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Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Limited Quiz

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Roadside Reliquary
Average Picked At: 7.03
Total Times Picked: 79
Average Last Seen At: 5.67
Total Times Seen 405
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: Like Mech Hanger, this is another nice utility land where it is worth running despite the fact that it may make your mana base a little worse. This produces mana for you when that’s what you need, and then when you’re in need of some extra gas, you can sacrifice this. You’re typically going to be able to draw a single card pretty easily, and drawing 2 with it is also going to happen a fair bit. That’s some very nice upside.
Inkrise Infiltrator
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: If this format didn’t have Ninjutsu, this would be a lot worse. It doesn’t have the best starting stats, and the ability to buff it, while sometimes useful late, certainly isn’t especially efficient. However, in a world where you want to play an early evasive creature that you can use to get in with a Ninja, well – its a solid playable.
Crackling Emergence
Average Picked At: 12.78
Total Times Picked: 138
Average Last Seen At: 10.53
Total Times Seen 1695
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: This is a neat take on a land animation spell – making it so the land doesn’t die when the creature does is definitely a nice little upgrade, but these types of spells basically always underperform. They are the most impressive in the early game in a lot of ways – but you also don’t want to be hindering the way you develop your board, and by turning a land into a creature, you might be doing just that. It is kind of exciting to think about your opponent trading a real creature for this, but it isn’t as good of a deal as it seems – you’re still just trading 1-for-1.
Norika Yamazaki, the Poet
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: A 3-mana 3/2 with Vigilance is usually reasonable playable, and this one comes with a very nice ability. You won’t always have an Enchantment in your graveyard of course, but there are enough Enchantments in this set that you’ll have them reasonably often, and obviously casting one off of this ability is like drawing a card, and that’s pretty darn powerful. Like with all of these, its great that they designed them so that they can trigger the ability on their own – but you can also use other Samurais/Warriors to trigger the ability if you’ve got them around.
Invoke the Ancients
Average Picked At: 2.40
Total Times Picked: 25
Average Last Seen At: 2.55
Total Times Seen 49
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: Like the rest of this cycle, this is hard to cast in Limited, but it does something pretty powerful. And actually, Green will have an easier time being able to cast its Invoke spell because it has better access to fixing. 5 mana fo two 4/5s with one of these keyword abilities is an amazing deal – if it were easy to cast, I would be tempted to give it a 4.5, But the challenge of casting this is real, and I think that probably holds it down to a 3.5.
Fang of Shigeki
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: One mana 1/1s with Deathtouch are always playable, mostly because they have the ability to trade up with just about anything. This one also comes with Enchantment and Ninja upside, though in Green probably only the former matters. Still, you probably won’t ever cut the first few copies of these from your Green decks.
Bearer of Memory
Average Picked At: 9.85
Total Times Picked: 155
Average Last Seen At: 7.96
Total Times Seen 1376
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: This doesn’t have great base stats, and its ability is incredibly costly, and even not that impressive in the extreme late game. This isn’t something you’ll play most of the time.
Uncharted Haven
Average Picked At: 6.43
Total Times Picked: 164
Average Last Seen At: 5.78
Total Times Seen 908
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: Coming into play tapped is definitely a downside, but the ability to name a color is great. I do think the dual lands are slightly better, as they always tap for two colors you probably need, and this will only ever tap for one, but if you need fixing, this is fine.
Circuit Mender
Average Picked At: 2.76
Total Times Picked: 102
Average Last Seen At: 2.70
Total Times Seen 196
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This is a nice little card. A 3-mana ⅔ that gains you 2 life is already kind of playable, especially i a set with lots of artifact payoffs, and then it even replaces itself when it dies! Its large enough to enable a 2-for-1 every once and a while – and if you combine it with blink or bounce it gets even sillier, because it lets you draw the card when it leaves the battlefield, and that means if it leaves in any way! Combining it with Ninjutsu could be especially back-breaking.
Tameshi, Reality Architect
Average Picked At: 1.61
Total Times Picked: 28
Average Last Seen At: 1.83
Total Times Seen 43
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: So, obviously you’re going to need to be returning things to your hand for her to be worthwhile – and I think that mostly means you’ll want her in a UW deck, since her activated ability will actually trigger that! Now, there are other moonfolk around who return lands to your hand, so sometimes you’ll get there without her ability, but she has a ton of internal synergy, as returning a land and reanimating an artifact or Enchantment will feel absolutely absurd sometimes. She’s effectively a UW gold card for that reason. Now, you won’t always have stuff to reanimate with that ability, but still – in the mid-to-late game it has a decent shot at bringing stuff back and drawing you a card, and that’s pretty great. I think she takes some work and some time to really do her thing, but she’ll be a pretty great engine late.
