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Foundations Limited Quiz

Answered: 0/20
Accuracy: 0
Empyrean Eagle
Average Picked At: 3.09
Total Times Picked: 11
Average Last Seen At: 3.82
Total Times Seen 70
Pro Rating: 3
Pro Comment: An anthem for your flyers can be a powerful thing, helping you do tons of damage even when your opponent is building out their own board.
Average Picked At: 11.80
Total Times Picked: 10
Average Last Seen At: 7.57
Total Times Seen 115
Pro Rating: 1
Pro Comment: You need a ton of mana before this is worth casting, and even then it doesn't impact the board.
Involuntary Employment
Average Picked At: 10.34
Total Times Picked: 32
Average Last Seen At: 8.57
Total Times Seen 361
Pro Rating: 1.0 // 2.5
Pro Comment: You can't really play this unless you're crazy aggressive or you have good sacrifice outlets. If you do have those things, it can be solid.
Homunculus Horde
Average Picked At: 6.67
Total Times Picked: 3
Average Last Seen At: 4.35
Total Times Seen 19
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: If you can ge these triggers going it can be pretty insane, but it's super vulnerable and expensive to cast, and it isn't like drawing 2 cards a turn is automatic.
Liliana, Dreadhorde General
Average Picked At: 1.00
Total Times Picked: 4
Average Last Seen At: 1.00
Total Times Seen 4
Pro Rating: 5
Pro Comment: Nearly impossible to beat, Liliana can protect herself while drawing you lots of cards, and her edict effect which might appear symmetrical really isn't because of those cards. Her ultimate is very much on the table, too.
Infestation Sage
Average Picked At: 7.07
Total Times Picked: 41
Average Last Seen At: 6.21
Total Times Seen 246
Pro Rating: 3
Pro Comment: Getting two 1/1 bodies -- including one that can fly -- for only one mana is nice. Makes it good sacrifice fodder and a good Raid enabler.
Brineborn Cutthroat
Average Picked At: 5.88
Total Times Picked: 8
Average Last Seen At: 4.50
Total Times Seen 69
Pro Rating: 2
Pro Comment: This has bad starting stats but there are enough cards with flash and instants in the set for it to grow.
Sanguine Syphoner
Average Picked At: 9.14
Total Times Picked: 35
Average Last Seen At: 7.74
Total Times Seen 321
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This attack trigger plays pretty well, especially in a format with a life gain deck.
Elvish Archdruid
Average Picked At: 2.22
Total Times Picked: 9
Average Last Seen At: 3.96
Total Times Seen 32
Pro Rating: 3
Pro Comment: This has a passable baseline as a three mana 2/2 that can tap for Green, and most Green decks in this format will have enough Elves for there to be additional upside.
Serra Angel
Average Picked At: 4.40
Total Times Picked: 10
Average Last Seen At: 3.67
Total Times Seen 61
Pro Rating: 3
Pro Comment: This is still a pretty legit creature in Limited. The stat-line's great and it performs well as both an attacker and blocker, which is great, since it has Vigilance.
Goldvein Pick
Average Picked At: 7.84
Total Times Picked: 38
Average Last Seen At: 6.71
Total Times Seen 285
Pro Rating: 3
Pro Comment: This is great Equipment. It offers a good buff for the cost, and the treasure makes it very easy to move around -- while also giving you a mana boost that you might have access to every turn.
Tinybones, Bauble Burglar
Average Picked At: 2.27
Total Times Picked: 11
Average Last Seen At: 2.65
Total Times Seen 26
Pro Rating: 2 // 3
Pro Comment: On it's own, Tinybones can get some decent card advnatage with it's ability, but you probably need a few other discard spells to really feel like you got there with him.
Hidetsugu's Second Rite
Average Picked At: 11.87
Total Times Picked: 15
Average Last Seen At: 8.35
Total Times Seen 150
Pro Rating: 0
Pro Comment: This is far too narrow for Limited. It's basically a blank card.
High Fae Trickster
Average Picked At: 2.67
Total Times Picked: 6
Average Last Seen At: 3.35
Total Times Seen 17
Pro Rating: 4
Pro Comment: A 4-mana 4/2 Flyer with Flash is a nice card, and while giving Flash to your other stuff doesn't always come up -- it can be powerful when it does, especially with your creatures.
Icewind Elemental
Average Picked At: 10.00
Total Times Picked: 28
Average Last Seen At: 8.31
Total Times Seen 348
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: 5-mana 3/4 Flyers have held up pretty well in Limited, and a loot trigger is pretty powerful.
Kaito, Cunning Infiltrator
Average Picked At: 1.33
Total Times Picked: 6
Average Last Seen At: 1.38
Total Times Seen 9
Pro Rating: 5
Pro Comment: This is impossible to beat on turn 3, as he quickly raises his loyalty, does damage, and digs through your deck. Even later in the game he can make a token to protect himself, and his +1 is almost always going to be impactful.
Banishing Light
Average Picked At: 3.95
Total Times Picked: 44
Average Last Seen At: 3.95
Total Times Seen 140
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: As usual, this is pretty efficient and flexible, so it's good removal.
Inspiring Paladin
Average Picked At: 7.21
Total Times Picked: 28
Average Last Seen At: 7.02
Total Times Seen 260
Pro Rating: 3
Pro Comment: Even without the +1/+1 counter upside this would be a solid card, and with it becomes a very good Common.
Phyrexian Arena
Average Picked At: 2.71
Total Times Picked: 7
Average Last Seen At: 2.62
Total Times Seen 16
Pro Rating: 3
Pro Comment: This really underperformed last time, but I'm cautiously optimistic. This format doesn't look crazy fast, and drawing an extra card every turn is a very big advantage.
Gleaming Barrier
Average Picked At: 12.48
Total Times Picked: 29
Average Last Seen At: 9.56
Total Times Seen 442
Pro Rating: 1
Pro Comment: If this format had an artifact theme this might be more useful, as is it's just a bad defensive creature that gives you a little mana back.
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