Pro Rating: 0 Pro Comment: This is symmetrical, and tough to make work for you in Limited.
Pro Rating: 3 Pro Comment: I wouldn’t count on making the alternate win condition part go off consistently, but it can definitely happen sometimes in this format. His +1 is nice, and you’re usually going to be milling yourself, so it does get you closer to that win condition! And obviously, the -8 is nice too. The bad news is he doesn’t do anything to protect himself or impact the board, and triple Blue is hard to get going.
Pro Rating: 4 Pro Comment: Even if you pay the full 5 mana, you’re getting a solid deal, and improvising to play this more cheaply is pretty easy.
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: Ixidor's buff effect is symmetrical, which is a little awkward, but if you've gone hard on Disguise and feel that it's likely you'll have more face-down creatures than your opponents, he can work out okay.
Pro Rating: 3 Pro Comment: The Consign card is always a passable Limited card, and then once this is in the yard you can get a couple of cards out of your opponent’s hand. Also, this has a high mana value for Collect Evidence cards.
Pro Rating: 1 Pro Comment: There are Vampires in this set, but not really enough for this to be worthwhile when it has such an underwhelming statline. Even in a Vampire-heavy set this didn’t perform that well.
Pro Rating: 0 Pro Comment: This was bad in Strixhaven, no matter how much I wanted it to be good, and it’s pretty weird for this format, because Red/White isn’t a color pair with any Collect Evidence at lower rarities, so you can’t really go off by getting 3/2s, and the format doesn’t have Spirits either.
Pro Rating: 3 Pro Comment: I always love this guy when we see it. When you cycle it, it’s basically a three mana draw 2 that gets you any basic land you want, and then later in the game you can play it as a big, albeit inefficient creature. It also works really well with Collect Evidence, as it puts itself in the graveyard early, making it easier for you to Collect Evidence 6 in the early stages of the game.
Pro Rating: 1 Pro Comment: This is a Plains that enters tapped and it has fairly minimal upside. 9 times out of 10, you’d rather have a Plains.
Pro Rating: 0.0 // 2.5 Pro Comment: This is a graveyard format for sure, and in the past Gnaw to the Bone has worked well in really grindy graveyard decks by buying them the time they need to grind out a win. I could see this filling a similar role here, but that means it needs a build around grade.
Pro Rating: 2 Pro Comment: This has Basic Land cycling so it gives you some nice fixing, and it helps set up Collect Evidence, so it’s hard for this to be bad. In the extreme late game it can be a finisher too.
Pro Rating: 3 Pro Comment: This is a great Graveyard enabler, and if you milled something you really want in your hand it can get it back for you, while also sporting some passable stats.
Pro Rating: 1 Pro Comment: There are Vampires in this set, but not really enough for this to be worthwhile when it has such an underwhelming statline. Even in a Vampire-heavy set this didn’t perform that well.
Pro Rating: 1 Pro Comment: You need lots of high toughness creatures, especially because this will even make your creatures with lower toughness than power do damage equal to their toughness, and that’s rough. It wasn’t particularly easy to make it work back in Ravnica Allegiance, and I don’t imagine it has that impressive of a ceiling here either.
Pro Rating: 3.5 Pro Comment: You get two nice pieces of material for only one mana, and you even add something to the board! This format has tons of payoffs for Clues too. This gives you so much value for only a single mana.
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: Black/White has the same theme as Mentor of the Meek – that is, 2 power or less stuff – and that works well with Disguise creatures. This can definitely give you some nice card advantage, but it doesn’t always line up nicely, and that’s a problem for a Gray Ogre.
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: Not really enough Vampires around for this to be super good – but a three mana 2/2 First Strike is passable, and if you have a few vampires in your deck it’ll give you some nice additional value.
Pro Rating: 1 Pro Comment: They want to use this to enable graveyard shenanigans, but the boost it offers is so underwhelming that it just isn’t worth it – just like it wasn’t when it was printed originally in a set with Delirium.
Pro Rating: 2 Pro Comment: Getting Metalcraft is definitely possible for Red decks, and that certainly does something to break the symmetry of this wheel effect, to some degree at least. The bad news is your opponent is still likely to take advantage of all those sweet new cards before you do, since you spent mana casting this first. When you don’t have Metalcraft, this is outright bad.
Pro Rating: 1.5 Pro Comment: This ultimately gives you two cards, but it takes some time and some serious mana to get there, and Black isn’t exactly a color super into doing stuff with artifacts in this set, so I don’t see this as being particularly useful.