Arena Standard - Some Food for Thought (updated 2/17/20)

  • Deck contains 1 invalid cards for this format: Cauldron Familiar (ELD)
Main 60 cards (19 distinct)
Creature (23)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12)
Planeswalker (1)
Land (24)
Maybeboard 5 cards (5 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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2/17/20:  V10 -- Updated.  Long overdue update.  Removed Casualities of War (too slow).  Removed Castle Locthwain and Vraska.  Added in Kroxa, Thrashing Brontodon, Agonizing Remorse, Liliana Dreadhorde General, and Massacre Girl.  Took new cards from Kannister's world deck.

12/9/19: V9 -- Updated.  Removed Lotus Field (did not seem to mesh well -- too slow).  Added in Casualties of War (late game bomb removal).  Removed Paradise Druid.

11/14/19:  V8 -- Updated.  Removed Wicked Wolf and Savvy Hunter (both seemed too expensive and lacked much synergy).  Added in Midnight Reaper and Trail of Crumbs (somewhat followed what AliasV had posted on hers -- thank you!).  Added in Castle Locthwain for extra card draw.  Added in Lotus Field to test.

11/10/19:  V7 -- Updated.  Removed Trail of Crumbs.  Wanted it to work but too slow/expensive early on.  May revisit at a later date.  Removed Taste of Death (same reason as Trail of Crumbs), added in Angrath's Rampage.

10/23/19:  V6 -- Updated.  Removed Baked into a Pie (NOOO!!!) and Chandra Acolyte of Flame.  Added Paradise Druid (more ramp) and Murderous Rider (better removal).  Removed Once Upon A Time and replaced with Wicked Wolf.  Removed Garruk and replaced with Vraska (better synergy).

10/19/19:  V5 -- Updated.  Added Chandra Acolyte of Flame to main deck (adds synergy to sacrifice) and Once Upon A Time.

10/17/19:  V4 -- Updated.  Removed Oko from maybeboard (color scheme does not fit).  Added Insatiable Appetite to maybeboard --  not sure what it would replace if added to main board (Trail of Crumbs?  Taste of Death?).  Angrath's Rampage would fit well too -- not sure what would come out (probably Taste of Death and a few Trail of Crumbs).  Thinking about adding in Chandra Acolyte of Flame (adds to sac aspect) and Midnight Reaper (card draw).

10/4/19:  V3 -- Updated.  Removed Krenko and replaced with Cauldron Familiar.  Thinking about how Rhythm fits and if it is worth it.  Removed Rhythm and replaced with Witch's Oven.

9/27/19:  V2 -- Updated.  Added Fabled Passage and removed some basic lands to add to sacrifice synergy.  Thinking about replacing Trail of Crumbs with Cauldron Familiar.  Thinking about adding in Giant's Skewer (additional food generation for Savvy Hunter blocks).

9/21/19:  V1 -- Created.  Idea is to generate food tokens then use them to pump up Korvold.  Krenko's tokens and Garruk's wolves also viable alternatives.  Removal spells (Bake into a Pie and Taste of Death) generate food tokens along with Savvy Hunter, Gilded Goose, and Trail of Crumbs.  Mayhem Devil pings for sacrificed tokens.  Rhythm of the Wild to get Krenko and Korvold attacking ASAP.  Oko in maybeboard due to food token generation; not sure what he would replace exactly (maybe Rhythm or Trail?).

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Thanks! I try to play decks and combos that are fun. This deck can be frustrating at times to get going. Hope you enjoy it!
This deck is amazing and so much fun! Thanks for sharing!
Last Updated: 18 Feb 2020
Created: 21 Sep 2019
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