Average Picked At: 14.90
Total Times Picked: 84
Average Last Seen At: 12.05
Total Times Seen 1592
Risona, Asari Commander
Average Picked At: 4.18
Total Times Picked: 17
Average Last Seen At: 3.95
Total Times Seen 94
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This looks pretty good. Because of Haste, it stands a good chance at getting in and gaining an indestructible counter. And, while that counter might not stick around forever, it is definitely going to be a problem for your opponent while it does.
Coiling Stalker
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: If you Ninjutsu this in, you end up paying two for a 2/1 that puts a counter somewhere. Note, by the way, that “somewhere” can be on itself, too! Now you obviously also returned a thing to your hand, so it isn’t all upside, but still, it seems like a reasonable deal. And it is the kind of creature that is a pretty real problem if your opponent can’t get blocks in front of it.
Twisted Embrace
Average Picked At: 3.46
Total Times Picked: 194
Average Last Seen At: 3.47
Total Times Seen 526
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: Wow, this is really good for a Common! 4 mana to kill a creature and give +1/+1 to one of your creature’s is a great deal. Now, the downside here is that your opponent could blow up whatever you target in response, which will be backbreaking, so it is sort of like a Black Fight spell, in the sense that you need to pick your spot carefully – when you do though, it will feel amazing. If you’re worried your opponent will kill your creature, you can also stick it on an artifact. Its also an Enchantment, which this format cares a lot about – this will be premium removal for any deck, but the BW deck can get even more mileage out of it.
Reckoner Bankbuster
Average Picked At: 1.26
Total Times Picked: 31
Average Last Seen At: 1.26
Total Times Seen 32
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: The casting cost is great for a 4/4, and the Crew is a little bit high, but it more than makes up for that with its activated ability, which will net you some cards, give you a creature token that can crew it, and even fix your mana a little bit. It may take a few turns to get going, but at times where you don’t have those turns, you’ll probably also just be able to crew it.
Upriser Renegade
Average Picked At: 8.79
Total Times Picked: 48
Average Last Seen At: 6.36
Total Times Seen 457
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: Its a little bit sad that the Outlaw doesn’t count itself, as modifying it would be incredible if it did! Still, Red has lots of ways to curve out with modified creatures, making this hit pretty hard.
Automated Artificer
Average Picked At: 11.45
Total Times Picked: 95
Average Last Seen At: 9.47
Total Times Seen 1552
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: There are enough artifacts in this set that this will actually be able to ramp your mana reasonably well, and it has some decent stats.
Kami of Restless Shadows
Average Picked At: 11.21
Total Times Picked: 144
Average Last Seen At: 9.33
Total Times Seen 1501
Pro Rating: 1.0 // 3.0
Pro Comment: If you aren’t returning a Ninja or Rogue to your hand consistently with this, it is going to be much worse. Putting your best graveyard creature on top of your library is nice, but not nearly as good, because you aren’t actually gaining a card, you’re just doing some card selection, and that’s just a massive step down. Returning a creature to your hand is likely to give you a 2-for-1, while that’s not possible if you’re putting something on top. Obviously, if the creature you put back is a bomb or something you’ll still be pretty happy, but if that’s all this is doing, it probably isn’t worth it, as a 5-mana 3/3 is a pretty bad statline.
Moonsnare Specialist
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This is a very good common. We have seen 4-mana 2/2s that Bounce a creature be very good in the past, and that’s what we have here as a base line. The Ninjutsu upside being tacked on means it can feel a little more like a Man-O’-War since you’re paying three mana, and being able to do it at instant speed may also enable you to break up an opposing block or something, which is pretty spicy.
Boseiju, Who Endures
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This is essentially a Forest that can also blow up some problematic permanents. Of course, it has the downside of maybe helping your opponent fix or ramp – but oftentimes blowing up a permanent of one of those types will be well worth it. This format has a ton of artifacts and Enchantments – so many that this will feel like Path to Exile or Assasin’s Trophy in many games. In other words, its a land that is also premium removal.
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