Main 60 cards (27 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (24)
Planeswalker (2)
Creature (10)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (9 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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  • Meta deck card breakdown - 21 decks, 0.88% of meta

    Subtlety 1x in 0%
    Eagles of the North 1x in 5%
    Timeless Dragon 1x in 5%
    Nulldrifter 2x in 14%
    Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury 4x in 81%
    Solitude 4x in 90%
  • Instant, Sorcery
    Galvanic Discharge 1x in 0%
    Counterspell 1x in 0%
    Expressive Iteration 1x in 0%
    Tune the Narrative 1x in 0%
    Wrath of the Skies 1x in 5%
    Kozilek's Return 1x in 5%
    Invert Polarity 1x in 5%
    March of Otherworldly Light 1x in 10%
    Prismatic Ending 3x in 10%
    Consign to Memory 3x in 43%
    Spell Snare 2x in 67%
    Force of Negation 3x in 67%
    Supreme Verdict 2x in 81%
  • Enchantment, Artifact
    Leyline Binding 1x in 0%
    Dress Down 3x in 5%
    The One Ring 4x in 95%
  • Planeswalkers
    Teferi, Time Raveler 2x in 90%
  • Lands
    Ketria Triome 1x in 5%
    Raffine's Tower 1x in 5%
    Ziatora's Proving Ground 1x in 5%
    Cascade Bluffs 1x in 5%
    Sacred Foundry 1x in 10%
    Savai Triome 1x in 14%
    Xander's Lounge 1x in 14%
    Monumental Henge 1x in 19%
    Minamo, School at Water's Edge 1x in 19%
    Spara's Headquarters 1x in 29%
    Scalding Tarn 2x in 29%
    Mystic Gate 1x in 43%
    Thundering Falls 1x in 71%
    Arena of Glory 2x in 71%
    Steam Vents 2x in 86%
    Arid Mesa 4x in 86%
    Elegant Parlor 1x in 95%
    Hallowed Fountain 2x in 95%
    Meticulous Archive 1x in 100%
    Flooded Strand 4x in 100%
  • Sideboard
    Kozilek's Return 1x in 0%
    High Noon 1x in 0%
    Nihil Spellbomb 1x in 0%
    Spell Pierce 1x in 0%
    Dovin's Veto 1x in 5%
    Wrath of the Skies 1x in 5%
    Exorcise 1x in 5%
    Get Lost 1x in 5%
    Ashiok, Dream Render 1x in 5%
    Deafening Silence 1x in 5%
    Stern Scolding 1x in 5%
    Path to Exile 1x in 5%
    Damping Sphere 1x in 5%
    March of Otherworldly Light 1x in 5%
    Invert Polarity 1x in 5%
    Commandeer 1x in 5%
    Pyroclasm 1x in 10%
    Teferi, Time Raveler 1x in 10%
    Drannith Magistrate 1x in 10%
    Narset, Parter of Veils 1x in 10%
    Subtlety 1x in 19%
    Ceremonious Rejection 1x in 19%
    Force of Negation 1x in 29%
    Celestial Purge 1x in 29%
    Spell Snare 1x in 29%
    Temporary Lockdown 2x in 33%
    Soul-Guide Lantern 1x in 38%
    Consign to Memory 1x in 43%
    Mystical Dispute 1x in 48%
    Surgical Extraction 1x in 57%
    Supreme Verdict 1x in 57%
    Obsidian Charmaw 4x in 90%

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
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