Pioneer - 5c Keruga Fires | Pioneer BO3

Main 60 cards (29 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (16)
Creature (16)
Land (28)
Side 15 cards (9 distinct)
Maybeboard 12 cards (4 distinct)

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Tier-FNM/D 5-colour Keruga Fires for your LGS 'daily' tournaments.

Pure midrange deck with exposed defences against aggro, combo and control decks, however capable of punishing other midrange decks like BR midrange, sometimes Enigmatic Incarnation can be beaten thanks to Mirrorshell Crabimage counterspell ability.

If you manage to sustain your health until Fires of Inventionimage placement, you are almost guaranteed to win the game against aggro deck.

Turn 4: Fires + Omnath, Turn 5: Kenrith + any 4/5 mana creature and you're good to go.

Lotus Field, any Control deck (UW, Esper, Grixis, w/e), Jeskai/5c Ascendancy, Gruul Vehicles, Mono W Weenie (Humans mostly) and other aggro decks can be pain in the butt.

I recommend this deck to players who love to get solid value out of each and every card in the deck. Omnath, Lockdowns, Bindings, even Bonecrushers on the board are value thanks to Keruga ETB ability. Card advantage is huge and don't be disappointed if you draw a bunch of lands, most of them are cycleable, others will trigger Omnath. I told you, value :)



Mirrorshell Crabimage, Mystical Disputeimage - control and mirror matchups where you vitally need to set your Fires and counter the opposite ones. Or just counter Boseiju ability, Teferi5 or Emperor (if she is capable of annoying you in the current board state).

Skylasherimage - cheaper than Shifting Ceratopsimage in terms of mana and does the same thing: stops mono Blue Spirit deck completely. Saw matchups in MTG Online where opponent on Blue Spirits instantly conceded twice just after Skylasher was cast. Huge card for this matchup.

Leyline of the Voidimage - Greasefang, Lotus Field (they use Lier for flashbacks), Phoenix, enough said.

Supreme Verdictimage - aggro matchups, also uncounterable, JustinCase.



I don't have Fables so I play 4 Prismari Commandimage in the main. Once I get Fables, we're gonna talk :)

I don't have Otawara so I play 1 Brazen Borrowerimage in the main.

Touch the Spirit Realmimage is an option to cover your value creatures against removal decks like Mono Black Control, BR Midrange and other containing red of black colour.

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Last Updated: 07 Mar 2023
Created: 04 Jan 2023
235 57 0

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
5 2 42 11 0
0 0 15 0 0
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