The AI ratings are gathered with from the MTGA Assistant deck tracker. Pro ratings are provided by Nizzahon Magic. The Pro ratings and comments are made before the set officially releases while the AI ratings are dynamically updated with new data all the time.
She fixes your mana and has okayish stats, but the everything counter for creautres really doesn't matter in this format.
This has amazing potential, but is also very, very card hard to cast, and having two colorless mana around to actually trigger it's powerful ability is a big ask too.
A three mana 2/2 is rough these days, and while you're likely to be able to get experience counters, actually being able to use them isn't easy. You need five colors of mana and some Eldrazi in play, and that's a big ask.
At worst this is 4-mana for a 3/3 and a 1/1, or a 4-mana 4/4 -- and the upside is nuts, giving everything else Fabricate alone would be plenty good! But this can also proliferate or populate, taking advantage of those tokens and counters.
It takes a bit of work, but Coram will usually have some reasonable power, and draw you cards with his attack trigger.
There's no command zone in Limited and barely any creature lands in the set, so this is just a 4-mana 2/4.