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Amonkhet Remastered Limited Quiz

Answered: 0/20
Accuracy: 0
Wayward Servant
Average Picked At: 6.12
Total Times Picked: 97
Average Last Seen At: 4.77
Total Times Seen 569
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: Draining an opponent every time you have a Zombie ETB is pretty nice, and keep in mind it includes embalmed and eternalized creatures!
Wander in Death
Average Picked At: 9.24
Total Times Picked: 171
Average Last Seen At: 7.49
Total Times Seen 2115
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: The first copy of this type of effect is solid in virtually every Limited format. This is because they give you some serious gas in the later part of the game. And, the nice thing here, is that you can cycle it when its useless in the earlier part of the game. There are some serious diminishing returns after that first copy though, even with Cycling.
Sheltered Thicket
Average Picked At: 4.20
Total Times Picked: 45
Average Last Seen At: 3.92
Total Times Seen 121
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: These all add two colors mana, which is great fixing, and if you get them at a point in the game where you no longer need lands, you can just Cycle them away. Don’t underestimate how good that is. Just imagine every time you’ve flooded out in a game of Magic, now imagine you can just throw away some of those lands for new cards, and you’ll know what I mean.
Canyon Slough
Average Picked At: 3.89
Total Times Picked: 35
Average Last Seen At: 3.76
Total Times Seen 113
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: These all add two colors mana, which is great fixing, and if you get them at a point in the game where you no longer need lands, you can just Cycle them away. Don’t underestimate how good that is. Just imagine every time you’ve flooded out in a game of Magic, now imagine you can just throw away some of those lands for new cards, and you’ll know what I mean.
Trespasser's Curse
Average Picked At: 9.22
Total Times Picked: 164
Average Last Seen At: 7.18
Total Times Seen 1937
Pro Rating: 0.5
Pro Comment: This doesn’t do anything apart from the life drain effect, and that just isn’t going to be worth a card most of the time.
Grind // Dust
Average Picked At: 2.35
Total Times Picked: 34
Average Last Seen At: 2.88
Total Times Seen 87
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: The Grind Half of this will sometimes just allow you to kill a couple of X/1s, which is really good, but the ideal use of this card is to Grind and Dust on the same turn, or on subsequent turns. When you do that, you end up paying 6 mana to exile at least two creatures, which is a great deal, even at Sorcery speed! If your deck has some other -1/-1 counter stuff going on – or if your opponent does – it can be even more backbreaking.
Reduce // Rubble
Average Picked At: 9.84
Total Times Picked: 64
Average Last Seen At: 7.41
Total Times Seen 800
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: On one side, you have a mediocre counterspell. On the other, you have a card that can deprive your opponent of mana for a single turn. While some of these cards overcome being inefficient or situational by being split cards, that doesn’t really happen here. Both sides are quite situational and expensive, with Rubble especially being useless a huge chunk of the time.
Ahn-Crop Champion
Average Picked At: 7.36
Total Times Picked: 86
Average Last Seen At: 5.61
Total Times Seen 579
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This has nice stats as a 4-mana 4/4, and its exert ability has some nice uses. One can simply use it to grant the other creatures something akin to vigilance, or more ideally, you can use it to untap exerted creatures, who will then be able to exert themselves and become better attackers on a subsequent turn.
Vizier of the Anointed
Average Picked At: 6.21
Total Times Picked: 131
Average Last Seen At: 5.19
Total Times Seen 587
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: As long as you have at least a couple of Embalm/Eternalize creatures, Vizier of the Anointed is going ot be pretty darn good. He searches one of them up – ideally one you can use from the graveyard on your next turn, at which point you not only get value out of a card in your graveyard, you also get to draw an additional card! It isn’t that easy to turn the Vizier into a straight up engine – doing the card draw more than once doesn’t happen very often – but its pretty good even when that’s the case.
Nimble Obstructionist
Average Picked At: 2.46
Total Times Picked: 41
Average Last Seen At: 2.49
Total Times Seen 77
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: A 3-mana 3/1 with Flash and Flying is already something you’d always play, so adding Cycling to the mix is nice, especially because sometimes it will le you counter an activated or triggered ability. Still, because this is so cheap and aggressive, you’ll usually just cast it.
