesn’t have the best stats ever, even accounting for Pack Tactics, and its ability is both expensive and going to feel actively mediocre when you roll a 1-9
Orb of Dragonkind
Average Picked At: 8.31
Total Times Picked: 35
Average Last Seen At: 5.67
Total Times Seen 300
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: There are enough Dragons in this set for this to provide some very real fixing for you, and having the fail case of helping you find a Dragon -- which is presumably one of your better cards -- is pretty nice. I think most Red decks will find themselves with enough dragons to make this a reasonable playable, and sometimes it may even help you to splash an off-color dragon.
Feywild Trickster
Average Picked At: 5.59
Total Times Picked: 79
Average Last Seen At: 4.65
Total Times Seen 535
Pro Rating: 1.0 // 3.5
Pro Comment: How good this card is will be super dependent on the rest of your deck, since a Gray Ogre is just a horrible stat-line these days. The good news is, as long as you get one token out of this you’re probably doing alright, and more than that will be incredibly powerful. Still, while d20s are around in this set, you probably need 5+ cards that involve them for this to do its thing, and for that reason I think I need to give this a build around grade.
Devour Intellect
Average Picked At: 12.36
Total Times Picked: 239
Average Last Seen At: 10.10
Total Times Seen 3292
Pro Rating: 0.5 // 2.5
Pro Comment: Letting your opponent choose to discard whatever they want this is not very good, but with Treasure you can turn it into a better Thoughtseize, and that’s pretty neat. I think this really needs a build around grade, because it is pretty awful in a deck with 0 treasure, but if you are BR, you’ll probably have the Treasure you need to make this work pretty well. Still, a card like this is better in the early game, and has diminishing returns as the game goes on, and you can’t count having treasure early, so don’t expect to fire this off on turn one or two for the more effective mode
Eye of Vecna
Average Picked At: 3.06
Total Times Picked: 31
Average Last Seen At: 3.03
Total Times Seen 108
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This costs a fair bit of life, but drawing cards is always really nice in Limited, as signifcantly outcarding your opponent usually leads to victory. The fact it draws you a card right away is nice, and then – if you have the life, time, and mana – you can use it to draw more cards later. This might be the most well-positioned in the GW deck, which has the most life gain in the format, but I think it will be pretty good in any deck
Gnoll Hunter
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This is a fine two drop. It is a bear as a baseline, and it can get bigger if it has enough friends. That’s good enough upside for this to be a nice two-drop for Green decks.
Choose Your Weapon
Average Picked At: 8.03
Total Times Picked: 77
Average Last Seen At: 6.09
Total Times Seen 781
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: Both options here are super underwhelming, and will only be useful and efficient in some very specific situations. But, like with all of these cards, putting two situational effects together really does make for a significantly better card, as the situations where you can use that card are drastically increased, even with a card that has two incredibly situational options. Sometimes you’ll find yourself doing lethal with “Two-Weapon Fighting” and sometimes you’ll find yourself killing an opposing Flyer fairly efficiently. I think that makes this a solid card.
Volo, Guide to Monsters
Average Picked At: 2.55
Total Times Picked: 31
Average Last Seen At: 3.22
Total Times Seen 89
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This might look like it is hard to make work because of the requirements, but I think it will be relatively easy to trigger this at least once. There are a plethora of creature types in this format, and while you will ideally have a good mix of them to make Volo work, you probably don’t have to work that hard to do it. You really only need to get one copy out of it for it to feel like you’re getting there, and anything more than that will probably be enough to put you comfortably in the lead.
Sylvan Shepherd
Average Picked At: 8.98
Total Times Picked: 232
Average Last Seen At: 7.59
Total Times Seen 2406
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This looks like it has a lot going on because of the d20 stuff, but it is basically just a 3-mana ⅔ with Vigilance that gains you 1-2 life when it attacks. That’s basically a textbook solid playable, especially in a format that does have some life gain payoffs
Iron Golem
Average Picked At: 8.85
Total Times Picked: 116
Average Last Seen At: 6.75
Total Times Seen 936
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This is like Juggernaut, a card that is still pretty solid in Limited. It is a bit of a bummer that didn’t give it the “can’t be blocked by walls” thing, since there are a few of them in this set, but either way this is a nice little creature. It is sure to die in combat because it has to block and attack constantly, but it has high enough power that it will kill most stuff at least.
Acererak the Archlich
Average Picked At: 1.38
Total Times Picked: 21
Average Last Seen At: 2.28
Total Times Seen 32
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: So, up until you complete the Tomb of Annihilation, this is basically a 3 mana spell that says “Venture into a dungeon” that you can cast every turn. If that’s all this was, this would be a decent card. Think of it like having a mana sink that lets you Venture, and you can see how nice that can be in the later part of the game to grind out value. Then, once you do complete the dungeon, you get a 5/5 who will either make your opponent sacrifice a creature or give you a Zombie when it attacks. So, the tricky thing here is that you’re basically never going to play Acererak on turn three, like one wants to do. Tomb of Annihilation is the easiest of the Dungeons to complete, since one can do it in three Ventures. However, it is also definitely the trickiest of the dungeons to take advantage of, as a result of the fact that its effects are either symmetrical bad things, or just bad things that happen to you., up until you reach the last room. But, with all that mind, Acererak still seems really good. He lets you venture, which there is all sorts of synergy for in this set, and he is a large, scary threat at most stages of the game. I don’t quite thing Acererak will be a bomb, because the set up cost is significant, but its close
Bag of Holding
Average Picked At: 9.17
Total Times Picked: 109
Average Last Seen At: 7.04
Total Times Seen 925
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This was a predictable reprint, given the theme of this set. Last time we saw it, it was a Rare, and it was a pretty decent card. Having a card that just lets you sink mana into it to loot is itself a nice thing to have around, and the fact that you can actually eventually get the stuff back that you put on the Bag is nice upside, though it won’t come up that often. It still doesn’t have a real board presence, so it isn’t nearly as good as a creature who can loot for you
Unexpected Windfall
Average Picked At: 10.24
Total Times Picked: 318
Average Last Seen At: 8.77
Total Times Seen 2905
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: This seems like a decent card for Most red decks to get one copy of. 4 mana is a lot for Tormenting Voice, but the two Treasure you get means this card also gives you some very real fixing, in addition to helping you dig deeper into your deck.
Pixie Guide
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: This has a reasonable floor. Two mana ⅓ flyers tend to be sort of acceptable in Limited, and the upsider here is pretty alright too. UR especially will be able to take advantage of the effect, but most decks that are at least part Blue will probably have 2-3 cards that involve a d20, so it will come up some. This isn’t especially close to good, though it isn’t bad either.
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