Average Picked At: 4.20 Total Times Picked: 10 Average Last Seen At: 3.31 Total Times Seen 39
Pro Rating: 3.5 Pro Comment: This sort of White creature has been good in lots of formats. Tapping things down with an attack trigger is just a really great way to get some effective attacks in. And, in this particular case, it also means that it will be easier for you to trigger Double Team, and once you have two Disciples attacking, your opponent is basically never going to block again. The statline is mediocre for sure, but its a powerful 2-for-1, so I don’t care too much.
Average Picked At: 9.89 Total Times Picked: 18 Average Last Seen At: 7.77 Total Times Seen 88
Pro Rating: 1.5 Pro Comment: This is a neat take on Duress – and that’s what this is for the most part. You do get less info about your opponents hand, because they only reveal cards you can hit. Normally Duress isn’t really playable in your main deck in limited, however this adds the bonus of just turning into a one mana draw one when you don’t hit something. That gets around the main problem with Duress, which is that it does stone nothing way too often. Still, you do pay 2 life, and this isn’t exactly a hugely impactful card regardless of which thing happens, so you’re going to cut it a lot. But you’ll play it more than Duress!
Average Picked At: 5.40 Total Times Picked: 5 Average Last Seen At: 4.82 Total Times Seen 56
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: This is another color pair that loves dragons! This one is more about making them huge, scary creatures. And, on his own, Thrakkus attacks as a 5-mana 6/4 with Trample, which is pretty solid! I am a little less impressed with his Dragon payoff than I am with the Simic or Izzet Dragon singposts, and I don’t really feel like this is one that really pulls me into its color pair.
Average Picked At: 15.00 Total Times Picked: 0 Average Last Seen At: 4.00 Total Times Seen 2
Average Picked At: 9.89 Total Times Picked: 28 Average Last Seen At: 7.88 Total Times Seen 273
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: Another Adventure where neither half is especially good. The ADventure is an expensive Disenchant, and the creature has underwhelming stats for 7, even with Vigilance and its ability to not take damage during your turn. You won’t always have something to use the Adventure side on, but it is pretty nice that you can run this in your main deck without a huge cost. After all, you do still get a creature eventually, even if it is overcosted.
Average Picked At: 4.46 Total Times Picked: 13 Average Last Seen At: 4.65 Total Times Seen 55
Pro Rating: 4.0 Pro Comment: This is one of the cards that comes directly from Forgotten Realms, and boy – it was powerful as the signpost Uncommon for the Black/Red treasure deck, a role it fills again here. The Black/Red deck was the best deck in that format, and while this format is substantially different, I think Kalain will still be quite good. A two mana ½ that makes a treasure is something you’d basically always play, so the fact that you get to buff every creature you cast using treasure is a pretty big deal. This looks to be a super strong signpost common again.
Average Picked At: 2.67 Total Times Picked: 3 Average Last Seen At: 3.91 Total Times Seen 13
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: This is basically a 5-mana counter spell that then gives you the card that you counter. So, it is sort of a 5-mana hard counter that draws you a card. It will be especially gross if you roll a 15 or higher, since you don’t even have to pay mana! Now, it is still situational, your opponent can sometimes play around something like this and that’s brutal, but I still think it is pretty good.
Average Picked At: 1.00 Total Times Picked: 6 Average Last Seen At: 1.00 Total Times Seen 7
Pro Rating: 5.0 Pro Comment: The whole hexproof part makes it hard for your opponent to find a way around it at first, and then when you start cranking out food you end up netting mana and gaining cards, which is pretty darn powerful. The mana can only be used on Blue creatures, but that’s what this Polar Bear will be getting you, so it works out quite nicely. Many of the creatures in the spellbook actually cost three mana or less, so you can even cast one of them right away! Basically, this is a value engine that can pretty effectively fuel itself – and a creature with great stats.
Average Picked At: 9.00 Total Times Picked: 1 Average Last Seen At: 10.67 Total Times Seen 6
Average Picked At: 4.14 Total Times Picked: 14 Average Last Seen At: 3.61 Total Times Seen 42
Pro Rating: 4.0 Pro Comment: This is quite good. A 4-mana 2/2 that always sought up two basic lands and put them in your hand is a card you would play in a whole lot of decks! It ensures you hit land drops, and fixes your mana really well. So, the fact that sometimes you get to put one or both of those on the battlefield is really serious upside. This might be Green’s best Uncommon.
