Pioneer - $25 Mono-R Aggro

Main 60 cards (12 distinct)
Creature (20)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (18)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (20)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Mono-R Aggro


Today, we are exploring a Standard deck (that was changed into Pioneer)! Mono-R Aggro is a staple of almost every format and you can even find it being played in Vintage sometimes, so let's get right into it.


First up, is our burn spells. These are very important for shooting our opponent in the face.

image An easy and simple straight up deal 3 damage. A worse version of Lightning Boltimage.

image Usually, a pretty bad hardcast but if we have a wizard out, it becomes 1 mana 3 damage which is pretty good.

image 1 mana, 2 damage, nothing special but can deal some face damage and take out low power creatures.

image We can often get the Spectacle cost so it is usually a 1 mana 3 damage, really good!


Next up, our creatures! These can be used to burn our opponents quickly as well or gum up the board.

image Is a good 1 drop that can also shoot there mana dorks or face.

image Really good, we can often get it's trigger to get more power because we cast so many spells.

image Can clear up the board and also get in a lot of damage, harder to kill because of first strike.

image Can get big very fast. Can also make a lot of mana that we need to cast some burn spells.


Last, is our other support cards. These will help us win the game and draw into whatever we need.

image As with most burn decks, we might run out of cards. This lets us pretty much play a bunch of spells.

image Lets us essentially draw a card, it's Ult can let us draw cards, but also deal damage.


This is my Mono-R Burn deck, Hope you enjoy!



About unicornturtle

Fun budget decks & combos!

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K I changed my deck a bit to your suggestions, thanks!
I agree @Budgethub.. most tier1 deck now cost around 200-600 USD
too many lands! a Chandra would not break the bank yes?
add frenzy and chandra
This goes out to all the broke kids who can't afford a $100 deck
Last Updated: 06 Jan 2020
Created: 11 May 2019
1580 231 5

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40 6 14 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
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