Aether Championship 2

Organizer AetherHub
Contains 13 tourneys
Started 11 Jan 2019

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Every Friday (2 PM EST / 8 PM UTC)

The Aether League is a competitive seasonal league for MTG Arena players. Weekly results count towards a cumulative result every season. 

Free Entry w/ Prize Support at end of Season
Swiss best of 3 with a maximum of 5 rounds.

Big thanks to the main Sponsor of the prize pool: Aya Senpai from The Shadow Nexus
and also donators SuperBC and Aakvik!

Prizes for current Season (You need Paypal to receive payment)
The season ends a week before the next set on MTGA
1st place: 100$
2nd place: 30$
3rd place: 20$

Extra Prize for best Norwegian player of the Championship: We are sponsored by the Norwegian website Norske Magic: You get 100 credits on the website (You need an account) as the top Norwegian player. 

Swiss means that you play all rounds, even if you lose. Your combined record each week will be added to the league stats for establishing a Seasonal leaderboard. Your final results in the league are based on how many points you have. The more you play and the more matches you win during the season, the higher up you are placed.

Host Stream:


Main Sponsor: The Shadow Nexus
Prizepool Sponsors: andreliverod, SuperBC, Aakvik
All donations during streams go to next Season prizes!

Terminology Explained