Eternal of Harsh Truths
Average Picked At: 5.86
Total Times Picked: 80
Average Last Seen At: 4.55
Total Times Seen 480
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: The idea here is that your opponent would rather leave this unblocked than take two damage, but it just doesn’t pan out that way very often. A 1/3 is quickly outclassed, and you just won’t find this drawing you cards all that often.
Khenra Eternal
Average Picked At: 8.36
Total Times Picked: 210
Average Last Seen At: 6.83
Total Times Seen 1901
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This has okay stats, an okay keyword ability, and it’s a Zombie, so its perfectly fine.
Collected Company
Average Picked At: 2.12
Total Times Picked: 43
Average Last Seen At: 2.39
Total Times Seen 62
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: The composition of most Green decks in this format means you have a pretty good chance of hitting two creatures with it. Now, sometimes you’ll only get one, and that won’t feel great for 4 mana, but I think this will get you two creatures at instant speed often enough to be worth a reasonably high pick.
Lord of the Accursed
Average Picked At: 3.64
Total Times Picked: 98
Average Last Seen At: 3.27
Total Times Seen 342
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This is a nice Zombie lord. It has okay stats and will often impact the board immediately – having the option of giving all your undead guys Menace is some nice added upside too.
Gate to the Afterlife
Average Picked At: 9.62
Total Times Picked: 72
Average Last Seen At: 7.19
Total Times Seen 819
Pro Rating: 1.0
Pro Comment: Gaining 1 life and looting every time a creature dies is decent, though probably not something you would play very often. I think the only one this becomes worth playing is if you also have God-Pharaoh’s Gift, since it can search it up.
Crocodile of the Crossing
Average Picked At: 4.70
Total Times Picked: 97
Average Last Seen At: 4.05
Total Times Seen 397
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: On its own, this is basically a 4-mana 4/3 with Haste, something quite reasonable! And of course, like all of these -1/-1 counter cards, you can put the counter on a different creature to make the Crocodile even larger.
As Foretold
Average Picked At: 2.47
Total Times Picked: 15
Average Last Seen At: 2.53
Total Times Seen 37
Pro Rating: 0.0
Pro Comment: This is far too difficult to set up in Limited.
Chandra, Pyromaster
Average Picked At: 1.37
Total Times Picked: 19
Average Last Seen At: 2.05
Total Times Seen 21
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: Chandra can kill small creatures and damage the opponent with the +1, in addition to the fact that it makes any creature it targets unable to block. And, her 0 effectively draws you cards, which is pretty nice. Her ultimate will often be enough tow in you the game too! However, she doesn’t do a very good job of protecting herself, and can die quite easily on many board states. She usually gives you enough value before that happens to be quite good, but she isn’t a bomb.
Dread Wanderer
Average Picked At: 2.89
Total Times Picked: 35
Average Last Seen At: 2.65
Total Times Seen 66
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: In the early game, this one mana 2/1 can do some decent damage, and then in the later part of the game, he can just keep coming back from the graveyard. One nice thing here is that he can actually block, unlike some other similar cards, so in the late game he’ll still have some serious utility, even if he does enter the battlefield tapped. Still, in the middle part of the game, where a 2/1 body isn’t very good and it won’t be able to come back from your graveyard, it isn’t going to feel great.
Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh
Average Picked At: 1.50
Total Times Picked: 16
Average Last Seen At: 1.61
Total Times Seen 18
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: He might be three colors and cost 7 mana, but Nicol Bolas is well worth the price. He comes with several amazing abilities, and all of them allow him to take over a game pretty quickly. His +2 lets you basically draw a card and play it from free from your opponents library, his +1 goes after your opponents hand, and his -4 can kill basically everything in the set, in addition to being able to go after the opponent! Obviously, his ultimate is insane too, and getting there is actually kind of doable, though your opponent will probably be dead well before you get to that point.
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