Traditional Historic - 4C Golos Escape

  • Deck contains 2 invalid cards for this format: Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath (THB), Field of the Dead (M20)
Main 60 cards (31 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (16)
Creature (14)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (28)
Side 15 cards (8 distinct)

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Hello everybody,

finaly i'm back in mythic again, i've testet over the last week three decks and we know it all Field of the Deadimage is still one of the best cards in Historic. With Amonkhet Remastered the Meta shakes up and the next set is on the horizon. 

Here my thouhgts about the deck: 

Maybe u think, why he didn't play Hour of Promiseimage and here is my answer: 

Most of the Hour of Promiseimage Decks also force there manabase to play Thoughtseizeimage and also Escape to the Wildsimage. With Thoughtseizeimage they have a better matchup against control and combo but a bad matchup against Aggro and Aggro is one of the most seen decks in the last days. I've played 40 Games in the last days with this deck and my standings are 25-15 and i think i lost only once or twice to Hour of Promiseimage, so i think we don't need Hour of Promiseimage

The Deck:

Simple and old school, but still efective in the meta right now. With Field of the Deadimage u have a good Matchup against Control, Midrange and in all games that go long. We only have problems with Aggro like Goblins, Mono R and Mono G. 

Why we are 4 Color? 

Mainly we are Temur but i decided to go 4C do have a better matchup against Aggro Decks. I have also tested Sweltering Sunsimage and Storm's Wrathimage it's good but than we have the Problem against Mono B with Rotting Regisaurimage and Phyrexian Obliteratorimage, we don't wan't a Storm's Wrathimage in our hand with a Phyrexian Obliteratorimage on board. So i decided to add White in the board to have access to Wrath of Godimage to deal with this creatures. We also have now access to Deafening Clarionimage for the early game. 

The Mainboard: 

Ramp Package:

Growth Spiralimage + Exploreimage for the early ramp and creature ramp in form of Elvish Rejuvenatorimage + Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrathimage and also Golos, Tireless PilgrimimageElvish Rejuvenatorimage finds all lands and we can decide wich land we want to have in this situation. Also he get's arround Narset, Parter of Veilsimage static abbility. Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrathimage is lifegain and ramp in one card and a perfect grind card for the late game. Golos, Tireless Pilgrimimage is specific ramp and he's ability can finish the game quickly. 


Escape to the Wildsimage exile 5 cards and play an aditional land is just insane. Basicly its draw 5 Cards and play 2 Lands, finds our finisher and works also perfect with Pact of Negationimage, but later more to Pact of Negationimage. Just another few words to Escape to the Wildsimage, i've played a few games against it, but some people play it to quick, don't forget it can find u your Ugin, the Spirit Dragonimage and u don't want that he will be exiled, in worst case both of our Ugin, the Spirit Dragonimage will be exiled, so be sure to have 8 mana up for it. 

Deafening Clarionimage is a good early game removel and should buy us enough time to get Field fo the Dead active against creature based decks. It's also not the worst top deck if u have some tokens out, u can give them lifelink and get some life back, in some rare situation's u dont want to kill your tokens but need the life so u can attack with your little zombies get some life and make more tokens to block the rest of the creautures. 

Pact of Negationimage i'm not sure but i think they shouldn't bring it to MTGA, because it's just to strong. U can tap out and have still a counter back, it saved my ass so many times. But don't waste it, you need it against things that can kill u instant or save your ass for one more turn. I think that the pact make this decks so good, against so much matchups. 


Ugin, the Spirit Dragonimage, Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hungerimage and Kenrith, the Returned Kingimage. I don't think that i have to say why we play those cards ^^ 


Shifting Ceratopsimage against Mono Blue and Control Decks, still one of the best Sideboard cards.

Alpine Moonimage against Field of the Deadimage.

Deafening Clarionimage more early removel. 

Grafdigger's Cageimage primarily against Goblins, can also be used against graveyard heavy decks. But don't forget it shuts down your Uro.

Negateimage against Control, good counter for Hour of Promiseimage and every other Noncreature Finisher.

Soul-Guide Lanternimage against graveyard heavy decks.

Timely Reinforcementsimage against Aggro and creature heavy decks that kill quick.

Wrath of Godimage against every creature heavy deck and it's one of the few things that can beat Phyrexian Obliteratorimage.

The Sideboard is still in progress but i think it's not bad and u can work with it. I have used it on my road to mythic.
If someone test this deck and have some feedback for me feel free to write a little comment :) 

Best regards


About UnReaLz_TV

My name is Roman - UnReaLz_TV - L. I'm a little streamer on Twitch. I play Magic The Gathering since 2012 and play it also a little bit competetive in card style but also love the deckbuidling on MTGA and streaming it. In near future i will post more and more Videos on my Youtube channel. 

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Last Updated: 19 Aug 2020
Created: 19 Aug 2020
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