Arena Standard - Gruul Riot Proliferate

TCGPlayer $71
Cardmarket €57
Cardhoarder 5 Tix
  • Deck contains 1 invalid cards for this format: Rootbound Crag (XLN)
Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Creature (22)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (24)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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This is version 1 of the build.  I have only playtested it a few times and I'm looking for your input.  Help on the sideboard would be terrific as well! 



I love the proliferate mechanic having built a few versions using W/G/U and G/U.   Today I had the idea of leveraging the riot mechanic's +1 +1 to setup for proliferation.  I found the Domri, Chaos Bringerimage and Rhythm of the Wildimage to combo nicely basically giving my creature spells triple riot on the cast.  The Krenko, Tin Street Kingpinimage was a fantastic card that was begging for the proliferation in order to steamroll the token creation.

I really need the last 3 Rootbound Cragimage to build I have a limited about of wild cards and I'm not completely sold on grinding Gruul this season... but I'm warming up to it.  :) 

Thanks for stopping by!


About earl_the_terror

"Please let me draw a land"

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Assuming that you only want to spend common WC with maybe a few UC, I'd include bloom hulk over rampaging rendhorn since it's cheaper and if you reliably get rhythm down molderhulk is just straight up better imo. I'd probs drop burning tree or clamor shaman for evolution sage for reliable recurrent proliferate.

If you have a few rares- [[Domri, Anarch of Bolas]] works super well with Krenko IMO. Given how useful interacting with other boards are rn, I'd probs add at least 2 shocks/ 2 bolts
as a sideboard maybe you could use 3 Cindervines against heavy spell strategies and pesky enchantments.
2 more Lava Coils to handle opposing rekindling phoenixes.
i would have played 2 experimental frenzy, your deck is relatively cheap except the rampaging rendhorn.
All the above are meant for the sideboard, i am not entirely sure how much the frenzy will help but i am sure the other 2 cards are extremely valuable
Last Updated: 01 May 2019
Created: 01 May 2019
346 128 2

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With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
34 16 8 2 0
0 0 0 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands