Standard - Buff Gobs (Budget 8RARE or $43 deck)

TCGPlayer $29
Cardmarket €19
Cardhoarder 2 Tix
  • Deck contains 13 invalid cards for this format: Fanatical Firebrand (RIX), Goblin Trailblazer (RIX), Goblin Warchief (DOM), Goblin Chainwhirler (DOM), Volley Veteran (M19), Legion Warboss (GRN), Goblin Cratermaker (GRN), Ember Hauler (M20), Goblin Ringleader (M20), Alpine Moon (M19), Lava Coil (GRN), Fry (M20), Grafdigger's Cage (M20)
Main 60 cards (11 distinct)
Creature (33)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (4)
Land (23)
Side 15 cards (4 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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This deck is capable of explosive wins, and is designed to win on turn 4 or 5. We have 32 creature-triggers for Goblin Ringleaderimage, which provides more card advantage and board state than either Risk Factorimage or Experimental Frenzyimage. With 32 goblins in the deck, Goblin Ringleaderimage will both put a 2/2 haster on the board, and have a greater than 50% chance of placing 2 cards in your hand. Note also, that Goblin Ringleaderimage does not "search your library" or "draw cards" so neither Narset or Ashiok will hurt it's ability.

For fun, check out this Twitch clip which shows a top-deck of Goblin Ringleaderimage which then draws 4 cards. Keep in mind, this is like winning the lottery, but it happens from time-to-t ime.



Switch the below cards for Infuriateimage


Reanimator: Grafdigger's Cageimage.

Field Decks: Alpine Moonimage.

Vampire: Lava Coilimage.

Sorin Deck: Grafdigger's Cageimage.

Mono Blue Artifact: Fryimage or keep as is.

Feather Decks: Lava Coilimage/Fryimage.

Esper: Fryimage.

Dinos: Its your call between Lava Coilimage and keeping Infuriateimage.

Mirror: Keep as is.

Bant/Simic/Sultai Ramp: Alpine Moonimage if they're turning lands into creatures.

Mono Blue Tempo: Either keep or switch for Fryimage.

Nexus: Fryimage for the planeswalkers, or keep as is and try to rush them down.

Yarok/Golos Field: Fryimage for Yarok, or keep as is and use Goblin Cratermakerimage on Golos. Alpine Moonimage if they're a variant that ramps super fast.


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Last Updated: 09 Aug 2019
Created: 09 Aug 2019
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12 17 8 0 0
0 8 7 0 0
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