Arena Standard - Greathearted Curve

TCGPlayer $94
Cardmarket €78
Cardhoarder 3 Tix
  • Deck contains 8 invalid cards for this format: Adanto Vanguard (XLN), Sunpetal Grove (XLN), Skymarcher Aspirant (RIX), Saproling Migration (DOM), Dauntless Bodyguard (DOM), History of Benalia (DOM), Tocatli Honor Guard (XLN), Lyra Dawnbringer (DOM)
Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Creature (17)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (13)
Planeswalker (7)
Land (23)
Side 15 cards (6 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Blakeizen's Greathearted Curve

and it curves hard.

Hello Spellslingers! Blakeizen with the weekly Saturday morning build for you. Last week was a Jeskai control list, so this week we're changing gears again. Today we're aiming to go wide, but somehow also get tall. . . ish.

Starting off, there are some nutty plays that happen with this deck. When you curve Skymarcher Aspirantimage into Dauntless Bodyguardimage x2 or Saproling Migrationimage, into History of Benaliaimage, into Ajani, the Greatheartedimage, mark that one down as a dub.

RDW is everywhere. However, you have a reasonable amount of tools to ease this matchup. Saprolings and Benalia tokens give you a lot of bang for your buck, slowing down their plan of 1 for 1 removal with dudes on board. If they are attacking, you should be blocking. Do everything you can within reason to stop easy Spectacle activations. I don't want to focus on the RDW match up too hard, but it did lead me to my next inclusion-


I expect many of you to be similar to me in this regard, I do not have a vast collection of rares. I thought this dude was a bad card. Why would you ever play this over Trostani Discordantimage? He was sitting in my collection, 3 copies even.  I tossed him in as a two of just to see if I could use him for Mobilized Districtimage synergy, and I was impressed. 

Make two 3/3s? Relevant. Smack a Goblin Chainwhirlerimage or Thief of Sanityimage down? I'm in. Gain 3 life in the process? Lol, do you ever feel like flexing on RDW just because you can? Tolsimir is like Green / White Enter the God-Eternalsimage. They both do extremely similar things. Seriously, they're related. 

In a control matchup, you are hoping to see Unbreakable Formationimage, Gideon Blackbladeimage, and my favorite land card, Mobilized Districtimage. A quick aside, in an aggro matchup, if you don't have anything to do on turn 3 but have 3 dudes on board, Unbreakable Formation is a solid play leading into turn 4 with Ajani especially. If you have any feeling whatsoever about Kaya's Wrathimage coming down, the biggest decision to make is either beat it clean with Formation, or let them tap out and hit History of Benalia the following turn. You're going to shed a tear when you see Cry of the Carnariumimage but that card gets super weak after turn 4 or 5 for us. Gideon and Mobilized District dodge both of those, and Dauntless Bodyguard helps even further. 

So what about Ajani, the Greatheartedimage? Four copies? Really? On turn four when he hits the board, he buffs some dudes +1/+1 and gives them vigilance. Don't forget about his +1 "Gain 3 Life" since this also puts him at 5 Loyalty. It's rare that you want/need to do this but it will happen. -cough-RDW-cough- On turn 5? Ajani -2, play new Ajani, -2. 

Oh by the way, activate Mobilized Districtimage before Ajani, the Greatheartedimage -2 whenever possible. Read the District carefully and plan your mana, the auto tapper is awful for cards like this. If you have a combination of 4 legendary creatures and planeswalkers the activation is free. It has vigilance. It can also be used as a blocker. Easily one of my favorite cards in the set.


This deck is a flexible aggro variant that feels fairly strong in the current meta. You still want to go wide and turn your dudes sideways, but you don't mind the board stalling very much at all. This deck is somewhere between White Weenies and Selesnya Tokens, though it just plays like White Weenies.

Add me on Discord! Blakeizen#8657. I would love to get some games in!

About Blakeizen

Add me on Discord! Blakeizen#8657. I would love to get some games in, make friends, and discuss MTG!


Currently we're doing 1 YouTube Deck Tech weekly with real thought and testing put into each deck. 

Here's the YouTube: Blakeizen, and here's the Twitch:

Streaming 9:30 PM EST to 2:30 AM EST Saturday - Thursday! I'm always building and helping everyone with their builds. It's pretty relaxed, you should come!

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Last Updated: 27 May 2019
Created: 18 May 2019
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