Main 61 cards (17 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (25)
Creature (15)
Land (21)
Side 15 cards (9 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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  • Meta deck card breakdown - 1 decks, 0.19% of meta

    Braids, Arisen Nightmare 3x in 100%
    Spiteful Hexmage 4x in 100%
    Fear of Missing Out 4x in 100%
    Clockwork Percussionist 4x in 100%
  • Instant, Sorcery
    Final Vengeance 4x in 100%
    Torch the Tower 4x in 100%
  • Enchantment, Artifact
    Corpses of the Lost 3x in 100%
    Urabrask's Forge 3x in 100%
    Nowhere to Run 3x in 100%
    Disturbing Mirth 4x in 100%
    Hopeless Nightmare 4x in 100%
  • Planeswalkers
  • Lands
    Restless Vents 2x in 100%
    Blazemire Verge 4x in 100%
    Blackcleave Cliffs 4x in 100%
    Sulfurous Springs 4x in 100%
  • Sideboard
    Liliana of the Veil 1x in 100%
    Sheoldred, the Apocalypse 1x in 100%
    Duress 1x in 100%
    Pyroclasm 2x in 100%
    Go for the Throat 2x in 100%
    Ghost Vacuum 2x in 100%
    Feed the Swarm 2x in 100%
    Dreams of Steel and Oil 2x in 100%
    Darkstar Augur 2x in 100%

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