Modern - $15 Ninjas

TCGPlayer $44
Cardmarket €30
Cardhoarder 3 Tix
Main 60 cards (13 distinct)
Creature (28)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (8)
Land (24)

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Today we are playing a deck that I actually really enjoy! We are building budget Ninjas! Ninjas are probably one of my favorite "tribes" to make. So lets get right into it. cool

First, we have the cards that activate Ninjitsu. In case you don't know what Ninjitsu is, let me explain. When you attack with a creature and it is unblocked, you can "flash" in a ninja from your hand and replace the card that was unblocked for an alternate casting cost. The cards we have that are used to be Ninjitsued are Changeling Outcastimage, Faerie Seerimage, and Ornithopterimage. Changeling Outcastimage straight up says unblockable so this card will definitly be getting through. Faerie Seerimage has upside in that after we ninjitsu it back into our hand and recast it we get to scry again. Ornithopterimage is great because it is just a free card.

Next up is the the part y'all have been waiting for, THE NINJAS! We run a playset of Moonblade Shinobiimage, Mist-Syndicate Nagaimage, and Ingenious Infiltratorimage. We also have 2 Mistblade Shinobiimage and 2 Fallen Shinobiimage. Moonblade Shinobiimage is a nice card that lets us create chump blockers that fly. Mist-Syndicate Nagaimage is probably one of the best cards in the deck. It not only can be played for 3 mana, is a 3/1, but can even clone itself when it deals comabt damage to a player, which of course will be very easy with all of our unblockables. The clones will even clone themselves to create more clones! Ingenious Infiltratorimage is a 2 mana card that lets us draw a card each time one of our ninjas hits the opponent. That is a pretty powerful ability considering that we will get a bunch of ninjas through. Fallen Shinobiimage is a really fun card to play with. Being able to play cards from your opponents deck is a pretty fun ability and also allows us the chance of playing some amazing card (imagine playing against tron and getting an Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hungerimage or Karn Liberatedimage :P).

Finally, are our spells and enchantments. We run 2 Cast Downimages and 2 Tyrant's Scornimage. I might recommend running more though depending on the match-up. They are nice 2 mana removal that lets us clear the board for our turn 3 Moonblade Shinobiimage or Mist-Syndicate Nagaimages. Smoke Shroudimage is also a great card with a bit of some rulings shenannigins (I think I spelled that right). So the way I'm pretty sure it works is that say you turn one play Faerie Seerimage and then turn two play Smoke Shroudimage on it. Then turn 3 you attack and your Faerie Seerimage is unblocked so you ninjitsu out a Mist-Syndicate Nagaimage. When you do that, the Faerie Seerimage goes back to your hand and the enchantment goes to the graveyard. Then the Smoke Shroudimage's ability triggers and then equips itself onto the Mist-Syndicate Nagaimage.

This is my deck, I hope you enjoy! Please do not steal my deck without my premission :D


About unicornturtle

Fun budget decks & combos!

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