Standard - Devouring Bontu

TCGPlayer $87
Cardmarket €76
Cardhoarder 5 Tix
  • Deck contains 16 invalid cards for this format: Midnight Reaper (GRN), Footlight Fiend (RNA), Blood Crypt (RNA), Lazotep Reaver (WAR), God-Eternal Bontu (WAR), Grim Initiate (WAR), Devouring Hellion (WAR), Tibalt, Rakish Instigator (WAR), Mayhem Devil (WAR), Dreadhorde Butcher (WAR), Widespread Brutality (WAR), Drill Bit (RNA), Light Up the Stage (RNA), Skewer the Critics (RNA), Heartfire (WAR), Mask of Immolation (M20)
Main 60 cards (14 distinct)
Creature (30)
Planeswalker (3)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (4)
Land (23)
Side 15 cards (5 distinct)
Maybeboard 50 cards (16 distinct)

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Disclaimer: I don't think this deck is any kind of competitive, it is meant to be flavourful and fun in the office and on the kitchen table, yet it can go off quite cruelly. Adding Blood Crypts and Dragon Skull summit would make this slightly more competitive, but never forget the fun of Evolving Wilds triggering multiple Mayhem Devils...

This Deck was formally know as Bontu's Retribution. The Idea was to use 4 Retributive Wandimages and stamp the with God-Eternal Bontuimage. Or use Reckless Airstrike for a cheap 4 Mana 5 dmg Burnspell. But I guess this would better fit somewhere in a Saheeli Deck where you'd copy the Wand to tokens... Another story. Well as you may have guessed it didn't really work out here. I guess one could build around this but I don't think you'd get to make it a real win-con. Anyway there's still the attempt to hit the board turn 3 or 4 with a big Devouring Hellionimage, but mainly to shut down the ground so one could cut away small pieces of the opponents life and board with triggers from Mayhem Devilimage using cheap Sac-Outlets from Chandra and Tibalt. Also I just want to play Heart Fires...

Throne of Eldraine Update:

Barge in will make the hellions way more playable, might even add ferocity of the wilds here though barge-in will work better in BO1. Still need more blood crypts but with more early one drops putting some early pressure on can help in the midrange. The Hellions will work very well with a stalled board of footlights, skeletons and butchers, yet they lacked trample, until now...

Bladebrand will work as a kind of janky creature removal here, footlight, butcher, tibalt's tokens can assign damage freely, also mayhem devil with a bladerand can work as even jankier boardwipe for 1B + 2R hellion if you've got enough dudes out.




  • Footlight Fiend or Dreadhorde Butcher + Heartfire = 5+ dmg each time = 20+ dmg.
  • Dropped: 4 Retributive Wand + Bontu = 20 dmg
  • Mahem Devil Triggers on Bontu, Heartfire, Mask of Immolation, Spark Harvest and with Chandra each time her generates tokens are sacrificed
  • Chandra's Regulator instead of light up the stage = 4x time the combo power (with 2 Mayhem Devils = 8 dmg) and reusable, though slower
  • Mask of Immolation can be eaten by Bontu for 2 cards!


  • Chandra only gets back 4 Spark Harvest, 4 Heartfire, not ideal, probable more versative replacements:
    • 4 Skewer The Critics instead of the Retributive Wands (we don't care to much for the spectacle cost then)
    • Re-add Light Up The Stages instead of the Regulator
    • Maybe add Bedevil for a more spell-heavy build, replace creatures for it
    • Add Angrath's Rampage or Liliana's Triumph to let the oppenent also sacrifice stuff
  • Retributive Wand would goes well with Bedevil and Reckless Airstrike but more sideboard choice I guess
  • Devouring Hellion and Dreadmaulkin were fun to play in the previous version of the deck, but Bontu might perform better?


  • WAR and M20 only:
    • Switch Footlightfiend with 4 Tibalt's Rager and/or 4 Tibalts for a higher curve maybe
    • Dragonskull summit with evolving wilds


About yona-kit

Casual brews for the office kitchen table, sometimes FNM..

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Sure, as I wrote in the description. And it's just a brew with cards I actually own. Shocklands are very expensive currently. Will wait for the next set to see where Wizards will head with reprints. Maybe checklands will return. Would be a budget ootion then.
Just nitpicking, but 4 shocklands should be good here.
Also this deck would need another payoff like mayhem devil but not judith, as she doesn't do tokens...
Hey fedezic, thank's. Also like your changes, will see where this would go from there... still struggling with 2drops... went a bit back and forth in different lists than this, will repolish it, but the retribution-combo is gone, too slow 3drops too crowded already, maybe just add one card, occasionally scaring/distracting opponents for fun and to keep the name of the deck... ;P
Hi, I wrote a similar list, but my deck is more midrange. You can see it here:
I like your ideas, in particular the devastating combo Chandra—Chandra's Regulator—Mayhem Devil.
I don't like so much Retributive Wand because it's a little slow: you can cast it in Turn 3, tap it in Turn 4 (but you pay 3 mana and you can't cast anything else). I think you should replace it with 4 Skewer the Critics.
I'd like to try Devouring Hellion. Thanks for share you ideas
Last Updated: 13 Dec 2019
Created: 03 Aug 2019
2052 322 5

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
31 11 16 2 0
8 7 0 0 0
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