Pro Rating: 5.0 Pro Comment: A 4-mana ⅓ with Flying is a pretty dismal rate, but Henrika is going to be more than that pretty much every time you play her. You can choose to transform her immediately -- after all she’s a great blocker when she’s an infernal seer. But because she can’t attack right away, sometimes you may want to choose one of the other two options. The draw option is probably the most appealing of the other two, as it means you’re getting a 2-for-1. The symmetrical edict will only be good in specific situations. I think in an ideal world you will choose the draw option the first turn and then transform her on the second turn. Either way, you’re getting a ton of value out of 4 mana, and while her ability may not pump that many other things, it doesn’t really matter, as her keywords are great and the ability to pump her power is really nice.
Average Picked At: 5.31 Total Times Picked: 32 Average Last Seen At: 4.13 Total Times Seen 176
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: As usual, two color duals tend to be pretty nice fixing. You don’t really want to go after them hard, but you’ll always play them if you’re in their colors or you’re splashing something
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: This is a neat reprint. A two mana 2/1 with First Strike is a very nice card for Limited, and this one comes with a nice tax effect. Now, it isn’t exactly like you’ll be playing her in a deck with 0 cards that are affected by the tax, but generally speaking, you’re going to be coming out ahead when you play this, since you’re the one who has such an efficient creature, and your opponent meanwhile suffers from the tax without any upside. Obviously, she dies to a whole lot, but because she makes the stuff she dies from cost more mana most of the time, that’s not a big deal, especially since she only costs two!
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: This is a neat reprint. A two mana 2/1 with First Strike is a very nice card for Limited, and this one comes with a nice tax effect. Now, it isn’t exactly like you’ll be playing her in a deck with 0 cards that are affected by the tax, but generally speaking, you’re going to be coming out ahead when you play this, since you’re the one who has such an efficient creature, and your opponent meanwhile suffers from the tax without any upside. Obviously, she dies to a whole lot, but because she makes the stuff she dies from cost more mana most of the time, that’s not a big deal, especially since she only costs two!
Average Picked At: 10.77 Total Times Picked: 91 Average Last Seen At: 7.81 Total Times Seen 911
Pro Rating: 1.5 Pro Comment: This does a real good job hating on the graveyard, and it also replaces itself with its activated ability. While this format feels a little less graveyard centric than Midnight Hunt -- after all, there’s no Flashback here -- graveyards are still a big enough deal in this format that I think you’ll main deck this sometimes. Because it replaces itself, the cost of doing so isn’t massive. I still think in an ideal world, you’re not playing it in your main deck though, as you’d rather have some other cards that have incidental graveyard hate than a card that only hates on graveyards. It will be the best in the UR deck, as it will trigger all your non-creature stuff and replace itself, which is exactly what that deck wants.
Average Picked At: 3.14 Total Times Picked: 36 Average Last Seen At: 3.01 Total Times Seen 93
Pro Rating: 3.5 Pro Comment: This is a very interesting curse. It effectively grants your whole board trample, and makes it so you get some serious card advantage any time you hit your opponent, which of course is more likely because of the trample thing. You do need some board state to really get this thing going most of the time, but the card advantage this thing will grant you in the long run is a pretty big deal, and its nice that it gives at least some bonus immediately.
Average Picked At: 1.30 Total Times Picked: 43 Average Last Seen At: 1.65 Total Times Seen 57
Pro Rating: 3.5 Pro Comment: Giving your opponent a Blood every turn is certainly a downside, but one I am willing to live with when I get a 4-mana ⅚ with Trample and Flying that hits harder the more Blood your opponent has. Don’t get me wrong, Blood is certainly something your opponent can use to improve their card quality, but they do have to pay mana and discard a card to do it, so it isn’t like you are giving them straight up free cards. I think this looks pretty impressive, though obviously the downside does hold it back.
Average Picked At: 9.59 Total Times Picked: 66 Average Last Seen At: 7.14 Total Times Seen 721
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: This has passable stats and an ability that will gain you some life. There are a decent number of Enchantments in White, so I think you’ll pretty much always end up playing it. The life gain is welcome in the BW deck, and the Enchantment payoff is welcome in UW, but I don’t think you’re overjoyed for it in either.
Pro Rating: 5.0 Pro Comment: This card is very strong. No surprise there, since Olivia is sort of the main character of this set. A 6-mana ¾ with Flying and Haste isn’t incredible, but those two key words together work amazingly with her attack trigger, sine she can reanimate any creature and bring it back attacking! And, unlike most effects like this that we see, it doesn’t just last until the end of the turn. Now, most of the time you will lose the creature when you lose Olivia, but she’s still bringing a ton of power to the table, and will win games if left unchecked.
Average Picked At: 6.74 Total Times Picked: 92 Average Last Seen At: 5.36 Total Times Seen 521
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: This is a pretty neat design. It will never really be an efficient creature due to how its costed, but even if you just put this on the table as a 4-mana 2/2, your opponent will find themself in a situation where attacking is very difficult because of the 2-for-1 potential. It just scales up from there, and in the late game will be a huge problem, since it can also damage players. Now, it can still just straight up die to lots of removal, but damage-based removal will pretty much be off the table, so that helps. I can really see situations where this will be incredible, but it would be silly not to also think about the time’s where it just doesn’t matter, because its not big enough, or your opponent has too much life.
Pro Rating: 4.5 Pro Comment: It is pretty challenging to permanently get rid of Edgar, as he will just go back and forth between his Coffin form and his Vampire form, and both are pretty good! Now, its a bit awkward that he is BW, as you won’t be maximizing the number of Vampires you have, but there are a few in White and lots in Black. Even all on his own, you can trade him for something, transform him into a coffin, get some vampire tokens, and eventually bring him back as ac creature to pump those tokens! You won’t have the time to let that play out that way all the time though, as sometimes those vampires will have to chump block to keep you around.
Average Picked At: 1.68 Total Times Picked: 19 Average Last Seen At: 1.70 Total Times Seen 27
Pro Rating: 4.0 Pro Comment: So, even if you never transform this, it is pretty nice, since it lets you loot for free every turn. And that’s what he’ll be doing early. If he transforms late, he’s going to start firing off spells for free, and that’s going to feel pretty absurd. Even if you play it later and transform it before he exiles many things, the other side of the card exiles things too, so you’re going to have a lot of action. He’s a bit too slow to be a bomb but looks great.
Average Picked At: 1.35 Total Times Picked: 17 Average Last Seen At: 1.95 Total Times Seen 21
Pro Rating: 5.0 Pro Comment: This card is very strong. No surprise there, since Olivia is sort of the main character of this set. A 6-mana ¾ with Flying and Haste isn’t incredible, but those two key words together work amazingly with her attack trigger, sine she can reanimate any creature and bring it back attacking! And, unlike most effects like this that we see, it doesn’t just last until the end of the turn. Now, most of the time you will lose the creature when you lose Olivia, but she’s still bringing a ton of power to the table, and will win games if left unchecked.
Pro Rating: 3.5 Pro Comment: Look, you would always play a two mana ½ that can add mana of any color -- that’s just great fixing and nice ramp, especially early! So the fact it gets bigger in the later part of the game is just upside on something that is already quite nice.
Average Picked At: 8.27 Total Times Picked: 64 Average Last Seen At: 6.33 Total Times Seen 607
Pro Rating: 2.0 Pro Comment: On its own, you’ll be able to activate this once -- and while that’s not amazing, it is nice that it can do a thing without any other help, unlike some payoffs. Plus, you can play this and sac the token for an additional mana, and rumble right away with it which will certainly come up. You do probably need a critical mass of Blood to really get it going, but I think most Red decks will have like 5 ways to make blood without trying super hard.
Average Picked At: 5.69 Total Times Picked: 78 Average Last Seen At: 4.53 Total Times Seen 405
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: Getting in with the 1/1 side of this won’t be super easy, but if you are on the play and play it on turn two, it has a chance. The idea is that you can put Auras on it to really start to get value, and obviously as we’ve seen, there are lots of Auras that would make this into a formidable attacker. Then, when it goes down, it of course becomes an Aura, and one that grants the same ability to another creature. That’s pretty nice, because any time you find a situation where you have an advantageous attack, you can Disturb this and stand a good chance of getting that card.
Pro Rating: 5.0 Pro Comment: This is a bomb Planeswalker. Generally, for a walker to get there, they need to have two of the following three things: a way to protect themselves, a way to draw cards, or a way to kill stuff, and Sorin can do the first two of those, and he does it quite effectively. The ⅔ Lifelink Vampires are very real bodies, and the fact he starts at 4 loyalty means it will be challenging for your opponent to quickly take him down, regardless of which ability you use first. If you play this on turn 4, there’s almost no way your opponent will win the game, and even in the mid-to-late game, he has a game altering effect, since drawing extra cards or making extra bodies can carry some real weight.
Average Picked At: 10.44 Total Times Picked: 193 Average Last Seen At: 8.94 Total Times Seen 2243
Pro Rating: 1.5 Pro Comment: This reminds me a whole lot of Tavern Brawler, a card that ended up being super underwhelming in Midnight Hunt. On one side it is a defensive creature, and on the other it is an aggressively costed big creature. Those two things are a bit awkward together, and if you played Midnight Hunt you know that completely controlling day and night how you want it isn’t always easy. This might end up being better than the Brawler -- Midnight Hunt did have an unusual amount of good common removal that made big vanilla creatures bad -- but for now I’m pretty skeptical.
Pro Rating: 3.5 Pro Comment: A 4-mana 3/3 with Menace isn’t amazing -- it is probably a 2.0 at best -- however -- this brings a blood token along with it, and I think I’d already be playing that card a reasonable chunk of the time, but it also has the impressive upside of making itself into a 5/5 when it attacks, provided you have blood. Because the Socialite brings a Blood token with it, you’ll get to do it at least once, and if you have other blood lying around, this will be a beating.
Average Picked At: 6.17 Total Times Picked: 29 Average Last Seen At: 4.50 Total Times Seen 154
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: It is kind of sad how underwhelming this Odric is. Now, he isn’t bad of course, but he’s going to be a vanilla 3-mana 3/3 a decent chunk of the time. And yeah, there will be times where you get a bunch of blood and it feels great, but you’re going to get 0 way too often! That said, as long as he’s making at least one, you’ll feel fine about the situation.