Arena Standard - (80%) Thalia's Push For Lethal Deck 💀

  • Deck contains 7 invalid cards for this format: Thalia, Guardian of Thraben (SLD), Sorin the Mirthless (VOW), Graveyard Trespasser // Graveyard Glutton (PMID), Life of Toshiro Umezawa // Memory of Toshiro (NEO), Tenacious Underdog (SNC), Shattered Sanctum (VOW), Adeline, Resplendent Cathar (MOC)
Main 60 cards (17 distinct)
Planeswalker (5)
Creature (23)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (8)
Land (24)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Mythic Gameplay: "Thalia's Push For Lethal" Black & White Semi-Aggro/Control Deck (2023)

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This is the deck I have been using to climb the Standard BO1 Ranked ladder with. It has over a 75% winratio and is a combination of an aggro and a control deck with Liliana as a hardcarry.

We have some flying creatures to push through damage if we lose out on the board and we have a lot of small one- and two-drops to be as aggressive as possible in the earlygame so our opponents do not gain any board presence.

It works fantastic against other aggressive-, control-, mill-, counterspell- and rampdecks.

Your mulligan is very important to make it work well that's why I have added some multicoloured lands. You can play this deck slowly and you can play it aggressively it is completely up to you and your matchup. I personally prefer going as aggro as possible, but it depends on what kind of hand you have.

With the white cards you want to be very aggressive and with the black cards in hand you'd want to play a little bit more semi-aggro and control.

There are lots of humans in this deck so there is a theme and a well-balanced synergy amongst many of the cards. You will benefit loads from Coppercoat Vanguard protecting your Humans and buffing them for extra damage.

It is a fun all-around deck and brings a different experience to the game with some control and aggro with loads of focus on minions and some removal. You can buff your creatures and hit for a lot of damage as well. It is not your typical "removal and wait" kind of deck that I find extremely boring. You are actually interacting with this deck and having fun. It is a joyful experience.

Feel free to change and/or add different type of lands as I have only the basic ones as I have not played MGT for long!

I hope you enjoy.

Take care.





About Norii

Thalia the Great slowing you down.

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Last Updated: 15 Jun 2023
Created: 15 Jun 2023
143 52 0

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With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
14 14 15 8 0
0 0 0 0 0
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