Average Picked At: 6.50 Total Times Picked: 12 Average Last Seen At: 4.85 Total Times Seen 61
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: A 4-mana 2/4 that can get +1/+0 for two mana is probably a 2.5, so the death trigger here is really sweet, as it will be able to make your next creature more formidable.
Average Picked At: 7.83 Total Times Picked: 23 Average Last Seen At: 6.71 Total Times Seen 218
Pro Rating: 2.0 Pro Comment: This is a Forgotten Realms reprint, and it is a pretty solid card, especially if you’re good at going wide, at it looks like Red-White will be able to do that, both with tokens and double team.
Average Picked At: 5.56 Total Times Picked: 9 Average Last Seen At: 3.51 Total Times Seen 48
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: This is a nice little two drop that makes your opponent’s life a little bit more difficult, and it pairs well with the UW deck in the format which can absue ETB abilities. It is sweet that you can even make lands enter tapped! I think the trigger here is going to give you some pretty real tempo.
Average Picked At: 2.00 Total Times Picked: 3 Average Last Seen At: 2.12 Total Times Seen 8
Pro Rating: 4.5 Pro Comment: Most of the time, this will be able to come down and immediately have a large impact on the board, since adding double team to one of your other creatures is a pretty big deal. It suddenly makes offering a trade with that creature better, so it will often result in an attack you didn’t have before – and if you did already have the attack, that’s fine too – since getting the copy will be even better! Then when he starts rumbling, he makes sure to give you back more value by conjuring creatures to your hand. So, pretty hard to ever come out behind here, and if your opponent can’t keep it in check, it will run away with the game.
Average Picked At: 10.64 Total Times Picked: 22 Average Last Seen At: 9.16 Total Times Seen 283
Pro Rating: 2.0 Pro Comment: This was a mediocre removal spell in Forgotten Realms, and that’s probably what it will be here, too. Six mana is a ton, and while this can kill a whole lot of things, you’ll usually be spending more mana than your opponent spent to cast the creature that you kill. It is something you end up playing when you need the removal, but you basically never want more than one – it just isn’t anywhere close to premium.
Average Picked At: 4.00 Total Times Picked: 3 Average Last Seen At: 4.44 Total Times Seen 53
Pro Rating: 0.5 Pro Comment: These sorts of tribal payoff board sweepers always disappoint in Limited, and that’s because there are too many situations where they don’t do enough. Sure, you can have a super Dragon-centric deck, but there are enough Dragons that most opponents will have them too. So, the number of dragons and creatures with 3 or more toughness your opponent has just really isn’t something you can control, and generally speaking they will have a whole lot of stuff that doesn’t die to this. This is mostly a sideboard card, I think. If you go up against someone who is really aggressive and has lots of creatures that this dies to, you definitely want to bring it in.
Average Picked At: 8.95 Total Times Picked: 21 Average Last Seen At: 8.45 Total Times Seen 269
Pro Rating: 2.0 Pro Comment: This has passable stats and it is a repeatable source of life gain, which GW is especially interested in.
Average Picked At: 1.00 Total Times Picked: 2 Average Last Seen At: 1.00 Total Times Seen 2
Pro Rating: 5.0 Pro Comment: This looks quite good. The idea is to play it and steal an opposing creature or artifact and then on the next turn specialize, and when you do you can sacrifice a creature or an artifact and then get one of the powerful effects that Wyll offers. Basically, he ends up feeling like a removal spell that is also a really formidable creature.
Average Picked At: 2.50 Total Times Picked: 8 Average Last Seen At: 2.83 Total Times Seen 13
Pro Rating: 4.5 Pro Comment: The freeze down effect from the Adventure is often going to really enable a good attack for you – and it can also buy you the time to get to the next turn so you can cast the Harvester itself. The enter the battle field ability can most obviously be used to downgrade opposing creatures, but you can also use it on your own stuff if that’s advantageous. But yeah, casting the Adventure one turn and the Harvester the next turn is going to feel powerful. Now, a 2/2 isn’t nothing, so it isn’t quite getting rid of cards entirely, but the fact you add that 4/4 board to the body, and the same card gave you very real value on the previous turn makes it hard not to see this as an excellent card.
Average Picked At: 6.72 Total Times Picked: 25 Average Last Seen At: 5.66 Total Times Seen 160
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: This is a powerful reprint. Giving up a creature or artifact for two cards and a treasure is an excellent deal, especially if you are sacrificing a treasure in the first place, and that’s something you’ll be able to do, especially in Black-Red. This also enables you to discard stuff you want to reanimate or whatever.